ForumsWEPRThe different type of christian.

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534 posts

Since Christianity FTW is a debate between christians and atheists I decided to make a new thread for a debate between christians and christians alone.

This is a debate between christian who have a different veiw of the bible, how to get to heaven, etc. It's about the types of christians and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. There are Roman Catholics, methodists, baptists, etc each with a different veiw of the bible.
This is a debate between the christians. State what type of christian you are and explain why you think being this type of christian is the right path.

  • 210 Replies
98 posts

How to treat your slaves among other things.

Haha, "Let my people go!"
98 posts

How to treat your slaves among other things.

Haha, "Let my people go!"
5,552 posts

How to treat your slaves among other things.

Haha, "Let my people go!"

Haha, no. That's not how God says to treat your slaves. That was just what God commanded Moses to do at one time. Here's the rules, from the Bible, on how to treat your slave (oh, and by having such rules, heavily implying slavery is neither good or bad thus accepting it).

A nice list of them/
349 posts

I believe what the Bible says. I am a baptist. Some things can't be debated like is homosexuality right. The Bible says its an abomination so stop debating it. Also abortion is murder as stated in the Bible.

1,826 posts

A nice list of them/

I don't know if its true about Christianity, but this sites veiws about Islam are childish and misinformed.
5,552 posts

I don't know if its true about Christianity

The verses quoted are self explanatory. There's no untrue about it, it's all in the Bible.

, but this sites veiws about Islam are childish and misinformed.

Off topic much? Not that I see anything about Islam anyways.
5,552 posts

I got sidetracked and forgot to address Bravehawk's post...sorry for the double.

I believe what the Bible says. I am a baptist. Some things can't be debated like is homosexuality right. The Bible says its an abomination so stop debating it. Also abortion is murder as stated in the Bible.

It's all fine and dandy that you believe what the Bible says. I also don't care what denomination you follow. I also, further, don't really care if you think it is right or wrong.

The fact of the matter is you have absolutely no right to try to enforce your beliefs on others because some old book tells you it's wrong. Homosexuality hurts no one, and even if it did, it would only hurt the practitioners of it.

Abortion the same goes for it. There are numerous reasons to allow it, and really none to disallow it. If you don't ever want to get an abortion, fine, but don't try to shove your narrow-minded beliefs onto the rest of society.

The Bible is not the moral authority of society, nor should it be. Claiming that just because some old book says something is wrong therefore it is wrong is simply illogical. Let's turn the tables, shall we? Every other religion aside from Christianity has its own beliefs and morals, why should those not be represented in society? They have just as much of a right to believe whatever they do as you, and you have no way to prove/disprove that the Bible is any more accurate than their teachings or holy texts. How would you like to be following the caste system, or highly conservative dress, or disallowed to eat certain foods, simply because someone else's religious book says to?
8,256 posts

I believe what the Bible says. I am a baptist. Some things can't be debated like is homosexuality right. The Bible says its an abomination so stop debating it. Also abortion is murder as stated in the Bible.

As Kasic said, the bible isn't a moral guide for our entire society. If you think of certain things as abominations, that's your opinion, but others still can and will debate about the issue because they aren't as blocked as you are on that.

But even if it is only a few believing in the bible, there is a catch with that, and I think a post from another thread wonderfully addresses the issue:

Gevock said:

"Next, I will say that Leviticus and Deuteronomy are obsolete. How can the word of God and the laws developed be obsolete? First of all, Deuteronomy is widely believed to be the traditions of ancient Israeli traditions. Second, people cite these books to condemn homosexuality before reading the other parts. In Deuteronomy, it says that a defiant son should be taken to village elders and stoned to death. A woman was not to put on manâs apparel, nor a man wear womanâs clothing. If your husband claimed you were not a virgin at the time of your marriage and your family could not prove otherwise, you would be stoned. Adultery would have you stoned. Now how are you going to disregard these, but claim the part about homosexuality was still valid? Times have changed since and such beliefs are not meant to be followed in modern society. The same goes for Leviticus."

So basically, if you condemn homosexuality, you should also stone half of the current population. Good luck with that.

