ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 2: The New Beginning

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1,373 posts

Hello and welcome to my newest forum game! Yes, I am back. But first off, I will list some of the reasons why I left in the first place:
1. Real life. I didnt simply have eough time to do it, when I began DtP4 and CaP it was summer break. Then school came and I didnt have time to do it. And having two forum games was just stressing...
2. I got bored. I just overcomplicated it... I didnt have the nerves to do the 30 min. updating everyday. First off I enjoyed it, but then it just became a pain...
3. Ummm... I think thats about it...

So second, what I dont want to happen in this edition of CaP:
Overcomplicate it. Every country had its own sheet. It took forever to update them all... Thats why I wont be giving anyone complete control about a country, I will make up problems, and you will have to solve them.

And last, but not least, the new plans I have for this:
1. We wont stick to one planet for so long as we did last time. We will be hopping from planet to planet, just like we used to in DtP.
2. I want this to be a successor for both, DtP and CaP, do this will include elemetns from both (Terraforming, destruction, conquest...).
3. I do not want to include the Earth itself in this one. At least not early on.
4. From time to time I will make "joke planets". Like worlds from games or movies or so.
5. I might include Earth later on, in certain scenarios. For example I was always interested in alternate history scenarios...

Thats about it I guess. Any suggestions before the game itself starts?

  • 381 Replies
13,701 posts

more volcanic eruptions in yellowstone!

1,761 posts

These humans arnt worthy to live! Look what they do to their preicous planet and they dont even try to stop it! I say melt the polar icecaps and flood them all! If i cant do that, then I move the moon in a &quotermanat" state of eclipse!

97 posts

I make Philippines and Taiwan secretly join forces and name themselves "Country's Hope Secret League". I say that no one will know about their joined forces, and isolate any migration of the people of Taiwan and Philippines to prevent the spread of the secret league. They will not join the war, they will stay neutral for a while.

231 posts

i was a stalker of the old CoP for years.

i create a hurricane and send it towards india

6,257 posts

Quote from Stephen Hawkings...

I'm not religious in the normal sense. I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws.

Therefore, do not break the laws of nature. We are gods, but we don't break our own rules.
229 posts

I increase sun flare activity and magnitude

1,373 posts

No offence Spore but I liked the Old Create the Planet more :/


I launch a Giant Asteroid(1 Quarter of the Moons Size) at the Moon!
Hopefully changing the Moons course to Hit Earth!

Lets see whats more Important Now...Solving the economics Crisis or saving Earth >:3

Dont worry, this is just one of the many planets well be playing with :3
The asteroid will (sadly) fail to hit the Moon! It heads for Earth itself instead... Such an impact would most likely annihlate all life...

I want to help North America control the world! I flood Cuba!

Okay then... Okay...

ok so that means no cool iran ok il take controll of the arab league and make that fars and arab cause tajikestan afghanistan and ... talk farsi pleas at least do this ...

all muslims are focusing on slavik lands they first make anti air defence that means if a missle comes in their area it will get kaaaaaabooooomed in air than they fire their air missles and nuclar bombs to slavak lands and than they send their whole forces (tanks choppers land sea and ...) to destroy most countries and conquer them ...

Sorry, no taking control of nations on this game. Maybe next time.

I create strong tension in the tectonic plates between north and south America and Europe, to push them apart. They will be farther now. I will then force California to heighten its land mass so that it has a less chance of sinking into the water.

It will be included in the major events.

more volcanic eruptions in yellowstone!

Well, it blows up completely. Congratz, you maniac.

These humans arnt worthy to live! Look what they do to their preicous planet and they dont even try to stop it! I say melt the polar icecaps and flood them all! If i cant do that, then I move the moon in a &quotermanat" state of eclipse!

The icecaps are melting... And what do you mean by permanent state of eclipse? That they arent gonna be able to see the Moon or just knock it out somewhere into space?

I make Philippines and Taiwan secretly join forces and name themselves "Country's Hope Secret League". I say that no one will know about their joined forces, and isolate any migration of the people of Taiwan and Philippines to prevent the spread of the secret league. They will not join the war, they will stay neutral for a while.

Its impossible for Taiwan to join a secret league, while under occupation by communists.

i was a stalker of the old CoP for years.

i create a hurricane and send it towards india

The biggest cities arent coastal cities. Not that many people die.

I increase sun flare activity and magnitude

You have just shortened the Suns cycles from 11-12 years, to 6.

Lets skip a bit ahead shall we? Lets skip 15 years to be exact...

Major events in the meantime:
2014: The Communist Bloc won the Korean and Japanese wars.
2015:A gigantic asteroid found, on collision course with Earth. It will annihlate all life. It is expected to crash in 2030.
2017: The EU finally collapses.
2018: China annexes Bhutan, Nepal and Mongolia.
2019: Continental anomalies occur. The Atlantic ocean is drifting apart by 1 km per MONTH. It is getting faster and faster.
2020: The Yellowstone caldera erupts. Billions of people worldwide dead.
2021: The Berring strait is closed once again.
2022: North and South America split up. Argentina crashes into Antarctica. This will cause climate changes.
2023: New islands are forming in volcanic zones, especially in the Atlantic drift.
2024: The Southern polar cap completely molten.
2025: Series of huge hurricanes hit India.
2026: The USSR are reformed, but under a democratic goverment, calling themself The New United Soviet Republics (NUSR).
2027: The efforts of saving humanity have reached their highest point. There is a space race beetween the four sides, the Slavs, the Americas, the Communist Bloc and the Arabs. The NEA is not partaking in it.
2028: The Northern polar cap completely molten.

Planet: Earth
Year: December 2028
Population: 3 847 026 114
Goverments: 174
399 posts

I send a super flu that doesn't kill anyone. It causes the entire population to erupt in giant burning, bright blue rashes, that are really itchy.

229 posts

Millions of miles away a black hole causes a star to implode releasing a burst of gamma. The super heated energy feathers smashes the south of the equator

3,896 posts

Well the earths core begins heating up.

1,761 posts

By permantate eclipse i mean the moon will always be directly infront of the sun from the view on earth to where a total solar eclipse goes on every day and every night.

97 posts

I will make world's greatest scientists to formulate a research on how to destroy the nearing asteroids that will annihilate life.

1,255 posts

australias scientists work on a great virus to make it destroy all cancer types ... they are working on someones body it shows bad effects the man becomes very strong and very hungry and tries to eat the scientists it bites both of them and charges at the soldiers that were guarding there ... sydney is now infected with a very extreamly dangoures creatures ... will australia survive on its own ?? or it needs help of other nations ??????!!!

231 posts

yeah...hurricanes hit india....gee...wonder where you got that....

I break a plate in austrailia.

(this is more like 'destroy a planet'

4,049 posts

Before the Asteroid hits I tell the People that they are doomed

Showing 31-45 of 381