Floor 1: zombie farmFloor 2: godFloor 3: Miltary baseEtc.I'll start:Floor 1: TNT Timebomb that will explode at floor 373847297373637's creation.
Floor 13: Raining cats and dogs!
Floor 14: Yellow peach treesCan a mod delete the first three posts on this page?? (and delete this extra sentence.)
Floor 15: Two boxes, where one drops you two the first floor and another teleports you to Floor 17!(Can we like make an RPG about this when it reaches Floor 50? I think it would be successful)
(and delete this extra sentence.)
Floor 17: A room full of female monkeys that shoot lasers out of their eyes.
Floor 18: A weaponry of melee weapons from past to future.b
Floor 19: An archive of all floors above this one.
Floor 20: My room containing a teleporter to Floor 1
Floor 20: completely empty
sorry i ment 21
Floor 21: A paintball arena with a forest theme.
Darkfire yours should be 22
Floor 22: A match that is burning dark fires.
That would be floor 23.Floor 24: An ape playground with turtles.
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