ForumsWEPR[necro]What's the big deal about smoking?

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1,826 posts

I don't get people why they are so against it?
If someone chooses to smoke let them do so, no one crashes a car while smoking.In my opinion, its like every thing else that is excess of everything is bad.
My father started it at 17(same as me) and my grand fater at 14.They are still okay(now they age 79 and 40).
Tell me about your opinions.

  • 163 Replies
4,220 posts

... I nearly died from second hand smoking.

I have trouble believing this, unless you're one of those people who can't tolerate any smoke, tobacco or not.

Well if they're addicted before hand. I'm not sure if they can just up and quit.

I dunno about that. My mother did a pretty good job, and she's been smoking since she was 11.

sorry man, majority rules, and so you will have to go downwind.

Ummm... no.

it doesn't get in your face because you are blowing it in the direction of someone else.

Am I? Or am I just blowing it out of my mouth?

also exposure to it seccondhand is almost as bad.

Assuming you get it in the same quantities as the smoker, which probably isn't going to happen, it's worse. No one ever debated otherwise.

deal with it all you like, the rest of us will just keep kicking you out of resturaunts because we aren't forced to deal with your problems.

I'm not an *******. Did I not just say I smoke outside?
4,104 posts

so is drinking, people do stupid things while drunk but no one puts a ban on drinking

Yes they have, and it failed. Anyways, just like people can't smoke anywhere, people can't drink anywhere, such as when driving a car. Also, you can't justify one things as not being a problem because something else isn't.
5,552 posts

then that's ur problem, if u don't like it, walkaway.

It's my problem, and everyone else who doesn't like it. Which is about 90% of the population.

Should I be allowed to throw crap all over the park? It's your problem, if you don't like it, walk away.
539 posts

1.seccond hand smoke has a history of killing people
2.smoking has given multiple prenatal defects when pregnant mothers smoke.
3.smoking is one of the world's leading causes of lifestyle death.
4.lung cancer
5.mouth cancer (though it's more prominent in chewing tobacco)
6.non-smokers tend to live longer

Oh lovely, an anti-smoker. Let the fun begin.

1. I already said I don't smoke around other people **** wit.

2. My wife smoked, and my kids are strong healthy kids. Shove your propaganda where the sun don't shine.

3. No, I think you'll find being a soldier is a lifestyle choice that leads to death, seconded by driving. Do you drive a car? A lot of people do and a lot of people die. BAN CARS!!!!

4.Lung cancer? That is the best you can offer? I'll die from a cancer, a cancer I can get from walking down the street or eating the 'wrong' food? Any idea how many non-smokers get cancer? Research it, and get some knowledge.

5. Mouth cancer? Seriously? You want an answer to a cancer that has been prominent in non-smokers more than smokers? Okay, mouth cancer, well done, have a biscuit!

6. Non-smokers live longer do they? Do they? Go on, grab me those statistics? Show me them in black and white! Go ahead, I've got all night!
3,371 posts

then that's ur problem, if u don't like it, walkaway.
If I go in some shop and someone other than shopkeeper tells me to put it out , my answer is only tw words which i wont write here as i cant afford another ban

It really doesn't work that way. I can't just blow some sulfur gas in your face and tell you to walk away if you don't like it.

so is drinking, people do stupid things while drunk but no one puts a ban on drinking

Thats because you aren't always likly to harm someone while drinking a little. Smoking one ciggarette will hurt people, while drinking a beer won't really do much to anyone other then yourself.
2,487 posts

I've seen doctors take a smoking break. It's bad sure, but so is driving, and flying, going on a ship, ect. One mistake will kill you.

yes, but doctors who do smoke will tell you, "don't do what I did." they know the negative effects, and will use themselves as an example of how bad it is.

so is drinking, people do stupid things while drunk but no one puts a ban on drinking

because the majority drinks, but the majority doesn't smoke (I do neither, and don't plan on doing either). yes people do stupid things, but then they get arrested for doing those things.

I have trouble believing this, unless you're one of those people who can't tolerate any smoke, tobacco or not.

yes, those people are the majority as well.

I dunno about that. My mother did a pretty good job, and she's been smoking since she was 11.

...she didn't give you bith defects, but the constant exposure to it at a young age made you much more likely to smoke because you wanted to emulate your parents.

Ummm... no.

sorry, but you don't have a choice.

Am I? Or am I just blowing it out of my mouth?

out of your mouth, and into the air that other people breathe, who hate the smell and hate the guy causing it.

Assuming you get it in the same quantities as the smoker, which probably isn't going to happen, it's worse. No one ever debated otherwise.

living in a smoker's household makes this very likely.

I'm not an *******. Did I not just say I smoke outside?

so what, you are then bothering the people outside, the only difference is you moved a few feet.

face it, majority rules.

1,826 posts

It really doesn't work that way. I can't just blow some sulfur gas in your face and tell you to walk away if you don't like it.

than folowing ur logic I should walk free after killing u.
112 posts

I wouldn't want to go to a park that allowed smoking.

Your'e acting as if parks have been banning smoking for a long time now.

