Name: Storm Keket Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Appearance: Storm is 6'5" in height and 175 lbs in weight. She has short white hair and reddish brown eyes. She wears clothes that are practical not dressy. She has slightly tanned skin and an athletic build.
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
- n/a
- Poison I [induces a mildly paralyzing toxin lasting 60 seconds; 30 second preparation per weapon]
- Dull Iron Long Knife [1 foot long, 2 inches wide]
- Dull Iron Long Knife [1 foot long, 2 inches wide]
Name: Velevan Windcaller
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: He has long black hair that reaches down to his shoulders and a very pronounced brow ridge, which consequently puts a grim shadow over his amber eyes. Approximately 5'10", light athletic build, and a burn mark on the right forearm. Somewhat bushy eyebrows and large shoulders, though not very muscular by any means. Tends to wear shades of black, grey or a forest green, though vibrant colors like red, lighter blues and purples aren't off the color pallet either.
Race: Elf
Class: Mage
- n/a
- Bolt I [sends a mild bolt of electricity up to 30 feet; 20 second cooldown]
- Worn Wood Staff [4 feet and 6 inches tall, 2 inches wide]
- Ripped Leather Tome [6 inches tall, 4 inches wide]
Name: Nicholas Blivio
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: Nicholas is 6'4" tall and 143 lbs in weight, has jet black hair, and boasts lots of scars. He has green eyes, and tannish skin. He is pretty sweaty, and has bruises on his fists. He has a lot of physical wounds and has a bit of stubble.
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
- n/a
- Rage I [increases strength by 50% for 10 seconds; 50 second cooldown]
- Jagged Iron Shortword [3 feet long, 2 inches wide]
- Worn Leather Buckler [1 foot diameter]
Name: Arashi Kouken
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: Tall, muscular, and swarthy, Arashi is every inch the ranger. Though older than his usual companions, Arashi is in the prime of his youth and is proud to show it-- six and a half feet tall, he's an even two hundred pounds. Despite his relatively youthful age, Arashi's hair is an unruly shock of white that he doesn't even bother trying to keep under control. His standard outfit consists of something that almost appears to be a ninja uniform, colored matte black-- certainly not something one would wear to a party, but more than practical for Arashi's usual work.
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
- n/a
- Aim I [increases accuracy by 50% for 5 seconds; 35 second cooldown]
- Old Wooden Shortbow [2 feet tall, 1 foot long]
- Jagged Iron Dagger [6 inches long, 2 inches wide]
Elves and humans have had their bouts throughout history, but on the whole, they're closer than most of the other sentient races, and are surely the closer of the three noble races, since dwarves tend to keep to themselves. It was a matter of natural progression that elves and humans would someday begin to fall in love and mate, populating the world with a curiously nonsterile race known as half-elves, who rarely mate and hence rarely produce even more diluted races.
But the fact remains that elves and humans got on relatively well and eventually did mate, so it was only logical progression that led to the first and, in fact, the only major elf-human city on Earth.
Aucienwood - named in honor of its founder and first king, the half-elf Lucius Aucien - stands tall and proud in the center of the sprawling, aptly named Aucienwood Forest. Its architecture is an obvious blend of the natural, flowing designs so common in elvish cities and the stout, fortress-like style of human structures. Oftentimes imposing stone structures at ground level, carefully sanded smooth and generally held in place by nothing more than complex interlocking patterns, give way to sturdy wooden buildings in the canopy, resting heavily on thick branches and the occasional stilt for support.
Despite the city's beauty, however, and its mixed elven-human guards, its inhabitants occasionally face the threat of rowdy foreigners who do not appreciate its eccentricly elegant mix of cultural influences. It just so happens that the day a half dozen rabble-rousing half-orcs came romping through, two brave human adventurers and two skillful elven adventurers were close at hand.
Storm Keket Dragon, an elven rogue, appeared alongside Velevan Windcaller, an elven mage, from between two adjacent stone structures, their arrival together completely coincidental but their reason for arriving the same: their fine elven senses allowed them to hear the half-orcs' raucous laughter and clumsy footsteps from a ways off. Nearby, on the opposite side of what some would call a street from the two elves (for it was really just an unusally wide path between the structures of Aucienwood), Nicholas Blivio, a human warrior, appeared moments later, also drawn by the laughter and stomping footsteps.
It was Arashi Kouken, however - a human ranger - who had been at the scene first, in what most rangers would consider an uncomfortably exposed position atop a sloping roof of interwoven stone and branches behind the band of half-orcs. Their drunken revelry allowed him a stealthy approach, and he had most certainly taken it.
- Half-Orc A: Intoxicated.
- Half-Orc B: More intoxicated.
- Half-Orc C: Even more intoxicated.
- Half-Orc D: So intoxicated he can't count his noses.
- Half-Orc E: You don't even want to know how intoxicated he is.
- Half-Orc F: Dead sober. By which I mean really freaking intoxicated.
- Storm Keket Dragon: Elegant but dangerous, much like the snake that strikes even as it is admired.
- Velevan Windcaller: Wise beyond his years, capable of putting a powerful mind into a powerful position.
- Nicholas Blivio: Bravery and a strong sword arm is everything an up-and-coming warrior really needs.
- Arashi Kouken: A strikingly handsome devil wearing black and standing on a rooftop. 'Nuff said.
[Were those completely stupid, irrelevant damages necessary? They were, because I felt like writing them at the time. Anyways, you may begin battling - yes, I started you off in a 4-on-6 battle, shoot me, at least your opponents are unarmed - but remember that death is a very real possibility. I hope that you learn quickly. Be creative, think fast, and never stop being brutal. You have 24 hours to make your first moves, and then I will post, skipping anyone who has neglected to post.]