ForumsWEPR[necro]What's the big deal about smoking?

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I don't get people why they are so against it?
If someone chooses to smoke let them do so, no one crashes a car while smoking.In my opinion, its like every thing else that is excess of everything is bad.
My father started it at 17(same as me) and my grand fater at 14.They are still okay(now they age 79 and 40).
Tell me about your opinions.

  • 163 Replies
1,322 posts

I don't care about whether or not people can do it. I just care about where they do it. It seems that a good number of people cater to the notion that something has to be measurably harmful to other people's health to require/merit regulation. If you ignore the health concerns you're left with what a lot of people, allergic or not, find obNOXIOUS to their olfactory senses. If smokers are "free" to smoke where they want, then non-smokers are not free to breathe fresh air. We're merely allowed to breathe fresh air when the local smokers allow us to. If you set up areas where people can and cannot smoke, then you solve the problem altogether. It sets up grounds by which one or the other party can legally tell the other to take a hike.

Are things that are found agitating/sickening by other people that follow innate physiological pathways built into people within the realm of regulation? I hope that made some sense... I mean... can we justifiably regulate actions that inconvenience other people on a physiological level that we as those secondarily afflicted people can't help? There are some fumes out there that some may be able to acclimate to that make would make the non-acclimated person an incapacitated mess retching his/her innards all over the floor. You can induce the same thing with sound at certain tones and frequencies. You can also induce the same thing with lights in certain intensities. Is it a person's right to open up a can of abhorrent stench just b/c they like the odor? Can I justify wearing a shirt with a built in light array that causes discomfort to other people who look anywhere in its general direction with my right of expression? Can I play really loud noises from a stereo system in a public setting when it keeps other people from being able to hear their own thoughts?

Now, what about the lesser variations of all of those? If you can justifiably regulate those, then where does the justification begin? Does it begin at mild inconvenience? Does it begin only at complete incapacitation of the passersby? Is it somewhere in between the two?

When I have friends who smoke sit by me in class, I can't focus all that well. I'm overly concerned with the watering eyes and aggravated breathing. It's not like the person is wearing a pink shirt and I just don't like the color pink. It's not like I can just look away and ignore it. I have a habit of breathing in air that's not permeated with second hand smoke. I know... I know... it's weird. I don't like it when I'm told that I can't indulge in my habit by people who feel entitled to their smoke permeated air. I should be able to indulge in my habit whenever and wherever I so choose.... b/c I'm a free person and they're not allowing me my freedom of expression and right to indulge in whatever I want whenever I want! ...and that's just a travesty to freedom everywhere. I wonder if that sounded similar to some other arguments over similar issues.

240 posts

Q:Why is smoking a big deal?
A:Umm... you die from it. That's why.

Q:Why care?
A:I don't. It's your life lost.

534 posts

Q:Why is smoking a big deal?
A:Umm... you die from it. That's why.

thats only one example. One problem about smoking is that you "can" get addicted with just one cigerette. If you meet a smoker, 7 times out of 10 they will say the want to quit because it has caused them many problems in life.
306 posts

Smoking really affects your health. 8 out of 10 smokers will probably get lung cancer sometime in their life. It can also shorten your average lifespan by as much as 20 years. Combine this with alcohol, and the results are deadly.

3 posts

I personally don't smoke, but many of my friends do. Whenever they start smoking, I would just move a bit and talk to my non-smoker friends. I don't know why myself, but it's mostly because I don't like how people ignore their health and mostly just to look cool.
This is just my opinion though.

1,434 posts

Smoking really affects your health. 8 out of 10 smokers will probably get lung cancer sometime in their life. It can also shorten your average lifespan by as much as 20 years.


Smoking is a big deal, because it destroy your health day by day. So DO NOT SMOKE

I don't know why myself, but it's mostly because I don't like how people ignore their health and mostly just to look cool.

Who are you to tell other people what to do with their lives? If they enjoy smoking and are willing to take the risks involved with the act, who are we to stop the smokers? And what if a person who smokes just does it to calm their nerves after a long day at work? There's nothing with doing something legal to relax one's self. Again, if the person is willing to face the proven risks associated with smoking cigarettes, who are we to tell them how to live their lives? They make their own choices to create their own happiness.

I smoked a cigarette once, didn't find the appeal, but I'm not about to go protest my butt off so cigarettes and cigars are banned. As Ben Franklin once said, "I don't like what you're saying, but I'd fight to the death to make sure you can say it".

1,810 posts

but it's mostly because I don't like how people ignore their health and mostly just to look cool.

After you get addicted, it won't matter about how you look, you can't stop. Unless you are totally devoted to it and look for a patch or such, you aren't going to beat it. So don't judge about how they are trying to look, they could have their own personal fight with their habit. Also, some people smoke to relieve stress, which is what the chemicals in most drugs are supposed to do, to give it mass appeal.

Combine this with alcohol, and the results are deadly.

Combine alcohol with cars, heavy machinery, knives/weapons of any kind, irresponsibility, ect., and you get death or injury. Cigarettes are not as dangerous as some of the things I listed when combined with alcohol.
4,104 posts


I posted this and this earlier in the thread. You can expect 18 less years of your life and 23 times the chance of lung cancer.

Who are you to tell other people what to do with their lives? If they enjoy smoking and are willing to take the risks involved with the act, who are we to stop the smokers?

Don't get your panties in a bunch. Not once in his post did he say people shouldn't be allowed to smoke.
306 posts

Who are you to tell other people what to do with their lives?

He did not once in his post say anything telling others how to live their lives. Calm down, man.

306 posts

Master565, I can take it you are against smoking. If you are, more power to you.

598 posts

Who are you to tell other people what to do with their lives? If they enjoy smoking and are willing to take the risks involved with the act, who are we to stop the smokers?

Because people care about each other? Do you want your friend to get lung or throat or any cancer or health problems if you could have stopped them. You are right, we do not have a right to stop them as an individual. But as a friend WHO CARES we can say to hell with your rights to die, will you be so selfish as to endanger your own life? There are always lines that should be crossed, and exceptions that need to take place.
626 posts

Do you want your friend to get lung or throat or any cancer or health problems if you could have stopped them.

Do I want them to? no. Should I put my beliefs above their wants? no. If my friend wants to smoke who am I to stop them?

There are always lines that should be crossed, and exceptions that need to take place.

I'm going to go ahead and say that this is not true if "crossing the line" is denying personal freedom to perfectly sane people.
181 posts

just some random things, my parents smoke, and it gets on my nerves. i honestly dont care as long as i dont have to
1-see the thing
2-See the smoke
3-Inhale the smoke.
i really guess i dont care if you smoke, what does set me off is seeing the 12 year old that messed up there life thinking it was "cool", smoking a pack every three days behind the school. that just sets me off


650 posts

It does for me too. Teachers always tell students not to smoke, and for a good reason too. Nasty habit, and hurts your lungs terribly. Also, you are inflicting pain to others who inhale the smoke.

306 posts

what does set me off is seeing the 12 year old that messed up there life thinking it was "cool", smoking a pack every three days behind the school. that just sets me off

Couldn't have said it better myself. Smoking is a pointless habit. It's like commiting suicide over 20 years.

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