I stab the tree with the Sword of Ice in an attempt to freeze it.
some damage
ummmmmm crap! killersup picks the answer to be a noose.hope thats right
correct, but hades, being all powerful, and devious, decides to make it 2 out of 3. here is your next riddle: "There is a Murder mystery going on. A man lies dead, and the only clue as to what happened are 53 bycicles. what happened? (this is much harder, but if you know the answer, don't say it)
Okay, but the bulk of the enrgy I tried to make sure wasn't released. I tried t turn it into a black hole, destroy some of the tree, explode, once again I tried for the bulk of the energy to not actually hit the tree, then absorb it. Anyway, it is your game, change it or not, your choice.
sorry, must've read it wrong. you did have a lot of text in that post. more than your usual posts.
I throw 2,495,367,942,359 Chainsaws at it, and chainsaws do one damage, and that number is the trees exact hp.
your aren't the first to attempt this, but I'm just going to stop you because there is a multitude of reasons as to why it would never work. I'm sure I don't need to explain them.
I nuke the tree.
DAIZIDA!!! ONE ATTACK ONLY! ALL YOU ARE DOING IS CLOGGING THIS THREAD WITH SPAM! For your insolence, I'm ignoring all of your attacks this round.
I bring down lightning bolt after lightning bolt, as well as much electric hail.
a good amount of damage.
one attack per turn. oh, and i let the darkness enter my heart, becoming one with me(hopefully)wheras before it was a tool
lol, this will upgrade you to the level of shade, but the problem with this is that it makes the game much harder. in order to stablize themselves, shades develop a 2nd personality, which may negatively impact some of the work that the others are doing. are you sure you wish to continue?
I get 600 metal and a use it to upgrade the sentry to level three and reload it, then wrangle it to shoot the tree with missles and bullets.
more damage.
Ok, I let the swords come onto my hands and let them sit fora minute. Now I summon 13 dragonfire minions to attack the tree. Now I do a dragons breath (basically I breathe fire...) and using my swords which I make flame with dragonfire I spin really fast in a flame tornado close to the tree. with the swords I cut and burn the tre,e and the tornado, and the minions attacking, etc.
unfortunately, you used so much energy that you had to give some of your life force in order to continue the attack. you did some very strong damage though.
I use my abilities to "Over-heal" the Tree's cells until the Tree's own cells are unfamiliar to it, resulting in the Tree's Immune System, or whatever you call it, to attack the unrecognizable cells.
Hopefully the Tree's cells will go to Civil War, and Not mutate the Tree to a more powerful form.
I love it when people start thinking outside the box, but the drawback to it is that it won't always go as you plan. you actually doubled the strength of the ironbark, making the tree that much more resistant to damage.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,367,938,659 HP
Weather: Sunny
Ground Condition: moist
Wind: light breeze