I train as a samurai for 10 years and challenge link to the duel again but when we do the single slash i avoids it and stab link through the heart from behind(who needs bushido?)
9,020/10,000 Resistances:Anything to do with stars or cartoons Allies810/1,000 , Meta Knight:890/1,000 , 900 M1A1 Abrams , 890 Nuclear Submarines , Gunthex 2,940/3,000, masterofexitpath 2,940/3,000 , 10 Turrets , 5 Rocket Launcher Turrets , 5 Minigun Turrets Specials:Morph-Can't use the same kind of attack twice. -20 From sonicheroes95's attacks.
@Gunthex You set up those turrets. But healing isn't allowed.
@Somewhat49 How does that make you feel? -90 HP
@ichigo773 You don't tell me what happens. I tell you what happens. But, once again, you get destroyed in battle against Link. He is much better than you in swordplay. But you manage to hit him once. -80 HP
@Darkfire BOOOOOOOM -60 HP
@aloevera You are shot down, exploded, chopped up, and exploded again by his allies.
@masterofexitpath Congratulations my good sir! You are now an ally! PROTECT HIM
9,020/10,000 Resistances:Anything to do with stars or cartoons Allies810/1,000 , Meta Knight:890/1,000 , 900 M1A1 Abrams , 890 Nuclear Submarines , Gunthex 2,870/3,000, masterofexitpath 2,870/3,000 , 10 Turrets , 5 Rocket Launcher Turrets , 5 Minigun Turrets Specials:Morph-Can't use the same kind of attack twice. -20 From sonicheroes95's attacks.
@ichigo773 Too bad you pay no mind to meta knight... You lose a hand.
I throw kirby and allies into a black hole. and then i throw that black hole into a black hole. and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and then i throw that black hole into a black hole.and i repeat millions of times. and then i stick the remains in hydroflouric acid. and i stick that into the sun. and i stick the sun into a black hole...(etc.)
8,915/10,000 Resistances:Anything to do with stars or cartoons Allies780/1,000 , Meta Knight:860/1,000 , 870 M1A1 Abrams , 860 Nuclear Submarines , Gunthex 2,840/3,000, masterofexitpath 2,840/3,000 , 10 Turrets , 5 Rocket Launcher Turrets , 5 Minigun Turrets , Spectre AC 130 Specials:Morph-Can't use the same kind of attack twice. -20 From sonicheroes95's attacks.
@Gunthex You do that.
@Darkfire45 Blam Blam Blam -75 HP
@StormWalker Kirby has resistance to stars. -30 HP
8,915/10,000 Resistances:Anything to do with stars or cartoons Allies755/1,000 , Meta Knight:860/1,000 , 870 M1A1 Abrams , 860 Nuclear Submarines , Gunthex 2,840/3,000, masterofexitpath 2,840/3,000 , 10 Turrets , 5 Rocket Launcher Turrets , 5 Minigun Turrets , Spectre AC 130 Specials:Morph-Can't use the same kind of attack twice. -20 From sonicheroes95's attacks.
@StormWalker He gets him in his mouth but Link stabs him and gets out. -25 HP