ForumsForum GamesYggdrasil (a "Cut the Tree" Game)

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Based on [link=]"Cut the Tree" [/link]

First of all, the Yggdrasil is a magical tree of Norse mythology. Surely, if you cut this tree, you cut life to the world, yet the Norse believed that there were creatures constantly biting and picking at the tree, probably to scare somebody.

No memes
No posting own damage
One attack per turn
If I ignore you, its because its a stupid attack, or broke a rule
No being an idiot
No girlfriend/Boyfriend attacks
No protecting the tree by building walls or trenches etc around it(You can become an environmentalist, a norse hero/god, or a lawyer and sue the attackers.)

Because this is a magical tree, there are a few things you can do that you couldn't with a normal tree.

Note that this is the standard for some of the attacks:

A chainsaw will do 1 damage. Try if you really run out of ideas.
A tree cutter also only does 1 damage.
Axe does 1 damage
Battle axe does 2 damage
Norse Battle axe does 3

If people get sued by the tree's friends, they simply lose health.

People get banned if they break a rule or do something that no one likes. And I am the one who decides who gets banned. Every new rules post I make will say who is banned or has died. Banned people are considered 'dead'

Dead people can't come back. It is very hard to die: You have 100 health and unless you do some sort of really dumb or weird thing that just manages to get under the rules, you will receive damage.

To make this a bit more fun, the tree starts off with loads of health. this means that people can do lots of damage(I will decide how much). I'll try to stay active a lot to keep the damage in check.

Tree: 100,000,000,000,000 HP
Climate: No wind and sunny

  • 2,695 Replies
1,044 posts

shewt. 3 protectors... -.-

well, this'll be fun... not...

605 posts

It'll be fun watching people pound the defenders into paste with which will be used to desecrate the tree.

2,739 posts

Killersup will have the undead forge giant rails of braces that will lead around the tree. Killersup will then have a XS7 bluehawk engine put on a train. A giant lightweight train ( It carries no "load&quot This train will spin around the tree so fast that it creates a giant wind tunnel that will suck the air from everything in the middle of the train track. Including the tree. Completely devoid of air, the tree should shrivel up. Killersup will then allow the train to go off of its tracks and fly into werewolf boy. Then Killersup will raise molten lava undead soldiers from hell to wrap themselves around the tree. Lets simple it down to this. Dry leaves,sticks,tree+lava= BURN .

883 posts

Hey killersup, we should probably team up to take out these enviromentalists next turn.

2,487 posts

I should probably start doing the reply earlier. when it gets to 4 pages of posts then that tends to be bad.

Ok, let's see... I'll go in at night and use my power of darkness to conceal me. if the mage hunter comes out, i'll try to lure him abit away from the estate. if not, i'll attempt to locate the two master snipers and try to kill them both by shooting them at the same time.

the snipers are dead, but the mage hunter has caught on. he is now using magic of the opposite polarity to stop you from using your abilities.

First, I create five clones of myself with dark energy that don't have the power that I have, but still have the physical capabilities and are able to be coordinated by myself. I create a ball of dark energy around Nerdsoft, then condense it into about the size of a volleyball. I use my free hand to generate a net of dark energy, then I cordinate three of the clones to one side of the net and the other two to the side that I'm on. I then proceed to play volleyball with the dark sphere as the ball, ending off several rounds with a spike into the ground. I then pull the ball out of the ground, proceeding to re-absorb the net and clones and create a basketball net and court out of dark energy. I then proceed to change the properties of the sphere to that of a basketball, then dribble as much as possible up to the net and shoot with nothing but net. Finally, I condense the sphere into a baseball with similar properties to one, then conjure a baseball bat, then throw the sphere straight up into the air and perfectly batting the sphere into the tree. I finally dismiss the sphere, allowing what's left of Nerdsoft to spill out.

the tree doesn't suffer much damage, but nerdsoft gets hit pretty hard.


fire up the drill and create a portal. I link that portal to it's inside to make an infinite loop. I then use a Physics manipulator to grab Nerdsoft and throw him in. I also throw rocks in to telefrag him. I then put a portal which links tomthe inside of the telefragging portal under his spawn point. I then wait for a while and redirect the portal to a portal loop. I then redirect the bottom of that loop to a portal which will launch him at the tree. I catch him wih the spawn portal, and set the spawn portal to go to the rock-filled portal. I then show the lawyer a link to TVtropes and breach an adamantine spire. I then throw his remains into it, letting the demons inside do what they wish with him. Also, I link the spawn portal to the inside of the spire.

