ForumsForum GamesThe Journey

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1,269 posts

You were fighting overseas to attack the kingdom of Yort, which was an enemy of your country for years. After 10 long years, your country has finally taken over the kingdom of Yort, executing every citizen of Yort. Throughout the war, you were put in a crew and worked your way up the ranks. Through respect and hard work, you've been put as the leader. Your training, clothing, weapons, and food were all paid for as the war went on. Unfortunately, due to the length of the war, your travels home are not paid for. Your family has waited for you at home for all those years. You and your crew must either start a colony at Yort, or sail back home.

Class: (Archer/Warrior)
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: (at least 3)
Personality: (at least 3)
Trait: (I put)
Biography: (at least 3 sentences.)
Perk: (i put)
Crew Name: (optional, needed if you want to colonize)
Available Weapons: (i put)
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

  • 42 Replies
1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

The man looks at himself and becomes disappointed. "Please forgive us, Erik. We didn't know that you were the king's men. The Yortian curse must have turned our hearts against you. To prevent any more shame in my name, please kill me and tell my wife that I love her."

The rest of the army also looked at themselves with a sad face. They drop their weapons and assume defeat. "It's better for you to avange us, than for us to fight."

One man, though, threw shouts and all sorts of spasms. He lifted his hand forward and trembled.

"Listen to me, Men of the King, for I have news concerning your houses." He went on talking to each crew member about their families at home. At last, he comes to you.

"Erik Wintre, be cautious with your crew, for they will stir against you on your journey home. Yea, you will reach home if ye build a boat and rule over your men. Your wife desperately misses you, as well as your son. Yea, he is now of age and shall aid you in the fight of the courters who have gone to your house in search of your wife's hand. Do not worry, for you will make it home if you only sacrifice the corpses to the gods and head sail within a fortnight. Any later, and your chances on returning home are decimated."

153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

A fortnight.

Fourteen days.

Could we do it? Could we really prepare everything necessary to set sail in a single fortnight?

Well, we must try now. The men will be even more disappointed in forming a colony if they know we had a chance to head home, and a **** good chance too.

I approach the apparent oracle, and after a moment to overcome my disgust at the bare bones and strips of half-rotting flesh clinging to their edges like ragged scraps of clothing, I embrace him. "Thank you, brother," I whisper, drawing my sword arm back and resting the point against his chest. I look into his eyes sadly. These men were once good men, honest men of the King. Once upon a time. Before the curse took hold of them.

We have to escape.

Driving my arm forward hard, I force the sword through him, twisting the blade until he falls limp in the final stage of death, at which point I discard his body. "We will put you and your men to peace," I announce to the leader. "And we will tell your families of your great sacrifice in giving up your lives for the King's noble cause."

I raise my sword and bring it swinging in to lop off the man's head before he has a chance to respond, ending his half-life quickly if possible. "Let the sacrificial rites begin!"

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

The men build pyres and stab each undead warrior before laying them in the flame, no need for unnecessary suffering. The first one sacrificed was the leader, out of respect, then the oracle, and later come the warriors. As more men come, the fire grows bigger. It is big enough to light up the night into the day. For each sacrifice, a prayer is made to the gods.

A white dove somehow comes. On its talons is a note.

As ordered by the King, any remaining men shall be killed as the ships reach the land. We estimate our arrival to be within a week.

You read the note to yourself. Do you announce it to the crew?
153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

I'm an honest leader, but not a stupid one. I fold the note up slowly and slip it into my pocket. "Well then," I say quietly. "It looks like we have less than a fortnight."

Turning to the men around the funeral pyre, I carefully choose the words that I believe will best serve our cause without causing undue concern. "We've fought many battles together, and dealt with many hardships," I begin, projecting my voice to all present. "You heard the oracle: we have a fortnight to leave. I say we leave in half that time. We took down the entire Yortian nation in ten years, we can build a ship and get off this forsaken island in a week."

