Well, since this an intermission and a direct sequel, all of the status from before has fixed! But now we need to re-stabelize reality after Dark Super pretty much broke it. That, and refill our army.
Wave 8- Dark Super Part 1 Enemies: Dark Super Aspect (50,000 HP) Progress: Status: Neutrals: Allies: Damaged: Nicholas98, GeminiDelta, sonicheroes95, CommanderDude7 Critical: Garriss Dead: bigfatkitty, rick073 Epic Dead: Status: Annoying(Warning): Poobaloofa, Irradiated to Goo(banned): In the Paradise Dimension:
@sonicheroes95: You get healed, but Dark Super evades too much and you can't draw a bead on him!
@tom0000009: You collect a pile of android parts, but dimenional warp devices are kinda illegal now. Also, our income sources got destroyed earlier, as well as the factory.
@DarthNerd: Well, why not some better creatures, like Knuckle Joes or Wheelies?
You miss with the silverware as Sketch Cat melts your cross without even knowing!
@CommanderDude7: Dark Super kick the sapper back onto your face and starts do damage you!
@Garriss: What prisoners? I think the prison was blow up with the prisoners.
Wave 8- Dark Super Part 1 Enemies: Dark Super Aspect (40,000 HP) Progress: Status: Neutrals: Allies: Damaged: Nicholas98, GeminiDelta, sonicheroes95, CommanderDude7 Critical: Garriss, rick073 Dead: bigfatkitty, Epic Dead: Status: Annoying(Warning): Poobaloofa, Irradiated to Goo(banned): In the Paradise Dimension:
*Sane me takes out dual guass rifles and riddles poizaz with armor piercing ammunition. Then insane me puts poizaz in a choke hold and pours magic fire down his throat.*
Wave 8- Dark Super Part 1 Enemies: Dark Super Aspect (22,500 HP) Progress: Status: Neutrals: Allies: Damaged: Nicholas98, GeminiDelta, sonicheroes95, CommanderDude7 Critical: Garriss, rick073 Poizaz00 Dead: bigfatkitty, Epic Dead: Status: Annoying(Warning): Poobaloofa, Irradiated to Goo(banned): In the Paradise Dimension:
I hurl splash potion of damage 3s at rick and insane rick. I then mine to make money. When I have enough, I import an auto-miner (and of course make it mine), and add ion relocation engines and solar panels when I have enough for them.