ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
585 posts

One thing also anyone can answer and but there thoughts in of heaven and hell if anyone else looking at this thread felt like they couldn't.

We won't discriminate your religion and beleifs.

9,462 posts

Do pedophile Priest go to heaven?

Far as I know there is nothing in the Bible condemning pedophilia.
585 posts

Thanks MageGrayWolf for answering the young fella's question.

2,413 posts

Don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I think, possibly, there MAY be a lucid dream-like state when you die, but not technically brain-dead, where the people who have heard of Heaven and Hell, blah blah blah, see it in their minds, then they get resurrected, and think it was real.

585 posts


would you give Gandhi the same reward as that guy who was sorry he murdered his entire family? Or the man who lived as a thief the same punishment as Hitler? Why only have two places?

No you wouldn't give the guy we murdered his entire family the same fate in the after life as Gandhi if he wasn't truly sorry for it. But if in the mans heart he was truly sorry for what he had done then yes he would go to Heaven with Gandhi.

Same thing with Hitler and the man who lived as a theif if they weren't truly sorry for what they had done then they would get the same punishment in Hell.

God would know if you are truly sorry because the Holy spirit is in all of our souls so God knows everything we have done and if we are truly sorry then he will forgive us.

Only having two places is alot simpleir than having a place for every kind of punishment and good deed.
2,413 posts

In the Bible it says God forgives all sins except the unforgivable sin of not accepting Jesus.
So, a mass murderer who accepts Jesus into his heart goes to Heaven, but not me, who hasn't done anything wrong (okay, maybe a few things) accept not accept Jesus into my heart? Cruel, much?
585 posts


where the people who have heard of Heaven and Hell, blah blah blah, see it in their minds, then they get resurrected, and think it was real.

I am sorry but the only person to be resurrected was Jesus nobody else has been resurrected. Or maybe I am misunderstanding can you just clarifie what you said.
9,439 posts

Only having two places is alot simpleir than having a place for every kind of punishment and good deed.

Weren't there 'circles of hell' or something, where the worse you were, the deeper you went?
2,413 posts

I am sorry but the only person to be resurrected was Jesus nobody else has been resurrected. Or maybe I am misunderstanding can you just clarifie what you said.
Oh, nevermind. I mean when someone dies, they get brought back from the dead, etc.
585 posts

So, a mass murderer who accepts Jesus into his heart goes to Heaven, but not me, who hasn't done anything wrong (okay, maybe a few things) accept not accept Jesus into my heart? Cruel, much?

Yes, but that if he is truly sorry for killing people in his heart and if he accepts Jesus into his heart. But if you have never heard of Jesus before and at the gates of Heaven God tells you to put away your sin, selfishness and pride and you choose to do so then God will let you in.
2,413 posts

I've heard of Jesus. I just don't think that Christianity is right. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with you being a Christian, I'm fine with you being (insert religion here).

9,504 posts

But if you have never heard of Jesus before and at the gates of Heaven God tells you to put away your sin, selfishness and pride and you choose to do so then God will let you in.

Then why are people telling us about God? It seems to me the reward is the same for both ignorance of God and a believer in him. :S
585 posts

This is why God would send billion of people to Hell:

Atheists often claim that Christianity could not be true because a loving God would not send billions of people to hell. Although this seems logically valid at first glance, it makes some assumptions that are not true for the God of the Bible. Many atheists claim that those who have never heard of Jesus Christ should not be forced to go to hell.

The first false assumption is that love allows the object of that love to do whatever he or she wants. However, this permissive kind of "love" isn't really love at all. Any of you who are parents will recognize that allowing your children to do whatever they want to do is not loving at all. If you were to do this, your children would grow up to be spoiled selfish brats, incapable of loving other people. Permissive gods, who are caught up in their own intrigues, and so allow humans to do whatever they want without repercussions, are found in the pagan religions. However, the God of the Bible wants us to love Him and other people above everything else we do.

The Creator God of the universe is obviously a God of order. The laws that govern the physical universe are so precise that we can calculate the positions of planets, stars, and galaxies thousands to millions of years into the future. Would a God of this kind of precision design moral laws that are random or changing? It doesn't seem likely or consistent with the character of the Creator that we know from the reality of the creation. Therefore, it seems likely that unchanging moral laws are consistent with the God of creation. The Bible says that the moral laws are consistent with the character of God. Therefore, the main purpose of the moral laws are to teach us what God requires for us to enter into His kingdom. The moral laws also allow us to live with each other on earth without hurting each other. In fact, if we all perfectly fulfilled the moral laws of God, we would be in perfect harmony with each other. Our failure to fulfill God's moral laws leads us to seek Him as the source of our salvation.

Since God created spiritual beings for the purpose of expressing love, those beings must have complete free will in order to express that love. Of course, free will allows for the possibility of those beings rejecting God and His plans. Unfortunately, most people do not agree that God's rules are good and do not want to live by them. In fact, the vast majority of people want to run their own lives without submitting to God at all. Somehow, they feel that God will just let them into heaven because they have behaved about as good, and maybe even better, compared to the rest of the people on earth. The problem with this idea is that God does not grade on the curve. All who enter God's kingdom must be absolutely holy, since no sin is allowed in God's presence. In addition, people must be willing to allow God to prevent them from sinning ever again, since there is no sin in heaven. This means that people must be willing to submit fully to God's will in order to get into heaven. Of course, all humans fall short of God's moral requirements. Therefore, God has made a provision to erase all sins that we have committed in this life and to perfect us so that we cannot sin in the next life. That provision for sin is through the sacrifice of God's son, Jesus Christ. Jesus took the punishment that we deserve and gives us the reward that we do not deserve -eternal life. In accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, all our sins are erased, and Jesus works to change us into His image (if we allow Him to do so).

So why doesn't God make everyone into perfect beings and allow them all into heaven? It would actually be more cruel if God were to do this, since many people prefer hell to the alternative (complete submission to God). All the people who end up going to hell will have done so because they actually prefer hell to being forced into the presence of God for all eternity. People like to live in their favorite sins and answer to no one else. They know that if they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior that God will want them to change their lives and they might have to give up some of their autonomy.

At this time in history, there is more evidence demonstrating the existence of God than at any time in the past. In addition, there are missionaries throughout the world proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and the salvation that He offers as a free gift. Although the gift is "free," it will cost you your sin, selfishness, and pride. Since none of these character traits are allowed into heaven, those who insist upon holding onto these traits cannot enter into heaven, but must be separated from God in a place called hell. Therefore, those who go to hell do so voluntarily, preferring hell to complete submission to a holy and just God.

I have learned alot more of my faith so that is more of what I have learned.

585 posts

Then why are people telling us about God? It seems to me the reward is the same for both ignorance of God and a believer in him. :S

It helps to be a beleiver in him it would make getting to Heaven a whole lot easier.
585 posts

What do you think of Heaven and Hell?

(For Freakenstein and everyone else.)

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