You can read the whole post in this thread:
5,340 posts

The Bible is not the moral authority of society, nor should it be. Claiming that just because some old book says something is wrong therefore it is wrong is simply illogical. Let's turn the tables, shall we? Every other religion aside from Christianity has its own beliefs and morals, why should those not be represented in society? They have just as much of a right to believe whatever they do as you, and you have no way to prove/disprove that the Bible is any more accurate than their teachings or holy texts. How would you like to be following the caste system, or highly conservative dress, or disallowed to eat certain foods, simply because someone else's religious book says to?

lol as i once said before. from your point of view homosexuality should be illegal. but if there was a threat that bacon will be banned from your country a world war 3 would happen XD kind of sad how someones precious bacon is more important then human rights. then again, he doesnt need those right so why should he care.

and i just hate the fact that i actually managed to find that site that pretty much takes each quote used to show homosexuality is a sin and actually explains how it doesnt say that.... but then i forgot to save the link and also forgot how i found it....
9,462 posts

Some things can't be debated like is homosexuality right.

Yes it can be debated, it doesn't harm. Just because you see your cherry picked old book as absolute doesn't mean the rest of us do.

The Bible says its an abomination so stop debating it. Also abortion is murder as stated in the Bible.

Where does it state this? I was able to find this list of passages that seem to contradict this statement.
166 posts

Ok, I'm going to answer a few questions.

FIRST OF ALL, God gave people the option to believe in Him, or follow their own religion. If you believe in God and that Jesus is our Savior then you will go to Heaven.(We learned this in Church, really kills me when I think of all of my good Jewish friends)

Jewish people will try to enter Heaven, but Jesus is the bridge to Heaven, you must believe he is our Savior to go there.

HOWEVER, I'm not entirely sure if Jewish people go to Hell.....

5,552 posts

FIRST OF ALL, God gave people the option to believe in Him, or follow their own religion.

Sounds fair.

If you believe in God and that Jesus is our Savior then you will go to Heaven.

So no matter what so long as you believe in him you'll go to heaven? Have fun meeting Hitler while eternally worshiping God because he created you to be a sycophant.

Jewish people will try to enter Heaven, but Jesus is the bridge to Heaven, you must believe he is our Savior to go there.

How do you know that they aren't right and you're the one who's wrong?
9,462 posts

FIRST OF ALL, God gave people the option to believe in Him, or follow their own religion.

I can be just as fair. I have a pink and purple, invisible, intangible dragon to sell you. You have the option to believe me or not.

An option to believe would exist so long as the claim does. What's being claimed doesn't have to exist to be believed. Just as you would likely want me to demonstrate that this dragon existed before believing me and making your purchase, I to want this of God. A claim that has to be taken on faith alone is dubious at best, playing to gullibility and is what would be expected from a conman.

HOWEVER, I'm not entirely sure if Jewish people go to Hell.....

Nope they won't, nor will they go to heaven, neither will the atheists, or pagans, or homosexuals... Because in all likely hood those places don't exist.
5,340 posts

FIRST OF ALL, God gave people the option to believe in Him, or follow their own religion. If you believe in God and that Jesus is our Savior then you will go to Heaven.(We learned this in Church, really kills me when I think of all of my good Jewish friends)

i always hated to ask this people who are close to me so now i can finally ask a christian i do not know. you have jewish friends and you yourself are sad they go to hell. do you believe it is right to burn people for all eternity if they dont follow you? if you would be the one to make the decision would you hurt those who disagree with you?

if you would then i myself am disapointed of you as a human being. if not... well then why do you follow your god? can you truly love the person who will burn your friend forever for not believeing in him even though he didnt even give them proof he exists? what is left of that belief? only fear. the only reason someone would follow someone else he doesnt agree with is fear.

which is why i dislike any religioun that claims non-believers go to hell. you only follow that religion if you are evil enough to agree with such a statement or afraid enough to follow someone who hurts other people to be safe.

this probably causes every person of such a religion inconvenience (unless he agrees with killing someone who doesnt agree with you and doesnt care if someone thinks he is evil which is just insensitive) and this is the reason i cant tell that to someone who is close. but do think about these points.

and yes, jews go to hell according to christianity (and any other religioun that says non-believers go to hell)
18 posts

I'm not a Jew myself but I still will try to stand up for them a bit.
Why can't Jews get to heaven(according to Christianity)?? Jesus was a Jew, no?? So where did he go then since he was a Jew..... When I look at it, it looks like people made the 'Jews are evil' theory out of hatred..

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