ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
8,256 posts

Haha, yeah, you arrive to the gates of heaven and get told, "well sorry I know you were quite a believer, sadly for you our lord is called Yahweh, not Allah. Bad luck, bye". Now tell me again about that all-loving god of yours..

Would it really kill him to give each human a thorough look and considerate actions/choices, instead of simply checking a one-case checklist about belief in jesus?

At least ancient Scandinavian myths were honest; if you die in combat, you get entrance to valhalla, everyone else gets to hel (not hell, mind you; hel). Or Greeks: everyone gets to Hades, except the really bad ones (most often those who offended the gods XD).

240 posts

You enrage me. Where is your proof your religion is the only correct one? I have nothing against other religions, niether should you.

240 posts

Flames does, not you, HahiHa.

240 posts

Actually, 'Enrage' isnt the correct word. More like 'Disagree heavily'.

585 posts

You enrage me. Where is your proof your religion is the only correct one? I have nothing against other religions, niether should you.

I do not think my religion is the only correct one.
5,340 posts

No, it is not if God likes you you go to heaven. You have to truely beleive in Jesus and God. You can't just say I beleive in Christianity all of a sudden. But I am sure when you are growing up almost everyone is going to hear about God and Jesus and it is their decision to beleive in that faith or not. But I understand how they are "unlucky" to beleive in another faith and that faith ends up to be fake when they die. It is unfair but that is the way it is sometimes.

just like anybody will eventually hear about islam, judaism and any other religion. its all luck based. go decides where you are born and in what conditions right? so it IS just luck OR him liking certain people. if that is unfair then god is unfair too. and if the eternal judgement is unfair and based on luck what does it say about your faith and belief?

my belief is simple: REAL good or non-bad people go to heaven and REAL bad people go to hell (and i said that already).

good people are those who do their best to not hurt others and when they do they regret it.

bad people are those who hurt others for no reason and dont regret hurting other people.
240 posts

@Flames maybe I missunderstood you

5,552 posts

I do not think my religion is the only correct one.

How does that work with this.

"No, it is not if God likes you you go to heaven. You have to truely beleive in Jesus and God."

Right here you are saying Christianity is the only correct religion, because only by believing in God AND Jesus, something only Christians believe, will you be rewarded with Heaven.
1,036 posts

Ok other than your holy books based off Judaism what other evidence do you have that there's an after life?
2.If you truly believe Heaven or Hell exists then why not kill yourself(After you spread-ed your word of God etc.)?
3.If heaven and hell really exists then what happens to the babies that die before they are even born?

3,817 posts

just like anybody will eventually hear about islam, judaism and any other religion. its all luck based. go decides where you are born and in what conditions right? so it IS just luck OR him liking certain people. if that is unfair then god is unfair too. and if the eternal judgement is unfair and based on luck what does it say about your faith and belief?

my belief is simple: REAL good or non-bad people go to heaven and REAL bad people go to hell (and i said that already).

good people are those who do their best to not hurt others and when they do they regret it.

bad people are those who hurt others for no reason and dont regret hurting other people.

There ends up being a lot of questions with any two-way heaven-hell system. And a lot of problems. One of those problems is that it assumes there are only two kinds of people- pure good and pure evil. If you where designing a system to classify people by their deeds- and rewarding them accordingly- would you give Gandhi the same reward as that guy who was sorry he murdered his entire family? Or the man who lived as a thief the same punishment as Hitler? Why only have two places?
1,036 posts

I almost forgot to ask. Do pedophile Priest go to heaven?

585 posts

Right here you are saying Christianity is the only correct religion, because only by believing in God AND Jesus, something only Christians believe, will you be rewarded with Heaven.

I am sure that many other religions beleive in a after life. That is what Christains beleive in another life after you die.

Remember to answer the question what would it feel like to live for eternity?

and what would another life after you die look like?
5,552 posts

Remember to answer the question what would it feel like to live for eternity?

It'd be really, really, really boring. Eventually, you would have done everything and know everything. You would have talked to everyone who has ever lived and ever will live, forever. And ever. And ever.

and what would another life after you die look like?

So we're dabbling in reincarnation are we? It would depend on a few things.

1) Would this reincarnation be based on your previous life's status/achievements?

2) Would you be the same gender?

3) Would you still even be human?

4) Would you even live on earth?

5) Would it always be in the same time frame and is just an individual world? (Matrix)

6) Would you have the choice on whether to come back or not?
585 posts

It'd be really, really, really boring. Eventually, you would have done everything and know everything. You would have talked to everyone who has ever lived and ever will live, forever. And ever. And ever.

Yes I agree but what if you had no sense of time no way of knowing when it is night or day you might think what would be an eternity for us would only be one day.
585 posts

Do pedophile Priest go to heaven?

Can someone answer Ssssnnaakke's quetion please. He wants am answer.
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