Story: They told us it would end....that it would be over...that we would go home....they we will have to this once peaceful city....taken apart ZOMBIES!
Player Sheet: Name: Gender: M or F (This could change things) Starter ClassLook Below) Stats: Str: Int: Charm: Spd: Hp:10/10 ------------- Skills: (Start Classes Look Below for skill sets) Firearms: Melee: Building: Crafting: Savaging: -------------- Equipment: (Depends on Starter Set) Head: Body: Legs: Feet: Weapon: Inventory: None
I take all the ammunition and the best gun that I can find, and then head to the supermarket, on the off chance that there's any nonperishable food left.
I search for a bit longer, now searching more for liquid than solid food (after all, I'm sure to get thirst eventually), but abandon the supermarket once I've thoroughly raided it. Next stop: the farms. Surely they will have some food around.
"Hey!" I call out, proving my humanity simply by managing to speak english. I head towards them, my plan already forming. I can offer them defense; they can offer me sustenance. Humans have to stick together, after all.
That last zombie falls as the farmer and his wife comes to you he has a shotgun and some farming tools and she has seeds..... Farmer: what ya want laddy?
"My name is Erik Wintre," I say, falling into a shallow bow as I do so, "and I can offer you protection. I'm gathering up humans, you see, to build up a colony. I intend to create civilization where civilization once stood, to beat back the undead threat and nurture a new world order from the ashes of the fallen one."
I smile and take a step closer, extending my hand to the farmer. "We'll be safer together than alone. Four is more than two." There, I've hinted at John's existence and made my offer. Now it's up to these two whether they want to accept my invitation or not. They can help me, and I can help them, but it's working together that we will get the most done.