Just for fum! Nyan cat's health starts with 10 ANY ATTACK IS NECECARY!
I nuke said cat 999999999999999 times.
You skipped mine.
I throw the sun at all of them.
*Twitches Eye*, I strangle all of them, after I cuff them with a power inhibitting hand cuff.
Twitches Eye*, I strangle all of them, after I cuff them with a power inhibitting hand cuff.
I tell them both that they don't exist. XD
Xolga prays to be human again and he temporarily becomes human. Then Mr Toko also becomes human but he looks like a kid(he is a 21 year old kid)Xolga:100/100Mr Toko:90/100
I call Pikachu to kill them with electricity.
I call Pikachu to kill them with electricity
I give him a pie.
The pie was poisoned.
I strangle him with the wood chain.
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