I'm going to need you to do that thing we did before. you know, where links are required for reference attacks.


fly around to find a greater demon

greater demons need to be summoned using a complex ritual.

Shield with shifting energies... Thaboss takes out his sword, fuses some dark and light energy together, and uses the opposing forces to blast through the shield.

the attack pierces the shield, but only for a moment before it reforms.

I'm not quite sure I understand the gravity of this. A lesson in humility, perhaps?

not really.

I'm still breathing heavy over the fact that nerdsoft ain't dead yet, so this may be a less than coherent attack. Since nerdsoft now draws his power from nature, the further he gets from there, the weaker he should be, right? I create a box of solid lead with no doors, and teleport nerdsoft inside. Then I blast it into space, until he is light-years away from the closest tree. Then I trash-compact him to a liquid and send him hurtling back in to Yggdrasil.

that's a pretty angry attack.


You know what? I've always enjoyed re-balancing games by joining the weaker side. Blade, ignore my Gravity attack, I know I could've done much better.
"I PLEDGE MY LOYALTY TO THE TREE OF LIFE AND POWER!" Epic bellows throughout the land. Now Touched with Nature, dark fur begins growing all over Epic's body, his jaws lengthening to accomodate viciously sharp teeth. His hands morph into claws, and his feet spread out into 3 toes instead of five. Feathered wings burst from his back, Epic no longer even remotely resembling a human. "I....AM...PRIMAL...EPIC...GRAAHHHH.....NYHAAAHHGG...." He can't even speak anymore. With a furious growl, Primal Epic pounces at Thaboss, biting right for his jugular vein and ripping at his organs with his claws.

thaboss suffers some damage, but remember, they're demi-gods for a reason.


I also pledge my loyalty to the tree of life and power. Let's team up again, Epic! *Gemini swings her hammer, ready to pulverize bones.*

welcome the the game, gem.

*look of disapproval* "Nature is everywhere, SubZero." I heal myself, drawing a bit of life from the Yggdrasil. "This is going to be fun." I create a huge, precise hurricane (the tree is big, right?), so well calculated that Epic and Gemini (and me) are safe but everyone else is thrown against the wall. At least, that's what should happen. There are powerful players here.
Then I summon the help of the animal kingdom, sending bears wolves and worse to dispose of the people. While they fight them off, I get an army of trees to come and ram it (page 3, Udude uses a tree as a ram, inadvertently healing the Yggdrasil). Thanks for helping me get over here, SubZero.
Of course, I may well be dead.

you're barely alive, and healing is allowed.

-20hp:non-nature touched

This should be original
I summon a herd of killer rainbow unicorns that shoot marshmallow lasers

original, but something that I would consider "stupid". don't do it again.


go near the tree, and stand sideways with my side touching the tree. Then I make a minion in the shape of the tree, but a bit smaller, then when I spawn it, it should spawn directly inside of the tree.

that's new of you. I'm pleased.


Killersup will have the undead forge giant rails of braces that will lead around the tree. Killersup will then have a XS7 bluehawk engine put on a train. A giant lightweight train ( It carries no "load&quot This train will spin around the tree so fast that it creates a giant wind tunnel that will suck the air from everything in the middle of the train track. Including the tree. Completely devoid of air, the tree should shrivel up. Killersup will then allow the train to go off of its tracks and fly into werewolf boy. Then Killersup will raise molten lava undead soldiers from hell to wrap themselves around the tree. Lets simple it down to this. Dry leaves,sticks,tree+lava= BURN .

the train doesn't really work as a wind tunnel, but it does damage to EPIC. lava does damage the tree however.


Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)

Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)

Norse Prophets: (player side-jobs)
TheEPICgameKING (Dot Calculator)

Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)

Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)

Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)

Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)

Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):

Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)

Shades: (ultimate dark mages)

Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):

Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)

Angels: (ultimate good mages)

Archangels (ultimate force of

Arcane Elite (those who have mastered magic itself):

Nature TouchedTree's sworn Guardians)

Undead: (Dead but put back to life)

current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)

Tree:2,495,356,943,855 HP

Ground Condition: dry
Wind: none

thinking about it, I will probably limit the amount of people who will become nature touched. this way, new players won't automatically become super powerful without knowing how to use it. the 3 people who are doing it right now are fine, but I will only allow one more to join in. that is, until one of them dies...

189 posts

Ok... Nothing stupid then...
Am I allowed to summon a brotherhood of knights... Maybe call them the Knights of the Night or something like that?
I don't know how fair it would be to summon an army.....

I will start small and summon my squire who in turn makes me a sword.
I slash the tree (probably for like 2 dmg though )

665 posts

i do the ritual

4,813 posts

Did Nerdsoft just heal all the damage that we did to him!? GAHGH!

First, I summon dark tentacles that pierce the three defenders, preventing them from moving and sapping their vitality to resupply my own. When I have had my fill, I proceed to open a void to a plane of flesh ruled by a greater demon where they will have to contend with fleshy ground, pools of blood, deadly diseases foreign to their immune system, hordes of monsters and a city of rat-people that find you in the night and invite you to a night of rough love.

807 posts

DoT: Lemme see here...
Killersup: Lava wrappings: 30,000 damage/turn.

Prepare for a Combo Limit of Hindenberg proportions. This'll take more than one post between me and Gem, so don't interrupt it!

"Alright Gem, we're doing Air Cataclysm!" Epic yells, running over to her while shifting out of Primal Form. Picking her up by her feet, Epic heaves her into the sky, a greenish aura surrounding him as he sky-jumps after her....

13,701 posts

Clever little sneak. let's see what happens when I start rapidly switching what magic type i'm using, since techically the opposite of light is darkness, and the opposite of darkness is light.

437 posts

Blade: Don't worry, me and Epic invented several super-crazy combos.

"Righto!" Gem yells, flung into the air by the hulking mass of muscle that is Epic. Looking down, she sees him following her, and on cue, grabs his arm and tosses him back at the ground, aiming for Killersup. The momentum robs Gem of her flight, and as she begins to fall back to earth, a reddish aura surrounds her; one of pure rage and insanity, her massive 40lb sledgehammer quickly doubling in size and weight...

13,701 posts

and how, pray tell, did I interrupt you two? I'm probably half-way around the world, for crying out loud.

and on second thought, instead of doing what I did, I bend the light around me so I become rendered pratically invisible using light magic instead, and attempt to hunt down the mage hunter before he realizes I switched elements.

807 posts

You just did it again Sonic.

The aura surrounding Epic solidifies into armor, concentrated at his head to form a sharp spike. As a Human Spear, Epic approaches the sound barrier as he falls down towards Killersup, aiming to PIERCE HIS HEAVENS. Well, more like his abdomen. Regardless of the success of the piercing/annihalation of Killersup, Epic should still have enough momentum to hit the ground, diving through it as if it were water and not soil...

4,813 posts

Yes, try to do a combo while penetrated by shadow tentacles...


That came out wrong.

437 posts

...Kyle. ^////^. We both jumped to avoid your attack, now STOP INTERRUPTING WHILE WE MAKE BEAUTIFUL MU-Er, COMBOS.

Now for the real attack. As Gemini approaches the ground, she brings her hammer up and promptly sledges the earth. Aided by the intense free-fall momentum and the Berzerk Aura, the raw power of her attack spreads out in a wave. The land beneath her would coil and form a wave of its own, spreading outwards from the tree in a... "LAND TSUNAMI!" She yells, watching with glee as any defender close enough to the tree would either be buried alive, crushed by tons of earth, or carried away a far distance should they survive. The geography now would be a sloping crater around the tree and high walls surrounding it.

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