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Well, the title is a slight giveaway. But here's the thing. This, is based on the multiplayer. I will be making changes to the whole multiplayer thing. For one, there will be ALOT of players in one game. But the thing I am stressing is, it will also be clan combat. I know many clans in Halo Reach. ([clan I am in]United Nations, Crossed Legions, V100, Freelancers[non-controlable here], United Federations of Reach, United Colonies of Reach, etc.) There will be MANY differences in what the clans are now. So basically, in this game, you're going to be an average joe, fighting in clan warfare. Simple enough right? NOPE!!! With clans come competition, with competition comes hate, with hate comes war, and with war comes the multiplayer. The clans I will be showcasing will be like countries today, only, the leaders will be just a liiiiiiitle bit more gung-ho. There will be spawn-kills. You might be on both sides of the spectrum. There won't be any of those random 'fight me' requests. There will be betrayel and corruption. The guy you make friends with might be a spy for all you know.

Anyways, you won't be a clan leader. You will have to make your way to the top. You're going to start out as a private. Nothing special really. But you will be able to make your way up the chain. With new ranks, come new powers, with these new powers come more things to do. For example, a Lieutenant can go on diplomacy missions. Below this will be the branches of your clan.

Army: Pretty obvious. They are the main-line force. They are the first to jump into combat. (Basically the first to get shot in the face by a shotgun) They are also the mechinized forces. (Tanks, warthogs, mongooses etc.)
Navy: They fight on the sea, but they are also, basically, the air force. They drop off the troops.
National Gaurd: They aren't neccasarily the army, but they are reserves. (When an Army member is offline, a NG takes over for him) They gaurd the politicians, diplomats, leaders, etc. Mostly armed with shotguns and pistols.
Rangers: They perform behind enemy lines sabotage, assassinations, and recon. They are the special forces of the clan, but they are best with a Sniper rifle.

Assault rifle: Suppresion weapon, fully automatic, 32-round clips, best used in medium-short range, effective against shields.
DMR: Single shot, best used in long-medium combat, best used on a headshot against an unshielded target, 15 per mag.
Shotgun: Insta-kill in close range. 6 shots in the cartridge.
Sniper rifle: We have a 'well duh' weapon.
Magnum: Not a reliable primary, but best used when there is no time to reload primary.
Rocket Launcher: 2 shots per mag. Best used on enemy vehicles.
Spartan laser: 5 second delay before firing. Insta-kill on anything it hits. Fires a red laser that goes across the map.
Grenade Launcher: best used when breaching. Has an EMP feature.

Here's the format.
Age: (12+ Some clans have age restrcitions)
Description: (At least three things)
Species: (Spartan or Elite, some clans only have one species, I'll give the go ahead to let you know if the clan accepts this species)
Spawn-weapons: (DMR, Assault rifle, and/or magnum)
Clan: (UN, Crossed Legions, UUF, UCR, V100, etc.)
Friends: (Guys you joined with, you can control what they say and do, try and give their own information too, if you don't that's fine)

I might update the format every so often, but for now, sign up.

  • 62 Replies
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Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

"Are guys tired?"
Phillip:Yeah I'm sleepy
Richard:Same here we've seen enough action today
"Me 2 Ima go off see ya tomorrow"
*Then get on the next day*

2,316 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

The next day, you come out of your official spawn. (the barracks) Madcake is sitting on a falcon. The falcon is with a squadron of fifty. Madcake makes a gesture to come over. You walk over to him. "Get on the falcon. They want some army guys and we've been volunteered." What do you do?

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