Well, since this an intermission and a direct sequel, all of the status from before has fixed! But now we need to re-stabelize reality after Dark Super pretty much broke it. That, and refill our army.
*sigh* Ok... Before my insane side gets himself brutally murdered... shall we work together on this?
You mean... Combine insanity with your hardware?
*Insane me does a rapid series of blinks then stabs poizaz into spine with the taser knife with the taser function ON (paralyses you). Then sane me stabs poizaz in the nose with the bayonet of a FN SCAR-H, then follows that up with unloading the entire clip of hollow points into Poizaz's head.* (If the bayonet stabs you in the nose, the barrel of the gun would be aimed between your eyes.)
Did i say a FULL clip of tracers? I'm sorry, one of them was a tracking device...
YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!1!11!!!one!1 GET OVER HERE! *Shoots serrated grappling hook into poizaz's back and pulls him in* WE'RE GONNA HAVE LOSA FUN TOGETHER ^_^
I finish tinkering and the frankencube V2 that I was editing hops onto Rick's head like a headcrab and sets it's weight to 300 pounds, while the other that had a sentry added onto it shoots tranquilliser shots and tracking devices into Rick and Insane Rick. I then press a button and turrets pop out all around me, and shoot Rick and Insane Rick. I then leave, and the frankencubes follow me back to my workshop. I then EMP the tracker and cut the grapple chain. I also get a robot to surgically remove the grapple.
*insane laughter* GET BACK HERE! AND YOU! GET UP! *jams a stimpack into sane me's arm* WE GOT PEOPLE TO MURDER!
yah i'm goin... you realize that the stim wasnt necessarily at all right?
y not???
my armor you moron... now lets do somethin bout these turrets... even though the idiot loaded them with 9mm pistol rounds which literally bounce off my armor...
*sane me brings out the FN SCAR-L again and shoots all the turrets with armor percing rounds. then insane me throws 5 stun grenades and 5 flashbangs into the workshop followed by 2 frags*
I was just equipping my force armor. I press a button and the decoys that I sent up explode. I then press another and adminium plated turrets that shoot plasma frag shots pop up and the sentry cube shoots acid shots at Rick and Insane Rick. I then enter a password and the animal king turret, loaded with large napalm, pops out and barrages Rick and Insane Rick with fiery hell.
here, let me handle this... all machines have a power capacity, adminium or not...
*sane me tosses an EMP grenade at the turrets and the cube, turning them off for some time, then insane me uses his lightning spell to overload the circuitry inside the turrets, causing them to explode internally...*
I send the next batch oif turrets, these with adminium plating and anti-EMP shields. Otherwise, they are like the last. The animal king turret is also rebuild with shields. I also send almost all of the heroes at Rick and Insane Rick. The turrets resume firing and the Animal King resumes making hell. I also import Ghast Pearls and fill the area near Rick and Insane Rick with Ghasts, which scream and blow Rick and Insane rick up. I then repair the cube with the sentry, add EMP proofing, and load it with beacons that make pigman hurt sounds. Then some pigmen, who think that one of their fellow pigmen were killed by Rick and Insane Rick, attack in huge armies. I then go through a teleporter to an airship with the cube, and destroy the teleporter exit.
ummmm... you know you've completely lost it right?
*we do a series of blinks out of the workshop, then sane me gets in a n AC-1000 experimental gunship and insane me gets in a Sooprizer experimental gunship [img]http://images.wikia.com/supcom2/images/4/42/Sooprizer.jpg[/img]*
fine... we both turn our gunships towards dark super and begin overcharging our weapons at a rate based on our ETA so that they can fire with max potential the moment we get within optimal firing range and still not blow up due to energy overload.