Okay a long time ago there was a game called destroy the planet that is now dead, so dead that i would get banned for necro for reving it. Anyway So instead of destroy the planet i say destroy the city! We will start with Villagetown! (We will do real places later)
No, the rockets are pointing away from the sun, so the thrust would push Mercury into the sun based on Einstein's theory of relativity (or is that something else, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, is that something other than the theory of relativity?)
No. That's not what I mean by that at all. The flare of the fuel being ignited is facing away from the sun. That would push Mercury towards the sun even faster than it's already moving.
That doesn't make any sense, if you push something coming at you, with more force that the object is coming at you, it won't come at you faster, it'll go awway from you. :O
killersup asks the astronauts to go on a expiditon to lan on the planet of murcury.(this is NASA,so they got big weapons) and the astronauts plant nuclaer bombs on the planet.100 hours after.CABOOKY!!!!!if they don't listen to killersup asking then he will tell them about the stuff going on and they will understand.