If you don't know what I mean, then here is an example:What if, you were sitting down with your laptop and it suddenly turned into a giant banana?
What if I said what if?
what if i created a hydrogen bomb that will destroy the world?
What if You're banned was locked?
What if the whole plant was made of cheese?
What if i screamed something retarded and then shot myself?
What if I don't get the point of the game?
What if Wild Eeps ran across your keyboard?
What if you didn't have to do anything for a Klondike bar?
What if our language was replaced with clicks and shry screeches?
What if The world wasn't Civiliized and the people not educated?
what if there was a planet made of bones?
What if I got a hamberger and the hamberger ate me?
What if hot dogs were actually made from dogs?
What if this website didn't exist?
what if i ate a bomb and turned into a radioactive super-person then exploded?
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