Welcome to the world of pokemon, this game will be an adventure RPG set in a combo world of the anime and the game. You can choose to start in any town from any of the regions, but this will effect which pokemon you can pick as your starter. The game is set in the year 2037, you are about to receive your first pokemon and take the first steps on your own journey. It is up to you what you make of this journey. Here's the sheet. *Name: *Age: *Gender: *Description: *Home town/region: Bio: Personality: Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Nickname/Species Name Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items: *Indicates that this is required. Note There will be some pokemon cross over from region to region. This means you can encounter/find any pokemon in any region, they will just be rarer in certain regions and more common in others. There are three ways to get your starting pokemon. You can take the simplest route and get one from the professor of your region. Two you can go out into the wild and try to find/subdue/convince a pokemon to go with you. And lastly you can get a family pokemon such as a family pet, or a specific pokemon that is traditionally used by your family, or a pokemon that is passed down to you from a parent.
*Name: Matthew *Age: 13 *Gender: Male *Description: 5' tall, dirty blond, shaggy hair, fair-skinned *Home town/region: Unova/Castelia Bio: Personality: Quiet, quick to anger Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Oshawott/Oshawott Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items:
I try looking in another area of the city
Alright, while walking around one of the back allies someone jumps out of you from behind dumpster. "Hey you, you have to be careful around dark places like this. If your not careful you could hurt yourself. HEre take this *he hands over an odd disc* that there is a manual on how to teach your pokemon flash it can be a real useful move in dark caves and other places like that."
Flag *Name:Kirill Romanov *Age:29 *Gender:M *Description:Slightly above average size, light build, short black hair and green eyes *Home town/region:Sinnoh/Sandgem town Bio:Lived in a small town with his mother whom was from a distant land, he never knew his father. During an adventure when he was 10 he managed to come upon a newly hatched Turtwig, suffice to say after a lot I getting his *** kicked they were friends. Though where he came from they never had Pokemon he never heard of a poke all and Turty has neve been in one since. Personality:Calculating, relaxed, calm Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Turty/Turtwing:Tackle, withdraw Moves: Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Money:3000 Yen. Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items:
Flag *Name:Kirill Romanov *Age:29 *Gender:M *Description:Slightly above average size, light build, short black hair and green eyes *Home town/region:Sinnoh/Sandgem town Bio:Lived in a small town with his mother whom was from a distant land, he never knew his father. During an adventure when he was 10 he managed to come upon a newly hatched Turtwig, suffice to say after a lot I getting his *** kicked they were friends. Though where he came from they never had Pokemon he never heard of a poke all and Turty has neve been in one since. Personality:Calculating, relaxed, calm Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Turty/Turtwing:Tackle, withdraw Moves: Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Money:3000 Yen. Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items:
*Name: Matthew *Age: 13 *Gender: Male *Description: 5' tall, dirty blond, shaggy hair, fair-skinned *Home town/region: Unova/Castelia Bio: Personality: Quiet, quick to anger Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Oshawott/Oshawott Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Money: 3000 Yen Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Flash Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items:
Either way, I just keep walking, because I'd rather keep moving.
Alright you keep moving passing by many buildings, you pass the central area and see a lone dancer dancing in front of the water fountain. Many people walk by ranging from salary men, yo construction workers.
Flag *Name:Kirill Romanov *Age:29 *Gender:M *Description:Slightly above average size, light build, short black hair and green eyes *Home town/region:Sinnoh/Sandgem town Bio:Lived in a small town with his mother whom was from a distant land, he never knew his father. During an adventure when he was 10 he managed to come upon a newly hatched Turtwig, suffice to say after a lot I getting his *** kicked they were friends. Though where he came from they never had Pokemon he never heard of a poke all and Turty has neve been in one since. Personality:Calculating, relaxed, calm Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Turty/Turtwing:Tackle, withdraw Moves: Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Money:3000 Yen. Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items:
Kay well I continue to be store
Alright well you enter the mart to find three people just browsing. The shelves are well stocked with many varying items. As you walk in you are greeted by one of the two cashiers, "welcome, how can we help you."
*Name: Ransing Bluyd *Age: 23 *Gender: M *Description: wHITE HAIR, rED EYES, Slender *Home town/region: Kanto, Lavender Town Bio: N/A Personality: Calm, Cold, Analytical Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Ax, Axew, Scratch, Leer, dRAGON Pulse. Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Medecine: Key Items: Running shoes, Pokegear, Town Map Battle Items: I ask him why. (I thought annoying water guy was at route 8 blocking saffron.)
Nope here also, "I'm sorry just following orders."
*Name: Matthew *Age: 13 *Gender: Male *Description: 5' tall, dirty blond, shaggy hair, fair-skinned *Home town/region: Unova/Castelia Bio: Personality: Quiet, quick to anger Goals: *Pokemon: Slot 1: Oshawott/Oshawott Slot 2: Nickname/Species Name Slot 3: Nickname/Species Name Slot 4: Nickname/Species Name Slot 5: Nickname/Species Name Slot 6: Nickname/Species Name PC: Money: 3000 Yen Bag Main Pocket: Berries: TMs: Flash Medecine: Key Items: Battle Items:
I wander into the battle company and see if I can beat 1 person.
Alright well you enter into the lobby of the battle tower, you can see the receptionist at her desk and a few people in the main lobby, next to the main desk is an elevator.