ForumsForum GamesMonster Slayer (RPG)

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Reading everything is recommended before you join.


There has been a recent overpopulation of monsters among your fair land. Most of these monsters are quite fierce and deadly. The monsters have been attacking villages all across the land. You are a lone warrior seeking to help defend your people from the dangerous overpopulation.


You must upgrade your character to find the king of monsters, defeat him, and vanquish all his underlings along the way.


You will need to travel around to different areas and upgrade your character as you prefer. Instead of choosing a class to begin with, you may upgrade your character to resemble a class you prefer. After you defeat a monster, you will gain some materials from it. You may use the materials to craft weapons and items or you may sell them for coins. The weapons you can wield and make, depends on your stats. (P.S. you may not always get materials from monsters.)


There are many different places to explore throughout this RPG. The maps will be quite simple, since this is a RPG, not an adventure game. I'll summarize the map. Each player will start in the village of 'Rhoedia'. This village has (P.S. this is important if you want to go places):
A general store (containing health poitions and various items for sale)
A weapons store (from which weapons are bought and sold)
The inn (used to restore health at a price)
The bank (used to store money, weapons and items)
And Several houses belonging to the locals.

The buildings are accessible from anywhere in the village. From Rhoedia, you can follow 'The Forest Trail.' You may venture off of or on to the trail at any time. When you go off the trail and into the wilderness for a while, is when you go to fight monsters. The deeper into the forest you go, the higher difficulty the monsters will be. But the harder monsters will give you more experience points and better materials. Once you get back to the trail, you may follow it to a big gate. This is all the map information I'll give you for now, the rest is for you to explore!


Monsters will vary in all sorts of shapes, sizes, stats, abilities, and locations. I'll inform you when you encounter a monster, what it is and what its stats are, before you try to fight it.


First off, you'll need 20 exp to level up, to level up again, you need to add %50 of what you needed before. Example: 20 exp will be needed to level up first, %50 of 20 is 10 so add those two together and you'll need to reach a total of 30 exp to level up again, %50 of 30 is 15 so add the two together and you'll need to reach a total of 45 exp, (When it's uneven, I'll round up for you) then a total of 68 exp is needed to level up again, then a total of 102 exp, then 153 exp, and so on. If you don't understand, it's okay, I will handle the exp addition anyway. After every level up, you will be able to upgrade your character with 4 extra points.


Name: (A maximum of 2 parts)
Gender: (M or F)
Age: (between 18 and 35)
Level: 1
Experience: 0/20
--------Variable Stats--------
Vitality: 20/20 (Maximum increases by 10 after each level up)
Strength: 1 (Increased strength allows you to wield heavier and more powerful weapons)
Power: 1 (The ability to deal more damage)
Defense: 1 (The ability to resist damage)
Accuracy: 1 (The better chances of hitting the opponent)
Agility: 1 (The ability to dodge attacks)
Stealth: 1 (The ability to avoid being ambushed by monsters)
Experience Collection Rate: 1 (Makes monsters give more exp after being defeated.)
Coin Collection: 1 (Makes monsters drop more coins)
Material Collection: 1 (Makes monsters leave more crafting materials)
Maximum Inventory: 5 (How many items you can hold.)
Max Weapon Inventory: 3 (How many unused weapons you can drag around.)
Coins: 10/100 (How much money you have, and can hold)
Item Inventory: None (The list of where the items you collect are held)
Weapon/shield Inventory: None (The list of where your unused weapons/shields are held)
Equipped weapon: Simple sword (Shows which weapon you are using. Now, you start with a single, simple sword. By finding/buying better weapons, you can upgrade.)
Equipped Shield: None (You can find/buy new shields)
Armor: Basic (You can find/buy new armor)


1. Just because you can go into an area doesn't mean it's safe. Monsters more powerful than you may be lurking around.
2. If you lose a battle you will immediately respawn at Rhoedia with half vitality.
3. You may "Ask a local" whenever you are in the village if you need some advice.
4. When you beat a monster, I will tell you what raw resources you gain, and put them in your inventory. At any time, you may "Attempt to craft an item from..." whichever items from your inventory, and with luck, you'll make a weapon, shield, or armor.
5.I recommend you balance out your character, rather than spend all your upgrade points on something like, agility.
6. You do have two hands, but two hands only. This means you can either hold one huge weapon, a weapon and a shield, or two light weapons.