Also everyone overreacts to second hand smoke. Any smoker will tell you it's almost complete bull. First of all the smoke I blow out is not going to harm you its the unfiltered smoke from the end of the cigarette.

Another point to add would be that smoking inside is dumb. I hate it and thats the only thing I agree with. Which is why when some snooty person walks up and yells when your'e outside it just irritates me. Like you can walk up to me and say that, Why didn't you just walk the other way if it bothers you so much instead of diverting your path directly into what you supposedly can't stand. People man....
5,552 posts

than folowing ur logic I should walk free after killing u.

What? How do you even get that?

Should I be able to go around and fart in anyone's face? No. So why should you be allowed to put smoke in the air of everyone around you? They smell equally bad in my opinion, except a fart is less permeating, isn't bad for your health, and dissipates fairly quickly.
3,371 posts

I have trouble believing this, unless you're one of those people who can't tolerate any smoke, tobacco or not.

I'm an asthmatic. Everything was fine with my asthma at the time. I sleep on my grandpaâs couch, (who smokes), and I get pneumonia. And it's also been known that it's easier to get pneumonia from smoking(second hand too). Pneumonia can kill me, and almost has. Second hand smoking really has nearly killed me. And honestly, I had no chance in where I was sleeping. It was basically something that was decided for me.
539 posts

Crikey Punisher, what have you begun?

Urinate on soldiers, shut down the internet and even call someones religion, but stop them smoking.. oh boy!

Run, run as fast as you smoke-infested lungs will carry you!!! RUN!

3,371 posts

Also everyone overreacts to second hand smoke. Any smoker will tell you it's almost complete bull. First of all the smoke I blow out is not going to harm you its the unfiltered smoke from the end of the cigarette.

I don't think we overreact.

Unexpectently though, 20% of adults smoke. (so not counting the children part of the populataion.

Also this.

Between 70% and 90% of non-smokers in the American population, children and adults, are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke. It is estimated that only 15% of cigarette smoke gets inhaled by the smoker. The remaining 85% lingers in the air for everyone to breathe.
4,104 posts

2. My wife smoked, and my kids are strong healthy kids. Shove your propaganda where the sun don't shine.

Just because you got lucky, doesn't mean it's not still a fact. There are millions of cases where smoking has caused birth defects, you're children not having any doesn't change this.

4.Lung cancer? That is the best you can offer? I'll die from a cancer, a cancer I can get from walking down the street or eating the 'wrong' food? Any idea how many non-smokers get cancer? Research it, and get some knowledge.

He didn't say anything about other types of cancers. Now go look up how many people who have lung cancer are smokers. (i'll give you a hint, people who smoke are 23 times more likely to get it)

6. Non-smokers live longer do they? Do they? Go on, grab me those statistics? Show me them in black and white! Go ahead, I've got all night!

2,487 posts

Also everyone overreacts to second hand smoke. Any smoker will tell you it's almost complete bull. First of all the smoke I blow out is not going to harm you its the unfiltered smoke from the end of the cigarette.

notice me putting that in bold, thats bad.


yes, this will be fun.

I already said I don't smoke around other people **** wit.

smoke carries on everything it permeates, you smell like a bonfire afterwards, not an appealing odor.

2. My wife smoked, and my kids are strong healthy kids. Shove your propaganda where the sun don't shine.

and here I thought we could be civil, oh well. there is always an exception, that doesn't mean the rule is broken.

No, I think you'll find being a soldier is a lifestyle choice that leads to death, seconded by driving. Do you drive a car? A lot of people do and a lot of people die. BAN CARS!!!!

10% of the world population isn't in the military, and people only die by car crashes by either accident, or by careless driving by the moron who thought it was a good idea to change his pants while driving. besides, cars have been beefing up their safety measures, cigarretes have not.

Lung cancer? That is the best you can offer? I'll die from a cancer, a cancer I can get from walking down the street or eating the 'wrong' food? Any idea how many non-smokers get cancer? Research it, and get some knowledge. what, like I said there are always exceptions, that doesn't mean the rule is broken.

Mouth cancer? Seriously? You want an answer to a cancer that has been prominent in non-smokers more than smokers? Okay, mouth cancer, well done, have a biscuit!

still caused by a tobacco product, smart one. the only difference between the smoke and the leaf is that the smoke is given much less time to sit in your mouth.

Non-smokers live longer do they? Do they? Go on, grab me those statistics? Show me them in black and white! Go ahead, I've got all night!

don't need to, just ask the 35 year old smoker whos hacking up a lung right now and ask how good he's feeling good.

112 posts

Fellow smokers, The evidence will always be against us. But we knew this already right? We know all the harmful stuff is in it, We've all been told as youngins. So why bother caring what others think anymore. We made a choice and like a lot of other smokers i could care less about the effects it has on me or anyone who happens to walk past me for one second. Take all your google facts and keep typing keyboard warriors, but guess what all your fact finding doesn't leave me going Oh my gosh I gotta stop now and stop smoking around people outside. No. I don't care. Done.

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