The player limit is four. Â The dungeon is 8x8, and has been randomly generated by me, using dice. About half of the rooms in the dungeon are empty, one-third is bad, and one-sixth is good (approximate values). The dungeon also contains 4 spawning areas, one for each player. Your goal is to reach the exit, and open it. You have 3 stats: strength, speed, and intelligence. All of these start at 1, and can be raised by finding corresponding good rooms. Each good room adds one or two points, and there are 7 points to be gained for each stat. Each bad room contains a hazard, for which you need to have a number between 1 and 6 of a certain stat. If you do not meet the restrictions, you die a horrible death and return to your spawning area. Whenever you die, there will be added 3 to your amount of turns (see below). The locations of all good and bad challenges are pre-determined, and once activated, will disappear. As stated before, your goal is to reach the exit and open it. You can open it by having 8 for one stat, at least 6 for two different stats, or at least 4 for all three stats. Â I will be keeping track of the amount of turns you take to finish the game, and the person who used the least will be declared the winner! Â In a turn there are two possible things you can do: 1) Move to an adjacent space (only horizontally or vertically). Or 2) Investigate the room. Whenever you investigate a room, I will tell you how much good and bad rooms there are adjacent to that spot. (Ex. There are two good rooms and one bad room, then I will say: 2/1 (The first number being the amount of good rooms and the second the amount of bad rooms)) (Note that these numbers only state the unvisited rooms, and thus can change if you decide to investigate a room again)
Some extra notes: - It is possible to do a 'hard' mode of this game, which involves walls without doors. - You are all in the same dungeon, but in seperate sessions, meaning that your actions don't have influence on someone else's play. - I will not be posting maps, but you are free to make one yourself. (please keep it to yourself) - It might be usefull to look at other players to get some clues. This is not prohibited.
That's about it, here's the sheet (only fill in the name): Â Name: Amount of turns taken: 0 Strength: 1 Speed: 1 Intelligence: 1 Â If there's anything unclear, I will be glad to hear it, and I wish all players good luck!
Name: Ryan Jackson Amount of turns taken: 26 Strength: 1 Speed: 4 Intelligence: 1
There is a man standing in the middle of the room. As you approach him, he pulls out his lightsaber and mumbles a few words. You aren't smart enough to withstand his jedi mind trick. You die a horrible death, +3 turns, return to spawn. You find yourself in a room.
As you open the door you see a bag of chips, just lying there on the floor. You rush towards it and eat its entire content in less than thirty seconds! Strength +1 You find yourself in a room.
Name: Ryan Jackson Amount of turns taken: 23 Strength: 1 Speed: 4 Intelligence: 1
It's an empty room... How boring. You find yourself in a room.
Now that I found a corner of the dungeon, I can tell where two of the spawn areas are. Row 1 is north, and column A is west. From that, my spawn room (spawn room 1) is in D7. By looking at posts, spawn room 3 (Legion1350 aka Aleister Pike) is in E7.
It seems like an empty room at first, but then a wind appears. You aren't fast enough to run through, so you spend three days walking forward until you're dried out. You die a horrible death, +3 turns, return to spawn. You find yourself in a room.