Well, since this an intermission and a direct sequel, all of the status from before has fixed! But now we need to re-stabelize reality after Dark Super pretty much broke it. That, and refill our army.
Wave 8- Dark Super Part 1 Enemies: Dark Super Aspect (17,500 HP) Progress: Status: Stunlocked Neutrals: Allies: Damaged: Nicholas98, GeminiDelta, sonicheroes95, CommanderDude7 Critical: Garriss, rick073, Poizaz00 Dead: bigfatkitty, Epic Dead: Status: Annoying(Warning): Poobaloofa, Irradiated to Goo(banned): In the Paradise Dimension:
Talow H: shut up. *uses Sword Pierce on Dark Super making sure not to hit CD7, then jumps and Air Hikes my way up to him and unleashes a massive combo on him with my fists and feet before pulling my sword out of him and slashing him with it repeatedly.*
Talow C: try to not team kill. yesh, Pinkie Pie has better aim then you.
Do I have enough money to start up the factory? If so, O start up the factory and use nyan cat to power it. After that, I go to get the peices of sonic's old android body.
i'm gonna hold my sword instead of pulling it out when CD7 uppercuts Dark Super, and end the series of slashes after pulling my sword out of Dark Super once the rising stops with a Helm Breaker.
Talow C: no, i'm stuck here because a few 'gods' or whatever wants me to fix the source of the reality breaking this locker. aka, defeat Dark Super apparently. oh and Pinkie Pie, can you go and see if you can find any more limit metals?
Talow C: Pinkie Pie? dunno... might not actually be here. also, Pinkie Pie's a girl. as for the 'gods' hell if i know. Dark Super is the guy you're beating the **** out of at the moment...