ForumsWEPR[necro]What's the big deal about smoking?

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1,826 posts

I don't get people why they are so against it?
If someone chooses to smoke let them do so, no one crashes a car while smoking.In my opinion, its like every thing else that is excess of everything is bad.
My father started it at 17(same as me) and my grand fater at 14.They are still okay(now they age 79 and 40).
Tell me about your opinions.

  • 163 Replies
626 posts

Eating pizza is a pointless habit, as is eating candy, donuts, drinking coke... All of it leads to an earlier death. People will do as they will, and we have no right to stop them.

306 posts

I'm not saying i'm trying to live anybody's life, I'm just saying I am against smoking. Someone who smokes is basically screaming inside everyday, "Commiting suicide slowly is fun!".

2,413 posts

Well, Jake, so is drinking soda. It leads to shorter life-spans, so I guess people who drink soda are screaming inside "drinking suicide beverages is fun!"

306 posts

Well, Jake, so is drinking soda. It leads to shorter life-spans, so I guess people who drink soda are screaming inside "drinking suicide beverages is fun!"

But it's not nearly as addictive, unhealthy, or affective as smoking. You don't hear about test studies of people drinking coke, you hear statistics of people that smoke.

626 posts

caffeine addiction is the most widespread addiction on earth. it's just not physically addicting, and so it is relatively easy to overcome. Just throwing that out there. Let me say this as well, it is perfectly okay to be against smoking.. for yourself. But Being against ALL smoking is "living someones life" as you said earlier.. i'm not completely sure which one you're arguing for.

3,386 posts

I'm just gonna skip the other 15 pages.

I'm in SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco), and just today I had a presentation at my old middle school.

caffeine addiction is the most widespread addiction on earth. it's just not physically addicting, and so it is relatively easy to overcome. Just throwing that out there. Let me say this as well, it is perfectly okay to be against smoking.. for yourself. But Being against ALL smoking is "living someones life" as you said earlier.. i'm not completely sure which one you're arguing for.

I'll be glad to live someone else's life if their bad habits are killing 53,000 people a year.
Including that number, a bit more than 430,000 people die a year of smoking and other tobacco related deaths. That's more than AIDS, Drugs, Murder,car accidents and car related deaths, and Alcohol related deaths, all combined.

Caffeine addiction doesn't hurt the people sitting around you, Squiddy.

Now I'm going to backtrack a few pages to generate some debate if I can.

As Ben Franklin once said, "I don't like what you're saying, but I'd fight to the death to make sure you can say it".

Sorry, this isn't related to smoking, but :
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Though these words are regularly attributed to Voltaire, they were first used by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, writing under the pseudonym of Stephen G Tallentyre in The Friends of Voltaire (1906)

Who are you to tell other people what to do with their lives? If they enjoy smoking and are willing to take the risks involved with the act, who are we to stop the smokers?

I believe we have the right to intervene when it affects other people around them, too. I mentioned previously about how many people die from second-hand smoke. If those people weren't around people who smoke, roughly 53,000 people a year could live.

And what if a person who smokes just does it to calm their nerves after a long day at work? There's nothing with doing something legal to relax one's self.

They wouldn't really have to if they never started to smoke in the first place.

"The brain freaks out when you are addicted to something.The addiction of smoking would be caused by nicotine. So the brain creates a severe wanting. That urge can be viewed as stress, if you are stressing about other things it will all be combined with the brains need for nicotine. Smoking gives the brain what it thinks it needs, letting you relax a bit. However the stress relief is false, for the stress is somewhat caused by the addiction itself, resulting in 'relief' when you smoke."

I modified that a smidge from this, if you want to check it out.

Again, if the person is willing to face the proven risks associated with smoking cigarettes, who are we to tell them how to live their lives? They make their own choices to create their own happiness.

Happiness? You may be happy when you first start, but the effects of smoking can seriously hurt you. You won't be happy if you get emphysema, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, chronic airway obstruction, acute myeloid leukemia, cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the larynx (voice box), cancer of the oral cavity (mouth), or cancer of the pharynx (throat). All of these are caused by smoking, and they all happen too often.

