Set on a random planet, you and your race look to evolution and the economics of life, you all start off as unevolved species, evolve and build beter technology. The year is 0. RULES: 1.Years will advance by .5 every 1 turn. 2.Max Players 10. 3. Please post an action for both tech evolution and race evolution every turn. e.g. Iresearch for sword and evolve my race with extra brain space. 4.You can go to war with other planets on this forum game(Or be friendly and share and become friends).
Character Sheet: Name: RaceI'll Put) LanguageIll Put) Level:1 EXP:0/2000 Brain Capacity:0/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc: PerkNothing silly or overpowering) ---------- Skill Points:9 HuntingHow well you gather food by killing animals) IntelligenceHow well you can figure out things and research) CommunicationHow well you can communicate with your own race and how well you can try to understand others) LuckYour chances of finding things on your way) TechnologyHow good you can improve your technology) EvolutionHow well you can evolve your species) ---------- Inventory:Stick. Friendship:None. Rivalry:None. Technology:None. Evolution:None. Planet Oxygen Level:68%
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(20%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
You see a small group of three Quatmites, and you go up to them, they seem friendly, and when you try talking to them, they dont understand your language. You feel a tingling sensation that yo and them are going to be friends, and you try hand gestures. The Quatmite dont have hands, but their tone of choice seem friendly.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(20%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
Lets try to communicate via pictures drawn on the ground as well as hand signals and words.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(20%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(20%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
I first draw a pic of one of my people eating a quatmite and then run a slash through it to try and tell the three quatmites that we are talking to that they will not be hunted by the Grtarians.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
You draw a picture of a Grtartian killing a Quatmite, and the Alpha Male gets angry. You quickly raise your hands and in gestures tell him to not get angry, and you slash through that, and point to that. The Quatmite feels suspicious, but then he lowers his anger, and calms down.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
I order a Grtarian to let the rest of my people know that the quatmites are not to be hurt unless it is in self defense and all quatmite is to be gotten rid of. I then try to use hand gestures and drawings to try and tell the quatmites that we need a source of food to eat and will be willing to try what they eat.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
You draw a picture of of you and them eating, and they understand. You follow them to a large hole, and one of the Quatmites borrows into it, and after a few moments it comes out with a large, pink earthworm, the size of three tall humans put together. It munches on half of it, and beckons it to you.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
You taste it, and it bursts all in your mouth, it doesnt taste very nice at all, so what do you want to try/ reccommend?
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
I thank the Quatmite for the food and head back home to try to figure out a way to make the worm that the Quatmite eat taste good.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
You go home, and think of some ways. Well, what else do you eat?
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
We eat what he can hunt and any edible plants we can find.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
Maybe try mixing the bugs some berries might make it taste better, or cooking the worms. (Cook the worms and season them with some tasty berries or fruit.)
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)
Cook the worms and season them with some tasty berries or fruit.
Name:Storm Race:Grtarian Language:Grtati Planet:Vesfax Year:1.5 Level:1 EXP:200/2000 Brain Capacity:2/100 Evolution Points:1000 Research Points:1000 Race Desc:A full grown Grtarian has a height of 5-7 feet tall if you don't include the tail. The are slender and look fragile. They have sharp teeth and claws just like the carnivores they are bonded to. Their ears comes to long curving points that can move back and forth. They can walk and run on two legs but prefer to run on four. They all have a demon's tail that is as long as they are tall. Perk:Animal bond ---------- Skill Points:0 Hunting:2 Intelligence:2 Communication:4 Luck:1 Technology:1 Evolution:1 ---------- Inventory:Alpha Male Quatmite Shell. Friendship:Quatmite(22%). Rivalry:None. Technology:Wooden Hammer, Wooden Spear. Evolution:None. Race amount:17, 8 Soldiers. Planet Oxygen Level:84% Camp:5 Mud Base Stick Huts, Shin Height Wooden Spike Border, Mud Base Stick Storage(20% Wood, 15% Stone), Mud Hut(5% Quatmite)