Words from the creator (me)

I will try to be as active as I can, in order to keep up with everyone. I will only be able to handle 15-20 players. You may join at any time. Except for your vitality, experience points, and level, you will be in control of changing your own stats (But still monitored by me to prevent you from CHEATING), I will add things to your inventory as you collect them. As far as player-to-player interaction, it is encouraged. You may swap weapons, gold, and strategies as long as both players agree. Trades will also be overseen by me, so I can be aware of any inventory changes, and prevent mishaps. You may also battle the monsters in co-op, but the experience from the monster will be divided between the battlers. (P.S. This is going to be somewhat of a basic RPG, and you will not be able to use any magic attacks. Sorry if I disappoint you. I may make a more advanced RPG sequel to this one, if this one is successful. Then I'll include magic powers.)

Now, get going and have fun!

  • 304 Replies
5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Gender: M
Age: 18
Level: 5
Experience: 70/102
Vitality: 47/60
Strength: 4
Power: 5
Defense: 5
Accuracy: 4
Agility: 5
Stealth: 3
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 2
Maximum Inventory: 8
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Steel-reinforced, Cyclops-bone sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Thick Plated

Got it! 6, 3, 9, 6 on one side, 7, 8, 4, 5 on another.

4,584 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 5/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 15/100
Item Inventory: None
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Basic

After I loot the monster of anything useful I continue to look for the two head giant lizard.

1,391 posts

Name: Thomas Mason
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Level: 2
Experience: 20/30
Vitality: 14/30
Strength: 2
Power: 3
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 30/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur,
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Two Simple swords
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Serpent Scaled

I'll run around it to confuse it.

(Fighting 7ft Giant)

896 posts

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 14/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 65/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

You walk in and the shopkeeper says "Howdy, feller." You see the usual items on the shelves: Small health potion (Heals 10 Costs 15), Medium health potion (Heals 30 Costs 40), Large health potion (Heals 60 Costs 70), Universal antidote (Heals 5, removes poison, and removes dizziness. Costs 15) A shovel (Never know what it could be used for. Costs 20)

Name: Gregor Outridge
Gender: M
Age: 18
Level: 5
Experience: 70/102
Vitality: 47/60
Strength: 4
Power: 5
Defense: 5
Accuracy: 4
Agility: 5
Stealth: 3
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 2
Maximum Inventory: 8
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Steel-reinforced, Cyclops-bone sword
Secondary weapon: Slingshot
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Thick Plated

(A bit more difficult puzzle that time 'eh? haha.)

Just as you walk in to a large room you see the thief transform into a werewolf. Your crafting tools, 20 coins, and shield are all on a table behind him. He has fiery red eyes, pointy ears, sharp claws, and teeth to match. The room is highly decorated with crystal vases and fine china, much like the first room. There are candles lit on tables, several chairs and couches. Using the environment, slingshot and your sword as a team may help to defeat the monster.

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 5/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 15/100
Item Inventory: None
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Basic

You walk along for what seems like hours. And you finally stumble upon the 8-foot tall beast. It has tough scales, large claws, a long tail and two horns on each head.

Name: Thomas Mason
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Level: 2
Experience: 20/30
Vitality: 12/30
Strength: 2
Power: 3
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 30/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur,
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Two Simple swords
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Serpent Scaled

Success! It loses track of where you are, and you get some good hits on it. But it soon finds you and kicks you back.

4,584 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 5/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 15/100
Item Inventory: None
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Basic

I try to sneak around it so I can attack it from behind. I plan to jump on to its back and shoving my sword in as deep as possible. After that I will try to hang on for the ride.

942 posts

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 14/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 65/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

I buy 3 small health potions.

896 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 5/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 25/100
Item Inventory: None
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Basic

You do some fancy moves and are able to get around him and stab him to pieces. +7 exp. +10 coins. He also has some tough bones that you might be able to craft into a weapon.

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 14/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10) (4)
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

You give the shopkeeper the money and walk out with your items.

