ForumsWEPRThe different type of christian.

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Since Christianity FTW is a debate between christians and atheists I decided to make a new thread for a debate between christians and christians alone.

This is a debate between christian who have a different veiw of the bible, how to get to heaven, etc. It's about the types of christians and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. There are Roman Catholics, methodists, baptists, etc each with a different veiw of the bible.
This is a debate between the christians. State what type of christian you are and explain why you think being this type of christian is the right path.

  • 210 Replies
5,340 posts

I'm not a Jew myself but I still will try to stand up for them a bit.
Why can't Jews get to heaven(according to Christianity)?? Jesus was a Jew, no?? So where did he go then since he was a Jew..... When I look at it, it looks like people made the 'Jews are evil' theory out of hatred..

its not about jew are evil. its about non-christians are evil. christianity believes that every single person who isnt christian, doesnt matter how innocent, nice, &quoture", he is goes to hell. thats pretty much the base of christianity. if your christian you WILL go to hell doesnt matter what heppened in your life. the emphasis (spelled wrong?) isnt about jews, its about non-christians. i still cant understand how my grandmother (who is christian) believe that me, her daughter, her son, and all my fathers side go to hell and totally be ok with herself.

my guess is that such people try not to think about it and blind themselves on purpose. if my religion would believe that non-jews go to hell i would seriously start doubting judaisms justice
18 posts

Why can't jews go to heaven (according to Christianity)???? Jesus was a Jew....So what exactly happened to him then?...

9,462 posts

Why can't jews go to heaven (according to Christianity)???? Jesus was a Jew....So what exactly happened to him then?...

Jesus was the starting point for it all by the belief system. Being Christian follows the life and teachings of Jesus. It would be a bit difficult to not follow such a life and teachings being that person.
5,340 posts

Why can't jews go to heaven (according to Christianity)???? Jesus was a Jew....So what exactly happened to him then?...

your question makes sense... and thats the problem.

it would be the same as saying why do people (used to?) hate jews? jesus was also jewish.

most of the time, religious people dont really care about logic.
1,826 posts

it would be the same as saying why do people (used to?) hate jews? jesus was also jewish

As far as I know that is because
jew leaders were instrumental in his so called death.
5,340 posts

as far as i know it was because a jew betrayed him???

anyway its still stupid since they pretty much hate the race their god (???) is

9,462 posts

I think there may be some confusion on the term Jewish here. The term can be used in a religious sense and a cultural sense. Jesus in a cultural sense was a Jew. In a religious sense Jesus would not have been a Jew. He would have been holding heretical beliefs by Jewish standards of the time.
Since Christianity is concerned about what you believe (the religious Jewish) that would be what would deny a person heaven by those beliefs.

Of course there are other denominations of Christianity that is more inclusive (likely because of the very issues thebluerabbit has brought up with the other way of believing one gets into Heaven.) believing that ones deeds get's a person into heaven rather than ones beliefs.

18 posts

Just because one Jew (supposedly in Christianity, some other religions believe otherwise) betrayed Jesus means that they should all go to hell??
Is that not just like saying all Germans shouldn't go to heaven because of the World Wars and Hitler??

believing that ones deeds get's a person into heaven rather than ones beliefs.

Does that mean hardly any people go to heaven then? Most people probably have done many bad things in their life, some people do little good (all religions, all people).

What happened to Christian belief that 'God loves you no matter what you do'?? If this were the case, would everyone not go to heaven???

So confused :S
5,340 posts

Just because one Jew (supposedly in Christianity, some other religions believe otherwise) betrayed Jesus means that they should all go to hell??
Is that not just like saying all Germans shouldn't go to heaven because of the World Wars and Hitler??

you keep missing the point. because one jew "killed" jesus that is a the basis of plenty of hate (or used to im not sure). the reason jews go to hell is the same reason atheists, muslims and any non-christian go to hell. they dont believe in jesus.

