The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Do you do that by answering with a question and an answer?
I'm confused, What just happened?
Confusion is everywhere.
Is cactus an animal-ish creature?
If you can kill it.
How does penguin wings taste with pepper?
It tastes like pie.
Why is there a bomb in your stomach?
Because of the Nazis.
Can you teach me how to dance?
You should audition for So You Think You Can Dance, that's a great place to start
Will we ever count to 100?
Probably not.
Will Storm ever approve of me marrying her sister?
Yes, because it's totally normal marrying somome you kinda know from online's sister, and having her and her sister approve it
Will I ever reach 250 quests?
If you do all the easy quests, yes.
What will you change your name to?
Pegasus_Queen (I'm actually not sure, but that's an idea)
Why is the infinity sign a sideways 8, and why does the number 8 look like a snowman, do you wanna build a snowman??
No, if I build a snowman I'll just let it go.
Why have I never seen Frozen?
because you have no siblings
Why is that song still in the charts?!
They're using the charts from last year.
Should I pee?
in your pants, right now.
cant i stay?
Matters what Clancy says
What does the Clancy say?
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