This thread is for the continuation of this game due to the original spanning over 4600 pages. