Floor 1: zombie farmFloor 2: godFloor 3: Miltary baseEtc.I'll start:Floor 1: TNT Timebomb that will explode at floor 373847297373637's creation.
Floor 25: My apartment with a fully-stocked minibar, indoor hot-tub, King-size bed, wood-paneled interior, heated tile floor, neon rave lights, and awesome furniture! Come and party whenever you want?
Floor 26: A detonator to the bomb I put on floor 25. (No hard feelings.)
Floor 27: A tiny village filled with tiny people and animals and tiny plants and trees.
Floor 28: A place where all of you imaginations come to life.
Floor 29: Piles of fake explosives scattered around.
Floor 30: batman wearing a skirt going "nanananananananananana"
floor 31 a bunch of nerds going 24 hr hacking contests
Floor 32: A medieval place where you need to defeat all the soldiers to pass.
Floor 33: A futuristic place where transporters are real.
floor 34: stairs to floor 35
Floor 35: A disco room.
floor 36:an trapdoor that leads to floor 37 (dont ask me how)
floor 37: a balloooooooooooooooon parteh!!!Nnn ss nn ss nn ss nn ss nn ss (nightclub music)
floor38: a Pit fall trap that leads to floor 39
Floor 39: A teleporter to floor 38. (Yes, you are in a never-ending loop!)
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