Does that mean hardly any people go to heaven then? Most people probably have done many bad things in their life, some people do little good (all religions, all people).

its complicated. in judaism we dont really take things literaly (except for maybe the MOST extreme people). we can see that you can pretty much take the book and read it in any way and understand it in your own way.

the bottom line in (most of) our belief is that only the most evil people who dont regret their deeds go to hell (if hell even exists because even that is debatable in judaism) while neatral/good/pretty much everyone who isnt evil goes to heaven.

some of us dont believe in hell. some of us believe in a hell that bad people go to to repent and then can enter heaven. its really different for every individual.

What happened to Christian belief that 'God loves you no matter what you do'?? If this were the case, would everyone not go to heaven???

nothing, its always there. since god is all-powerfull whatever he does (even burning people for all eternity) is holly and good. think about it with logic and you will find out that god loves only a selected group of people. of course those people (christians) will tell you he excepts everybody since anyone can be christian. its usually the case of people trying to use any excuse to explain what they are SUPPOSED to believe
9,462 posts

Just because one Jew (supposedly in Christianity, some other religions believe otherwise) betrayed Jesus means that they should all go to hell??
Is that not just like saying all Germans shouldn't go to heaven because of the World Wars and Hitler??

Again religion not culture. It wouldn't have to just be from being Jewish, it could be any non-Christian religion that gets a person sent to hell. It's from believing the wrong religion.

Does that mean hardly any people go to heaven then?

In most cases it would mean this, though you will likely never hear this at funerals.

Most people probably have done many bad things in their life, some people do little good (all religions, all people).

Far as I can tell it seems to work like some sort of point system.
you have a scale going from -100 karma to +100 karma. Every time you do something considered wrong you get -karma. Every time you do something considered good you get +karma. At the end of your life if you have +karma in total you go to Heaven, while those with - karma go to hell.
At least that seems to be how it's treated. This of course completely ignores the subjectivity of morality and how it's really not that simple.

What happened to Christian belief that 'God loves you no matter what you do'?? If this were the case, would everyone not go to heaven???

Just because he loves you and is all powerful and could thus do something to stop all suffering everywhere doesn't mean you still don't get to be tortured for all eternity for doing such evil things like not believing the right things.

Yeah that's about as much sense as it makes.
2,825 posts

I am an atheist. I think eveyone should be allowed a view. BUT people trying to force their views on other people should be sent to hell. (If it or an equivalent exists)

9,439 posts

the reason jews go to hell is the same reason atheists, muslims and any non-christian go to hell. they dont believe in jesus.

Just to clarify, it's not necessarily that they don't believe in Jesus as a person, because many Muslims and other non-Christians (even some atheists) accept him as a person, just not as the son of God who died for our sins and such. That's the part that matters because you need to accept the sacrifical act to be cleared of sin.
18 posts

Again religion not culture. It wouldn't have to just be from being Jewish, it could be any non-Christian religion that gets a person sent to hell. It's from believing the wrong religion.

But where is the proof that Non-Christians only get sent to Hell??? I'm sure that other religions will say that people who don't believe in their religion will not go to heaven??

the reason jews go to hell is the same reason atheists, muslims and any non-christian go to hell. they dont believe in jesus.

Muslims and some non Christians do belive in Jesus..... So does that they will go to heaven now becuase they believe in him??
9,462 posts

But where is the proof that Non-Christians only get sent to Hell??? I'm sure that other religions will say that people who don't believe in their religion will not go to heaven??

Christianity isn't based on evidence. It's based on faith, you have to just believe. In fact at times it seems to discourage the use of evidence. This is likely to try and keep people from looking to closely at the flaws.

Muslims and some non Christians do belive in Jesus..... So does that they will go to heaven now becuase they believe in him??

As EmperorPalpatine pointed out, it's the belief of accepting him as some messiah, demigod, bloodlust satisfier.
5,340 posts

But where is the proof that Non-Christians only get sent to Hell??? I'm sure that other religions will say that people who don't believe in their religion will not go to heaven??

you just hit the point. no religion can proove itself as the true religioun. what each religion believes in is simply what it believes him and christianity just happens to believe that non-believers go to hell. some other religions say the same, some dont.
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