"There are two things we need: supplies and transportation. Supplies should be a simple enough matter, but to find and make seaworthy a ship in less than seven days' time will be difficult. I suggest getting a good solid night of sleep, because tomorrow, we earn our place in the world. We're going home."

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

The men cheer a loud shout of joy. They go to sleep, calmly ignorant of the death ships. They wake up the next day ready to work. What shall you do?

153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

"First thing's first, we need a ship that can actually sail. This one is the most intact of all," I say, motioning to the ship we've been using to sleep in, "and we've already proven that it can comfortably accomodate all of us. So, does anyone have any skill as a carpenter? Those of you who do, take thirty men and get this ship ready to sail." My gaze flicks to the wrecked ships surrounding our own vaguely intact vessel, and a wry smile flicks across my face. "There are plenty of spare parts around."

"The other thirty of you will come with me. We're going to find some provisions," I say, already charting my course in my mind. First stop will be the fire from last night, the one seen before we were attacked. Then we can head inland and hunt for a few hours until we have to return to the beach, where there should be time to locate some salt before the evening is up and prepare the meat for our coming voyage.

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

((your crew has 50 people in it :P))

You find some livestock that the Yortian farmers have left here. Without the supervision of the farmers, these livestock have become sick and fragile. You also find some feral creatures, accustomed to the way of the hunters. You encounter a large pack of wolves, though they are not native to Yort, they have adapted to the elements and are prepared to fight any human. There are also wild rabbits, deer, boars, and some water fowl.

153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

[I... must have been tired while typing that. I meant to assign the twenty soldiers most skilled with carpentry to work on the boat, while the other thirty and I went hunting. Apologies there.]

First thing's first: I ensure that the livestock are locked up, so that on the way back to the ship, we can bring them. It will be useful to have fresher meat aboard, and the men will certainly appreciate not having to eat dried, salted meat for the entirety of their voyage.

After checking to make sure they aren't going anywhere, I lead my hunting party to hunt the nearest rabbit, water fowl, and (preferably) deer, since these are the least dangerous but most nutritious animals that we could bring on the voyage home. No point in losing men to a wild animal.

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

You catch plenty of wild game to bring on board. The ship is starting to look seaworthy.

You load up the meat on the ship, and see that you have attracted wolves. From your knowledge, you must either kill the alpha male or send an offering in order to prevent the pack from killing you.

kill the wolf- you get total command of the pack, the pack will be bound to attack you someday in the future to avenge their leader.

offering- you may get total control, depending on the alpha wolf's personality. The wolf's personality also helps determine the outcome.

153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

How sentient are the wolves of Yort? Can they understand whatever language is spoken in the Kingdom, do they speak Yortian, are they unable to speak or understand any human tongue...?

I ask only because if they are capable of such things as vengeance and having unique personalities, they are obviously intelligent to some degree.

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

((Yes, I'm glad you at least asked!))

The wolves are extremely sentient. They can perceive the emotions of a person and their character. They are descendants of the King's battle wolves, though they were left abandoned in the wilderness by cruel warriors. They mainly understand the Kingdom's language, though they cannot speak it. The elder wolves are abandoned battle wolves and the rest of the pack are either offspring or stray wolves of other packs. You notice within the pack your old battle wolf, (insert name here), which you have thought that he had died in battle.

153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

"Konig," I murmur, seeing him among the ranks of wolves advancing on my ship. I had been so sure he was dead. After all, anyone who went missing-in-action on Yortian soil was almost invariably found dead later. How my battle wolf, of all of them, could have survived...