942 posts

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 14/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10) (4)
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

I drink two small health potions then I look for quests in the city

5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Gender: M
Age: 18
Level: 5
Experience: 70/102
Vitality: 47/60
Strength: 4
Power: 5
Defense: 5
Accuracy: 4
Agility: 5
Stealth: 3
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 2
Maximum Inventory: 8
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Steel-reinforced, Cyclops-bone sword
Secondary weapon: Slingshot
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Thick Plated

I'll try to shoot him in the eye with the slingshot.

4,584 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 12/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 25/100
Item Inventory: None
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Basic

I pick up the bones and then collect prof of my deed to show to the villager that was willing to pay me for killing this monster.

896 posts

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 34/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10) (2)
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

You join a conversation between two individuals. They discuss about a large gate at the end of the forest trail and one man from the conversation plans to investigate. Will you accompany him?

Name: Gregor Outridge
Gender: M
Age: 18
Level: 5
Experience: 70/102
Vitality: 47/60
Strength: 4
Power: 5
Defense: 5
Accuracy: 4
Agility: 5
Stealth: 3
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 2
Maximum Inventory: 8
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Steel-reinforced, Cyclops-bone sword
Secondary weapon: Slingshot
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Thick Plated

He ducks and it misses. But the shot knocked down a picture frame, which revealed a small trap-door in the wall. Perhaps something to investigate after the fight. The werewolf then grabs a vase and throws it at you.

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 12/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 45/100
Item Inventory: Cyclops bones
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: Light, metal
Armor: Basic

You take the cyclops head into the village. You find the man who told you of the monster, he sends you off to the mayor who can reward you. The mayor then rewards you 20 coins and a light, metal shield. The mayor also says that when you upgrade your strength, you will be able to craft the cyclops bones into a powerful weapon.

5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Gender: M
Age: 18
Level: 5
Experience: 70/102
Vitality: 47/60
Strength: 4
Power: 5
Defense: 5
Accuracy: 4
Agility: 5
Stealth: 3
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 2
Maximum Inventory: 8
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Steel-reinforced, Cyclops-bone sword
Secondary weapon: Slingshot
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Thick Plated

I'll dodge the vase, and try again for the forehead.

942 posts

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 34/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10) (2)
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

I decide to join the man in his adventure.

4,584 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 12/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 45/100
Item Inventory: Cyclops bones
Weapon/shield Inventory: None
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield: Light, metal
Armor: Basic

I thank the mayor for the money and then head to the nearest in to see how much a room will cost so when I have the money I can buy one and have a place for my stuff. I doubt the shield will be put to much use cause I'm a two weapon fighter.

896 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Gender: M
Age: 18
Level: 5
Experience: 70/102
Vitality: 47/60
Strength: 4
Power: 5
Defense: 5
Accuracy: 4
Agility: 5
Stealth: 3
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 2
Maximum Inventory: 8
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2),
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Steel-reinforced, Cyclops-bone sword
Secondary weapon: Slingshot
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Thick Plated

You dodge, then he dodges.

Name: Tan monk
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Level: 3
Experience: 32/45
Vitality: 34/40
Power: 2
Strength: 1
Defense: 3
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 2
Stealth: 2
Experience Collection Rate: 3
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1 (+crafting tools)
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 20/150
Item Inventory: Rat Fur (2), Small health potion (Heals 10) (2)
Weapon/shield Inventory:
Equipped weapon: Simple sword, and Scale sword
Secondary weapon: None
Equipped Shield: None
Armor: Comfy, Metal, Cyclops bone armor

You both follow the path that leads to a large, dark blue gate which blocks the path and the view. There is also a guard in a tower who hasn't seen you yet. You can: Turn around, or alert the guard that you're there, or you can try to sneak past.

Name: Storm Dragon
Gender: F
Age: 22
Level: 1
Experience: 12/20
Vitality: 18/20
Strength: 1
Power: 1
Defense: 1
Accuracy: 1
Agility: 1
Stealth: 1
Experience Collection Rate: 1
Coin Collection: 1
Material Collection: 1
Maximum Inventory: 5
Max Weapon Inventory: 3
Coins: 65/100
Item Inventory: Cyclops bones
Weapon/shield Inventory: Light, metal
Equipped weapon: Simple sword
Secondary weapon:
Equipped Shield:
Armor: Basic

(You had two weapons? Or you are going to get two?)

You walk in to an innkeeperless inn, but a sign says you may leave 5 coins on the desk for a room if you want.

Showing 286-300 of 304