But then, the Arabs-with all of their mighty oil-cried about it, and thus, you have an anti-Israeli UN.
I wonder why you threw in the oil adjective here as though it was a negative trait of theirs.
The UN once had many more sympathetic nations to Israel, but then the governments changed, and now, as a collective group, the feel the need to condemn Israel for every action that it takes.
As far as I recall the number of sympathetic nations has increased to include neutral Arab nations and Turkey to boot.
The world felt guilty, and decided to give the Jews a country.
Clearly then, I smell a distinct whiff of biasness? Or am I leaping too much to conclusions?
Wikipedia, while nice, is not exactly what I am looking for. Quote me a UN page, or a page where international law specifically making the Israeli settlements illegal.
Do you really want a torrent of UN resolutions stating how such settlements are illegal?
Resolution 446 (Mentions the 4th Geneva Convention to boot).
Resolution 452 Resolution 465 These are just the Security Council Resolutions, i.e even the US acknowledges them.
Article 49, 4th Geneva Convention:
The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.Is it Israel's fault that the Pals want to go to the table already getting everything they want? No, it's not. Unreasonable demands by the Palestinians have hindered the peace process way too long!
The right of return is not unreasonable if managed properly. The 1967 borders are not unreasonable, furthermore both publics agree so, and the destruction of illegal settlements is not unreasonable given the lack of legality of their existence. Furthermore, the Israelis have on more than one occasion been as obstinate as the Palestinians on budging.
Still think that Israel is crazy for not exactly going back to the table immediately?
I still think that Israel is unreasonable. It's settlements are illegal, and continuing to build them whilst a peace settlement is hammered out is tantamount to showing the insincerity of the Israelis ; that they can carry on building despite not knowing the outcome of the negotiations. Furthermore, East Jerusalem has been allotted to the Palestinians even under the 1967 borders, and if the previous government has agreed to release prisoners, they should abide by that.
The Palestinians are unreasonable for demanding so much just to get to a peace table, but that doesn't mean that the Israelis themselves are not tainted.
And...back to the anti-Israeli slogans...
Which is a slogan backed by reason. You yourself stated that Israel was created based on the guilt of the world and the fact that the Jews saw it as an ancient home. Flippant and weak reasons. Just because it is anti-Israeli does not mean it is necessarily bad and dismissable,
the Palestinians have been lucky that the Israeli government has not taken more violent action!
If they did, I can fully empathise with how it is painted as a bully by innocent people. Israel has no right to violate innocents, let alone escalate them. Period.
However, the Palestinians can't keep pushing their luck with Israeli patience. That is a recipe for disaster.
Wasn't someone a few pages back going on how Israel was the small and weak nation in a sea of opponents and hostility? That was a nice U-turn somewhere.
Just because Israel is in a superior position does not mean it can use it's weight to push down the Palestinians and demand unfair terms and then claim they were lucky to get a few scraps of land.