It is offensive that you dare attempt to equate the Nazis with Israelis. For one difference, Israel doesn't persecute people for having a religion, and does not exactly persecute the Palestinians. It is not persecution if a civilian gets caught in crossfire between a militant and a soldier. If you want to complain about civilian deaths, write a letter to the US government protesting the over 110,000 civilian deaths in Iraq.
I stated that if Israel keeps aiming for a Jewish state, then they are the same as the Nazi who aimed for an Aryan state. Both are based on race/culture and if all the Israelis claim like you that Israel has got to have a Jewish flavour, I don't see how the two differ. Also, note that I wasn't talking about the Palestinians in this case. I was talking about the Arab Israelis, those who already live under Israel. So, sort out your understanding of what I wrote before complaining.
Yes, because Israel hasn't threatened any of the Arab countries with military force other than striking at nuclear programs! Israel has never issued statements calling for the destruction of one of her neighbors, or even remotely threatened these countries with invasion.
Correct, Israel has not threatened them.
They simply took any targets they please, without even ascertaining whether they were meant for peaceful purposes or not. Furthermore, Iran for example has not stated that it wants to develop nukes to destroy Israel.
Ummm, no. Nuclear weapons are a great detterent for Israel's security.
And erm no, nuclear weapons from the
Arab view is NOT a deterrent, but a blatant potential threat to their nations. This again, is a huge doublestandard both on yours and Israel's part. As you often like to hypothesis, as seen from your wild claim that Syrians will launch all their missiles at Israel if they implode, then I too can hypothesise that Israel will not forever be so passive, which might have some weight given that said religious and more anti-Arab Jews are on the ascendent.
Except they are linked. If Israel gives up land, and then that land given up detracts from their ability to defend themselves, than peace with other Arabs is linked to peace with Palestinians.
They were well able to defend themselves without the Golan Heights and the Sinai. It is extremely hypocritical and bullying, to claim that for one's own safety, safety which can be obtained by peace treaties, and through the UN, one has to evict millions of innocent Palestinians and claim that somehow the Israelis have a greater right to such protection.
For the sake of THIS debate, it is, because when I use the term "arab" I mean the countries in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, and Jordan, Syria, etc.
Good to clarify then, but unfortunately too, Iran is not in the Arabian Penisula.
Again, I am going to say that because you are Jewish, you do not have a full grasp on the...value of the country. For Israel to remain Israel, it MUST have a Jewish majority. If Vatican City had a Catholic minority, it would be unheard of. Israel must maintain its Jewish identity, as it is a symbol of two thousand years of hope.
Israel is as you supposedly said, secular state as what they have proclaimed dozens of times. If they are not, but are Jewish, come clean and let the world see how hypocritical they are. They claim they are accepting of people, and for peace, but if their true motives in the end are just to maintain the power of an increasingly decreasing and soon to be minority, then my comparision with the Nazi is not unjustified. Both aim to keep the power of the select few and on the basis of a race.
When and if the Pals get their own country, right of return should be off the table
Nope. Just because they would have their own nation, doesn't mean all of them would move there. Some would still like to return to their ancestral homes in Israel today. They
HAVE a right to do so, and to prevent someone from returning to their homeland
(How would the Jews have liked it if the UN or Brits prevented them from doing so in 1948?), is simply bullying, and there is no use to deny that it IS bullying.
And yes, I am not Jewish. That doesn't mean I don't understand the blood and pain they went through. But Palestinians too have gone through such blood and pain. With the declining Jewish birthrate overall, I would like to see in the next few decades if the Israeli government would increasingly try to maintain an ARTIFICIAL Jewish character to the state, and claim that it is FAIR, to deny that the Jews are no longer the majority. The Declaration of Independence in Israel declares Israel a Jewish and Democratic state, and that is a document that reeks of utter discrimination. It states that at no matter what cost, the Jewish character of the state must not be violated; we shall see how the people in charge deal with it when the demographic time bomb explodes.