The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
They are simply too many penguins, so he wants to do some funny things with them... kinda population-control.
I am hungry... why?
Because the last thing you ate was a new comers head, and it was awfully empty.
Why does Unleashed always ask about food?
Because you aren't thirsty
Why does 11+1=111?
because the person who wrote that's on math.
why can't I waste all my time here.
Because your time is wasted on wasteful things.
Why can't life just let me earn from being on AG
because that is life.
why can't my math be simple?
Because your writing is too complicated.
Why did everyone change their armatar?
I didn't, am i not someone?
Why didn't i answer?
You did.
Why is the sky falling?
Because there's a colony drop today.
Why doesn't Char Aznable drop more asteroids?
Because who the hell is that?
Why doesn't anyone care about the Earth?
because the earth doesn't care about us.
why are the forums acting up?
Because the hamsters which run the servers are having a strike.
What can a dinosaur do whilst hanging upside-down from a tree?
clap its hands
Why am I the only Pegasus on AG
Rip barbecued the rest.
Why can't I find Clancy's fingernail?
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