Just for fum! Nyan cat's health starts with 10 ANY ATTACK IS NECECARY!
and you have 2 make sure his health INCREASES up to 0 before he dies
I drown Tac Nyan in a river of candy.
wait no one knows the trick to killing tacnayn so i pick him up and replace him with a Nyan catNyan cat health:INFINITY
I attack him with a Tac Nayn, whose health is INFINTY+1
I reduce Nyan Cat Heath to 1000000000000000000000May I?
i meant 1 trillion times.
Im back
niiiiiiiiiiiice hhhhmmmmm I give him a harry potter pill.
I try to force Nyan Cat to commit suicide, by showing him this thread, and showing him how many people want to kill him.
I poke the cat to death, or until it commits suicide.
I destroy nyan cat with supernova
I get a magical fat guy with rainbow reducing powers to eat nyan cat.
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