ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
2,413 posts

different religion
This conflicts with:

I do not think my religion is the only correct one.
Which one is it?
2,413 posts

Some might choose to go to Hell because they had a different religion in the first place
That's supposed to be the first quote.
2,739 posts

ybe .no correct religon.i mean i don't think there is ye.idk if therer is or is not

4,104 posts

ybe .no correct religon.i mean i don't think there is ye.idk if therer is or is not

Amount of periods in your post: 3

Amount of comprehensible sentences: 0
2,739 posts

ya i was kinda talking to sombody in the room at the same time and it just kinda .......came out that way opps.kinda mean but it did need to be pointed out

4,710 posts

I highly doubt Hell being very, very cold because in the Bible it says that Hell is the fiery depths. I think.

and where is the evidence to prove that the bible is right?

585 posts


Which one is it?

Nodody know's what religion is actually true it is all about which one you pick.

and where is the evidence to prove that the bible is right?

Yes there is,

The first reason because the bible is historically accurate.
Luke, a Bible writer, is one example. His details about Roman officials such as "Sergio Paulus of Cyprus," "Gallio, the proconsul of Achaia," "Herod the Great," "Pontius Pilate," and "King Agrippa,"are all confirmed by ancient Roman historical records and archeology. Even unbelieving scholars agree that King David, King Solomon, the Philistines, and countless other persons mentioned in the Bible were real people, and that such cities as Ephesus, Philippi, and Thessalonica were real places. The ancient Ebla Tablets, a collection of 17,000 tablets discovered since 1968 and written around 2,500 B.C. mention the biblical cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar, found in Genesis 14. The Mari Tablets, 25,000 tablets written in 1,900 B.C., mention the names of Abraham, Jacob, Nahor, Dan, Levi, Benjamin, and Ishmael, found in the book of Genesis. Also a Canaanite bronze calf was discovered a couple of years ago and reported in Time magazine, confirming the Bible's account that pagan nations worshipped calves.

Another reason is:
The Bible is composed of 66 parts, or books, written over a period of approximately 1,500 years (from about 1450 BC to about 90 AD) by over 40 different people. These writers were all different from each other. Some were rich, some poor, some young, some old. Some were priests, some prophets, one was a tax collector (Matthew), one was a doctor (Luke), a tentmaker (Paul), and a fisherman (Peter). Yet they all wrote about the same man who claimed to be God - Jesus Christ. On the surface, there might seem to be disagreement between the writers, but if you study deeper, you will find that they all agree about Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the end times, salvation, heaven, hell, etc.

This is the source
5,340 posts

If you were to do this, your children would grow up to be spoiled selfish brats, incapable of loving other people

there is a difference. those type of people eventually care only about themselves and almost nobody likes them. there is a reason they are considered bad people.

but christianity sais that non-believers or gays (and im guessing many more but these are the only 2 i know of) go to hell. where is the explanation to why that is bad? in christianity many innocent people deserve to go to hell and we are talking about the "love" of throwing those people to hell and not the love of throwing anybody to hell.

it judges you from pretty much the day you were born.

and proving a book to he historicaly accurate doesnt make the story line real.

there are stories about the holocaust and many other times that we all know existed. weather the stories are correct or not depends on the writer.

the bible is a BIG book. many things might be accurate while the other might be imaginary. god canot be proven and thats the point.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Nodody know's what religion is actually true it is all about which one you pick.

Then how would you maintain your faith if you don't know whether your religion is the ''true'' faith?

Has archaeology confirmed the historical accuracy of some information in the Bible? Indeed it has, but I know of no person who has ever tried to deny that some biblical history is accurate. The inscription on the Moabite Stone, for example, provides disinterested, nonbiblical confirmation that king Mesha of the Moabites, mentioned in 2 Kings 3:4-27, was probably an actual historical character. The Black Obelisk provides a record of the payment of tribute to the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III by Jehu, king of the Israelites (2 Kings 9-10; 2 Chron. 22:7-9). Likewise, the Babylonian Chronicle attests to the historicity of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and his conquest of Jerusalem as recorded in 2 Kings 25. Other examples could be cited, but these are sufficient to show that archaeology has corroborated some information in the Bible.

What biblicists who get so excited over archaeological discoveries like these apparently can't understand is that extrabiblical confirmation of some of the Bible does not constitute confirmation of all of the Bible. In other words, just because the Bible attests correctly to the existence of Roman officials, does not mean that it's theological assertions, such as Hell and Heaven, are true.

For example, the fact that archaeological evidence confirms that Jehu was an actual historical character confirms only that he was an actual historical character. It does not confirm the historical accuracy of everything that the Bible attributed to him.

