Well, the title is a slight giveaway. But here's the thing. This, is based on the multiplayer. I will be making changes to the whole multiplayer thing. For one, there will be ALOT of players in one game. But the thing I am stressing is, it will also be clan combat. I know many clans in Halo Reach. ([clan I am in]United Nations, Crossed Legions, V100, Freelancers[non-controlable here], United Federations of Reach, United Colonies of Reach, etc.) There will be MANY differences in what the clans are now. So basically, in this game, you're going to be an average joe, fighting in clan warfare. Simple enough right? NOPE!!! With clans come competition, with competition comes hate, with hate comes war, and with war comes the multiplayer. The clans I will be showcasing will be like countries today, only, the leaders will be just a liiiiiiitle bit more gung-ho. There will be spawn-kills. You might be on both sides of the spectrum. There won't be any of those random 'fight me' requests. There will be betrayel and corruption. The guy you make friends with might be a spy for all you know.
Anyways, you won't be a clan leader. You will have to make your way to the top. You're going to start out as a private. Nothing special really. But you will be able to make your way up the chain. With new ranks, come new powers, with these new powers come more things to do. For example, a Lieutenant can go on diplomacy missions. Below this will be the branches of your clan.
Army: Pretty obvious. They are the main-line force. They are the first to jump into combat. (Basically the first to get shot in the face by a shotgun) They are also the mechinized forces. (Tanks, warthogs, mongooses etc.) Navy: They fight on the sea, but they are also, basically, the air force. They drop off the troops. National Gaurd: They aren't neccasarily the army, but they are reserves. (When an Army member is offline, a NG takes over for him) They gaurd the politicians, diplomats, leaders, etc. Mostly armed with shotguns and pistols. Rangers: They perform behind enemy lines sabotage, assassinations, and recon. They are the special forces of the clan, but they are best with a Sniper rifle.
Weapons: Assault rifle: Suppresion weapon, fully automatic, 32-round clips, best used in medium-short range, effective against shields. DMR: Single shot, best used in long-medium combat, best used on a headshot against an unshielded target, 15 per mag. Shotgun: Insta-kill in close range. 6 shots in the cartridge. Sniper rifle: We have a 'well duh' weapon. Magnum: Not a reliable primary, but best used when there is no time to reload primary. Rocket Launcher: 2 shots per mag. Best used on enemy vehicles. Spartan laser: 5 second delay before firing. Insta-kill on anything it hits. Fires a red laser that goes across the map. Grenade Launcher: best used when breaching. Has an EMP feature.
Here's the format. Gamertag: Gender: Age: (12+ Some clans have age restrcitions) Description: (At least three things) Species: (Spartan or Elite, some clans only have one species, I'll give the go ahead to let you know if the clan accepts this species) Spawn-weapons: (DMR, Assault rifle, and/or magnum) Clan: (UN, Crossed Legions, UUF, UCR, V100, etc.) Friends: (Guys you joined with, you can control what they say and do, try and give their own information too, if you don't that's fine)
I might update the format every so often, but for now, sign up.
"Sure." NEWT BROS answers. He gestures his team to take the wraith. "We'll scout out the UCR troops, see what they're packing and how many there are. You guys can head back off to base." The Leutenant said. The UN soldiers start to operate the wraith. "Anything else?"
"Crazed gunman and the UCR. The UUF is fighting the UCR on another front." Well, that was as useful as an ox sitting in the middle of nowhere. Now what?
"Guys are free to go we'll go back to New Keep"*As we take a warhog back I tell madcake "You know with your rivalry with Tox?Well me ,Phil and Richard used to have a worse rival.His name was Viper628 highschool rival.We used to pick on each other unil highschool until it came violent.We fought fist fights and such,even after school he tried to shoot us!" Richard:God,I forgotten about Viper till now and don't even mention the gun.......Anyways he got a couple people Macdaddy863 and Lackey1589 and attacked us afterschool while we returned the favor.One day he and his friends got transferred .Rumors say he joined the UCR but I don't if its true if it is then one day I will blow his body into pieces with my explosives (Bit of background on Frank,Phillip,and Richard)
Mudcake gets into the warthog drivers seat. "I hope that there was good reason, and even then it wasn't you." He simply says. he heads back off to the keep.
NEWT BROS and the group moved to where the tracks came from. After five minutes, they saw 200 UCR soldiers, mostly standard issue weapons, warthogs, and a couple of wraiths. "Alright, get us outta here." NEWT ordered. They went back to the UN firebase Charlie.