"Halt, noble lupine brethren!" I call, locking eyes with the wolf which appears to be highest-ranking in the pack's existing hierarchy, challenging it to disobey a man with one hand on his sword and the other holding a shield with the crest of the King upon it. They may be intelligent for wolves, but we are humans, and we need no empathy to slay our enemies. "I understand that you are in need of meat, and that we have taken meat that is rightfully yours'." Not entirely true, but not a lie, and a statement that the leader would appreciate. "However, we are returning to the Kingdom. There's nothing left for you on Yort. Help us prepare, share your food with us as we shall share ours' with you, and we will take you with us. Perhaps it was not your home before now, but should you accompany us..."

I pause, surveying the wolves as a whole.

"...we will all be going home."

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

You see a twinkle in Konig's eyes. He seems to be crying with a longing for home, along with the rest of the elders. The elders of the pack howl with joy and cause the rest to howl as well. The elders seem to beg the leader to join you. At the very least, you have gotten the attention of the elders, a good sign of comfort. Though, the younger generation might have no idea about the kingdom. Hopefully, they trust the elders. The leader half-trusts you, still somewhat aggressive, yet he gets over it and bows his head against you. You know what you must do now... you must fight the alpha male, a tricky situation. If you kill him, you'll have the distrust of the pack, if not, he may kill you.

You must fight him enough for him to quit.

You must fight one on one.

153 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

[I'm assuming that the alpha male is the leader? Or is he just the biggest, or something?]

The majority of the wolves are in the palm of my hand now. But I can't kill the alpha male, for they still respect him, no matter how tantalizing my offer may be.

I look the alpha male in the eyes, challenging his dominance. I would not kill him. But I would break him. I would do so honorably and I would prove myself his superior. I would force him to bow his head to me as his brethren did so willingly. "You have only tooth and claw to fight me with," I say, dropping my sword and shield and stripping out of my armor. From the discarded sheath, I draw my dagger and raise it, my only remaining defense. "This will be my tooth and my claw."

My challenge issued, I await his response. My mind races, analyzing various strategies to disable him without killing him. Obviously I have to take out a leg quickly. That will be my goal, for an alpha male with a limp is no alpha male at all. I won't take his life but I will take everything that made it worth living.

1,269 posts

Name: Erik Wintre
Age: 40
Class: Warrior
Rank: Captain
Physical Description: Erik stands tall at 6 feet in height, but his lean body contrasts its own height - he weighs only just under 160 pounds, though what body mass he does have is almost exclusively muscle. With hair that is in the final stages of change from golden-blonde to silver and blue eyes as cold as ice, he plays the part of "hardened veteran" rather well.
Personality: Erik looks out for his own. He is very protective of his men, but follows the doctrine involving "the good of the many" coming before "the good of the few". Despite this, he's proven himself to be more than competent at military strategy, and has earned the respect of his platoon for remaining calm under pressure and making logical decisions even in the face of extreme stress.
Trait: Clear Headed and Reputable: People will easily obey him.
Biography: Erik entered the military at the age of 16, but because his kingdom was at peace, he never really had the chance to excel and prove his worth as a leader. At 30, when the war against Yort began, he was one of the first overseas, and quickly made up for lost time, earning promotion after promotion, honor after honor. By the time Erik was 38, he had become second-in-command of his platoon. Then, tragedy struck: a Yort archer took out his leader. Erik immediately took command and fell into the role of platoon leader with ease, and that's the position in which he has remained.
Perk: Strategist: You can make great strategies and can well-administer resources.
Inventory: Shield, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Crew Name: 66th Infantry Platoon
Available Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrow, Dagger
Average Crew Level: 1
Crew Morale: GREAT
Crew Health: HEALTHY
Crew Size: 50

[Yeah, it's the leader. They usually gain that position through fighting. It's also the male that does most of the reproduction in the pack. You, at the very least, need to leave him in pain and limping]

He feels intimidated at your approach. He backs away for a while, until the others look at him, astonished. He feels a sense of envy and anger and rushes towards you unwillingly. He leaps, trying to claw you and pin you down. You notice the condition of the omega wolf, the most beaten wolf in the pack. He is rather weak, beaten, and submissive.

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