Did a 'son of the prophets' go to Ramoth-gilead and anoint Jehu king of Israel while the reigning king was home in Jezreel recovering from battle wounds (2 Kings 9:1-10)? Did Jehu then ride to Jezreel in a chariot and massacre the Israelite royal family and usurp the throne (2 Kings 9:16 ff)? We simply cannot determine this from an Assyrian inscription that claimed Jehu paid tribute to Shalmaneser, so in the absence of disinterested, nonbiblical records that attest to these events, it is hardly accurate to say that archaeology has proven the historicity of what the Bible recorded about Jehu. Likewise, extrabiblical references to Nebuchadnezzar may confirm his historical existence, but they do not corroborate the accuracy of such biblical claims as his dream that Daniel interpreted (Dan. 2) or his seven-year period of insanity (Dan. 4:4-37). To so argue is to read entirely too much into the archaeological records.

Other archaeological discoveries haven't just cast doubt on the accuracy of some biblical information but have shown some accounts to be completely erroneous. A notable example would be the account of Joshua's conquest and destruction of the Canaanite city of Ai. According to Joshua 8, Israelite forces attacked Ai, burned it, 'utterly destroyed all the inhabitants,' and made it a 'heap forever' (vs:26-28). Extensive archaeological work at the site of Ai, however, has revealed that the city was destroyed and burned around 2400 B. C., which would have been over a thousand years before the time of Joshua. Joseph Callaway, a conservative Southern Baptist and professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, spent nine years excavating the ruins of ancient Ai and afterwards reported that what he found there contradicted the biblical record.

Source after some editing.
132 posts

I am going to give an in depth Heaven and Hell breakdown from a Christian standpoint(Protestant). Note: the Bible will be coming into play here, reguardlesss if you believe it or not, I am stating what it has to say about Heaven and Hell. You do not have to believe it is mereley a guideline for this text.

Now to start off, we must define Heaven and Hell. Heaven, as we all know, is a nice place where everyone is nice, kind and loving, right? Sort of. The Bible states that in Heaven: every believer has a mansion of gold, the streets there are paved with gold so pure it is clear, the gulf is so clear it is as crystal, and there is not a sun, but God lights Heaven. Contrary to popular belief, you won't grow wings out of your back and become and angel upon admittance to heaven. That's pure bull crap, and not once is it mentioned in the Bible or any other scriptures. A decription of heaven can be found in Rev. 21.
There is more to Heaven than just that, but I won't explain it here for sake of time. Seems ridiculous right? Remember, we are looking at this through a Christians eyes. Keep reading.
Hell Is a bad place. Fair enough? No. Hell is an alarmingly abhorrent and terrifying place. I do not feel like describing it so please go here.
Could not have said it better myself.

Now, we all know what Heaven and Hell are like. Lets decide where we want to go, of course supposing that they are real. Answer: [sarcasm]We all want to go to Hell[/sarcasm](Lol). No, if you read the page, no one wants to go to Hell unless they have a severe medical condition that affects the brain and should be seen by a doctor immediatly. No logical person would want to go to Hell.

How to go to Heaven (or Hell) is another story. A Catholic's view on getting into Heaven is outrageously flawed, as it contadicts what they hold as top athority: the Bible. The easy way to get to Hell is to do nothing; live your life how you please, do what ever heck you want. I will explain.

Romans 6:23, âFor the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.â

Revelation 21:8, âBut the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and *****mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.â

Alright let us atart here. First of all, I am not arguing with the Atheists here, but the theists here that say good works will get them to heaven. Have you sinned? Duh, we all have told a lie. Ok then we are liars, some better than others but nonetheless we are all liars. Now wait, woah. The next verse says that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire (obviously talking about Hell here, its not rocket science). So acording to these passeges we are all doomed on our way too Hell. Can a theist argue with that? I think not.
Now before you go give up all hope of going to heaven, pay attention to the latter part of the first verse. What is the gift of God? Believing in him.

John 3:16, âFor God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.â

John 11:25, âJesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.â

So through just these four verses the idealology of the Catholics are already disproved.

This is all I've got, I really appreciate you listening to my long drawn out explaination (if you did). Again, written from a Christian standpoint, and a hypothetical situation to the Atheists. Thank you for your time.

BTW, still waiting for BBcode for sarcasm.

585 posts

@nichodemus and thebluerabbit

Just shedding more light on the topic of going to Hell and Heaven.

Hell is not an easy subject to discuss, because if you ever take much time to think about it you soon realize that the very concept of hell is absolutely terrifying. But considering the fact that Jesus talked about hell more than anyone else in the Bible, we should not be afraid of addressing the subject. The reality is that the Bible does teach that hell exists and that there are people who are there right now.

That is not an easy reality to face, but the truth is that we have all violated God's laws. That is why Jesus had to come to die on the cross as a payment for our sins. Because we are all guilty. We can all either turn to Christ and have our sins forgiven, or we can pay for our own sins. Those who invite Jesus Christ into their lives go to a place known as heaven when they die as we covered in our previous article entitled "What Does The Bible Say About Heaven?", while those who reject the Lord Jesus go to a place of punishment known as hell when they die.

Those are the only two options. Everyone on earth has a choice to make, and the Bible is abundantly clear about the consequences of those choices. John 3:36 is one example of how incredibly clear the Scriptures are on this point.....