Flag Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678 Gender:Male Age:19 Description:Tall,Buff,long legs Species:Spartan Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum Clan:Crossed Legions Rank: Private Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789
The respawn manager handed Philip's previous weapons at him as he ran out. Madcake looks at you. There's a feeling that he is thinking about your story. You hear him breath in, as if he's about to say something. Then, you hear some 300 CL troops. They shoulder by your squad. At the rear, you hear 2 Scorpians, and a convoy of warthogs. "Let's join up with these guys." Madcake says. There is no sign of exhaustion or tiredness in his voice. You fit in at the rear of the infantry column. The leader of the procession, a leader, rides by in the passenger seat of a warthog. He points his magnum at you. "Oi! You four, move up in scattered formation. Take the first rounds so the boys in the column know that there are hostiles nearby." He orders. His GT reads Sentrystrike. (He's a real individual in the clan world, i just forget which clan he's in) "Great." you move up to the front of the column in scattered formation. (Now you basically look like the squad in Saving Private Ryan when they scatter when they travel) "You guys getting pi**** off about always having to be the bullet-fodder?" Madcake asks you guys.
Some guys from the column behind you chuckle. But extremely small ones. Some were just hmphs. 10 minutes of marching. Hey, who's that? Hey, what is that i his hands? That looks like a stick with a sco-. The sniper fires. he misses your helmet by an inch. One of the guys from the clumn behind you weren't so lucky. 20 guys get blown up by some wraith rounds down range. The infantry dive into the wheat field, cover their heads, and hope a grenade or a wraith round doesn't kill them. They fire at the sniper. He's dead in 5 seconds. You see a bucnh of guys get blown up by a wraith shot. Looked like three. What do you do?
Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678 Gender:Male Age:19 Description:Tall,Buff,long legs Species:Spartan Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum Clan:Crossed Legions Rank: Private Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789 "Phillip got a clear shot!?" Phillip:Starting to Frank but barely! "All of you get your nades ready!were going to start a show!"
Gunfire erupts into such high intensity, you think you're in the Civil war. The fourth member of that squad that got blown up, crawls to your side. She pulls you down by the shoulder as a round passes over your heads. Her GT reads FunfunXD. "Stay down!" She says. From her emblem, she's a private, the same rank as you. You barely hear her words whenever an explosion goes off. (It's a miracle you're not lagging. XD) A guy tries to run by you. His body gets filled with so many holes, cheese had nothing on him. He falls down dead besdie you. You get behind a very small rump in the ground.. Like, just enough cover to keep your head under if you lie down. You hear a Spartan screaming in pain. (Yes, game models will get wounded. The player respawns, but his character, if he was shot in a non-lethal spot, will react to the pain) A leg and two arms land next to you and Funfun. As you throw your nades, you hear the clang of metal against metal. Your score registers that the grenades killed a few UCR members. What do you do?
You pass by one of those UCR guys you got with those grenades. He obviously respawned. But his character was screaming in pain and grabbing his mangled arm. "OH MY GOD IT HURTS!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!" (Again, this isn't the player, it's his charrie) You pass by that guy. Tanks start to roll by you. One gets extremely close. It's Spartan laser'd. Finally the leader of the progression pulls his head out of his a@@ and tells everyone to get to cover and halt. Everyone gets into cover. The vehicles stop but the guys who weren't in a vehicle that offered bullet protection, exited their vehicles and stayed behind them. The bullets most definetely don't stop. The Colonel must be terrible at his job at deciding crap. "Move up." He commands. The troops crawl through the wheat field. Firing at any UCR troops they saw. All of a sudden, hordes of Wraith fire comes rushing over the wheat. The guy who was spamming the cloak was either killed or turned it off. All the UCR guys were dead... Execpt for the artillery team. "GET TO COVER!!!" The colonel orders. "Guys, get to that rock overhanging." Madcake orders. He sprints to a pile of rocks. But it had a small hole. Big enough to hold five spartans though. FunfunXD follows him. What do you do?
Flag Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678 Gender:Male Age:19 Description:Tall,Buff,long legs Species:Spartan Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum Clan:Crossed Legions Rank: Private Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789
Funfun and Madcake pull you in as you are the last one out. As soon as you land on your face, you hear explosions and screaming. The spectacular blue explosions go off everywhere, pretty muchly incinerating anything that wasn't hiding in the wheat or in cover. The den itself is very cozy and humid. "Bet i would fall asleep in here." Madcake says. "You know, if I really was here." He adds. it doesn't sound like the explosions are going to let up. What do you do?