Just for fum! Nyan cat's health starts with 10 ANY ATTACK IS NECECARY!
I nuke said cat
Oh and everytime the cat dies a new one takes it's place
I put Nyan Cat under a Japanese Water Torture machine.
I strap it down, and make it watch the whole series of Startreck, while force feeding it vegetables.
i create a black hole near said cat
I warp reality so it flies straight into a black hole.
I force it to watch the chum is fum episode of spongebob.
Forgot me
And me. Maybe cuz I pranked you so hard in the other forum game?
i think when the cat dies all previous attempts at killing arnt counted......
I drop said cat over a cliff.
I stab Nyan Cat with a ceramic knife.
I fire the death star as said cat.... if you don't know what a death star is......... well ill be sad
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