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."

The reality is that evil deserves to be punished, and any judge that refuses to punish evil is a wicked judge.

The same applies to God.

Either he must punish evil, or He is not just.

For example, what if God said the following to Hitler: "I see that you killed 6 million Jews, but overall you seem like a good person.....come and let me show you around your mansion."

Do you think that God would say that?

Of course not!

Anyone who believes that God is like that is totally delusional.

In the Scriptures we read that God is a God of perfect love AND a God of perfect justice.

Wickedness deserves to be punished, and God is most certainly going to punish it.

Hell is an alarmingly abhorrent and terrifying place. I do not feel like describing it so please go here.

I read the description of Hell on that website but it says it will be fiery in the bible:

In Revelation 20:10-15 we read about that future day when those who do not belong to Jesus Christ will be judged.....

And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gaveup the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

The Bible says that getting thrown into the lake of fire is the final destination for all those who reject God.

The portion of Scripture above even tells us that death and hell (Hades) will be thrown into the lake of fire.

If a person does not want to be cast into the lake of fire is there any way to avoid that?


As we mentioned previously in this article, God is a God of perfect love and a God of perfect justice.

The truth is that God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you on the cross.

Jesus Christ took your punishment on Himself at the cross.

Jesus paid for all the sins of mankind as He suffered and died on the cross.

Being fully man, Jesus could die for the sins of all men.

Being fully God, Jesus could die for an infinite number of sins.

That is why the cross is so central to the Christian faith. It was the ultimate sacrifice and it was full payment for our sin.

Plz read this all to understand.

Source is here
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Hell is not an easy subject to discuss, because if you ever take much time to think about it you soon realize that the very concept of hell is absolutely terrifying. But considering the fact that Jesus talked about hell more than anyone else in the Bible, we should not be afraid of addressing the subject. The reality is that the Bible does teach that hell exists and that there are people who are there right now.

Of course Hell is a terrifying place, if it existed. However you are skirting the main issue of actually giving proof that Hell exists. Repeating the Bible is not proof, it's a broad sweeping assertion that holds no weight by itself.

That is not an easy reality to face, but the truth is that we have all violated God's laws.

We have? What have we done? I refuse to be punished because some woman supposedly ate an apple she should not have if that's what you're referring to. Why should I anyway?

Because we are all guilty. We can all either turn to Christ and have our sins forgiven, or we can pay for our own sins. Those who invite Jesus Christ into their lives go to a place known as heaven when they die as we covered in our previous article entitled "What Does The Bible Say About Heaven?", while those who reject the Lord Jesus go to a place of punishment known as hell when they die.

Fine and all; but it hinges only on the fact that the Bible says so. Without any evidence whatsoever. Quoting scripture, and saying so and so person stated there is a Hell, is not evidence.

Same goes for all the rest of your post. The article makes HUGE assumptions and assertions that God wills this, God wants that, without actually giving evidence.

It's the same as creating your own set of beliefs, your own paradigm, and then using the same thing to prove your beliefs right.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The truth is that God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you on the cross.

Jesus Christ took your punishment on Himself at the cross.

Jesus paid for all the sins of mankind as He suffered and died on the cross.

Being fully man, Jesus could die for the sins of all men.

Being fully God, Jesus could die for an infinite number of sins.

That is why the cross is so central to the Christian faith. It was the ultimate sacrifice and it was full payment for our sin.

Alright. Again, fine and all. And so? Where's the proof apart from a Book that is used to simultaneously espouse a faith, which is in itself then used to prove the Book?
653 posts

I'm not aware of any evidence to say there isn't a heaven or hell. I don't discount the existence of anything I can't prove. I do believe that eventually we'll be able to find out if heaven and hell exist. Just because we don't know something or can't prove something doesn't mean we'll never know or never be able to prove it.

Actually, I have found a video of heaven and of hell. It just may end the debate. LINK

585 posts

Rememeber I am not trying to covince you to become Christain.

Well yes I agree this is the problem. That it is hard to provide evidence that all this is real. It would be alot easier if we were living when "Jesus" was alive and see with our own eyes.

Proving that Jesus is real maybe not:

Yes. If Jesus wasn't ever alive, how could a world wide religion come out of it? There are historical records when Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate. If you think this entire thing could have been made up by a folklore specialist just at the time that Christianity began, when B.C. turned into A.D., think again.

No. There are many reasons why people believe he existed, the biggest one is faith. Faith does not take into account facts. To this day there has been no hard evidence found that Jesus Christ even exisited. There's no evidence that Nazareth even existed at the time that people claim Jesus did. There are 133 different years that people have claimed he was born and every month of the year has been claimed to be the month he was born at one time or another. The Gospel of Mark, The Gospel of Luke, The Gospel of John and The Gospel of Matthew are the first writings that were ever discovered (in the Bible) about Jesus and they were written at least 70 years after Jesus was said to have died. If you want to consider that evidence you can, but science and history won't. I have done my research and I have sincerely found no evidence that Jesus ever existed.

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