Why do you think pregnant women (if they have some common sense) don't smoke or drink? It's probably going to screw something up in their body, and affect their unborn child.
626 posts

I believe we have the right to intervene when it affects other people around them, too. I mentioned previously about how many people die from second-hand smoke. If those people weren't around people who smoke, roughly 53,000 people a year could live.

smoking in public is an entirely different issue than what i was talking about.. Where I live, (probably most places by now actually) smoking inside is banned for the reasons you stated. I discourage smoking in places where children are present, or where there are high volumes of human traffic. In private, or in designated smoking areas, i dont see the harm

And what if a person who smokes just does it to calm their nerves after a long day at work? There's nothing with doing something legal to relax one's self.

They wouldn't really have to if they never started to smoke in the first place. The addiction of smoking would be caused by nicotine.

smoking doesnt automatically guarantee addiction.. i know plenty of people who enjoy an occasional cigarette to relieve nerves, or stress... tobacco really does calm you down.
626 posts

NOO! i dont know how, but i hit submit... so i guess i might have a double post.

Happiness? You may be happy when you first start, but the effects of smoking can seriously hurt you. You won't be happy if you get emphysema, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, chronic airway obstruction, acute myeloid leukemia, cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the larynx (voice box), cancer of the oral cavity (mouth), or cancer of the pharynx (throat). All of these are caused by smoking, and they all happen too often.

Once again, not guaranteed... the more you smoke the more likely, occasional smokers need not be TOO worried...

Why do you think pregnant women (if they have some common sense) don't smoke or drink? It's probably going to screw something up in their body, and affect their unborn child.

same deal as smoking around children that i mentioned in my other post >_>
154 posts

The big deal is that you put your family at risk and it just kind of smells nasty. but i do understand that its their choice to smoke so i woudn't hold it against them

3,386 posts

smoking in public is an entirely different issue than what i was talking about.. Where I live, (probably most places by now actually) smoking inside is banned for the reasons you stated. I discourage smoking in places where children are present, or where there are high volumes of human traffic. In private, or in designated smoking areas, i dont see the harm

Well if you live alone, and there is no one around you, etc etc. Feel free to smoke. In public areas here, most places still have smoking and non smoking areas. Which is stupid. But yeah.

smoking doesnt automatically guarantee addiction.. i know plenty of people who enjoy an occasional cigarette to relieve nerves, or stress... tobacco really does calm you down.

Occasional. Again, if they never had one in the first place, they wouldn't really use it to relieve stress.


Once again, not guaranteed... the more you smoke the more likely, occasional smokers need not be TOO worried...

Occasional smokers, like the ones you mentioned that rarely do it. But addiction is hard, and most people who start smoking get around to a pack a day. Unless they have extreme self restraint, it's likely they'll be harmed by something I mentioned. And you know, your lungs WILL be affected, though maybe not as severe as lung cancer, etc,

same deal as smoking around children that i mentioned in my other post >_>

Well maybe you should have some interesting posts that hold the readers attention. :b
4 posts

1.seccond hand smoke has a history of killing people

not only does secondhand smoke have a history of killing people it further is more toxic and carcinogenic than the firsthand smoke and in addition to smoke around unconcenting or potentially unconsenting people is to unnecessarily endanger them, if it is a personal choice that's fine by me, just don't choose for the rest as well.
6,400 posts

Smoking gives you yellow teeth, yellow fingers and you smell horrible. If a smoker is near you all you want to do is get away.

Smoking is a leading cause of lung, bladder, kidney, pancreatic, throat, mouth, skin, stomach and esophageal cancer.

The worst part is that anybody near you has a higher chance of getting cancer. Even if it is only for a few minutes.

Finally, The health effects from cigarette smoking account for 20% of all deaths in the United States alone.

A better question is: Is there any good reason to smoke?

9,504 posts

A great response, though too late as the thread is several months old. Locking for necro.

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