ForumsForum GamesPokemon Mystery dungeon: A RPG

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So, you probably know what Pokemon is/are. If you don't, you probably aren't going to play this. You also might know what Pokemon mystery dungeon is. If you don't that's OK. It's pokemon, without any humans, and the pokemon, so to speak, replace humans, living in tribes, villages, and such. You get the idea. This is an RPG, like that game. You travel, fight, talk, and evolve. Please ask more questions to clarify.

Nick Name: (usually Pokemon just have their species as their name, but for example if your a bulbasaur, you can call your self bulby. Not required.)
Pokemon: (what kind of pokemon you are.)
Traits: (For example, a scar on your eye, a ruft of hair.)
Attacks: (I'll put, but if you go and look up your attacks, and i check them ok, there fine. Aslong as your not just starting the game, and suddenly start with a level 100 move)
Inventory: None
Party: None

When you pick your name, if you don't have a special name or anything, then just put your Pokemon name.

For your Pokemon, you cannot use a legendary and your pokemon must be in its first stage, unevolved. Even if its a "baby" type like pichu or munchlax.

For your trait, you cannot be a shadow pokemon, be miscolored, or be a "shiny" pokemon. You cannot be much bigger or smaller, or shorter or taller. The traits are just for small things.

Once again, if anyone has any questions, please let me know, and that there is a limit of 6 people joining, but more will be let in if it even reachs that ammount.

  • 206 Replies
1,761 posts

Nick Name: Croak
Pokemon: Croagunk
Traits: 3 black lines, vertically down the white stripes on his belly
Attacks: Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Brick Break
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: ???

No reaction from it.

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: Pokegg, Time Gear
Party: Treeko, Chatot
Location: Cave

You effectively crack its skull in half, and kill it. The door to the next room opens. In it a voice speaks to you, saying that you may either go to the left room, and evolve, or go to the right room, and rescue your friend.

Nick Name: Aureus
Pokemon: Riolu
Traits: Cow lick in the back, slightly more black on the chest and legs
Attacks: Quick attack, force palm
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Pokeville

You walk into the forest to get it, and find a giant hole. Upon looking into it, a giant diglet jumps from it, stareing at you with angry eyes.

Nick Name: Red Star
Pokemon: Timburr
Traits: Unusually small nose.
Attacks: Brick Break/Work up, Low Kick/bide.
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Pokeville

You head deeper and find, hanging from a tree, a large cacoon of red, black, and green/blue tendrils around a crystal like orb.

16,287 posts

Nick Name: Croak
Pokemon: Croagunk
Traits: 3 black lines, vertically down the white stripes on his belly
Attacks: Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Brick Break
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: ???

Poison sting from a safe distance

1,515 posts

Nick Name: Aureus
Pokemon: Riolu
Traits: Cow lick in the back, slightly more black on the chest and legs
Attacks: Quick attack, force palm
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Pokeville

I use force palm on it, tie it up with leaf fibers, and bring it back to town to go to court for attempted assault.

4,584 posts

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: Pokegg, Time Gear
Party: Treeko, Chatot
Location: Cave

I'm going to go rescue my friend cause my friends are more important to me then evolving.

9 posts

Name: Mystic
Pokemon: Dratini
Traits: A V-shaped mark between her eyes
Attacks: Unknown
Inventory: None
Party: None

1,075 posts

lol i have this game... SO FUNNN!!!!

1 posts

Nick Name: Koda
Pokemon: Dwebble
Traits: No shell, bottom pincer on the right claw, slightly darker shade of orange.
Attacks:Rock Blast, Fury Cutter,
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Unknown

1 posts

Nick Name: Argentum
Pokemon: Absol
Traits: fur covering her left eye
Attacks: Razor Wind, Pursuit
Inventory: N/A
Party: N/A
Location: Crystal Crossing

Showing 196-203 of 206