this game i really simple you try to make a person that is unkill able and the next person tries to kill him. example: first person: a normal guy with a bullet proof vest on. next person. i bomb them i guy in a bomb proof tank.
the person that is unkillable becomes the champion until someone can kill them. example: first guy: undefetable guy (not telling you what will work)
second guy: i cant destroy you. (no person if you cant kill the one above)
third guy: i cant destroy you
if that happens 5 times in a row they are crowned the champion i will be the judge if something works or not.
Seashark are you retarded? The rule in his game sais that you MAKE UP AN UNKILLABLE CHArACTER then try to kill the INKILLABLe CHArACTeR. Nowhere did he state that you ''kill'' other users. Next time, read the rules for a forum game a little more.
Well if I release toxic gases into the air you better hope your tank is air tight, and if it is air tight, you will need to come out for oxygen sometime therefore killing him. Problem solved.
oh well my charicter is in his tank lol, unfortunatly due to the tank being airtight i have to come out and breath sucumbing to phycatics gas, i guess we need a new indistructable guy.....
I come back alive because i didn't tell you i have the power to come back to life by using only 1 ingredient....Tea! Then i get in an indestructible tank that i will describe as we go along...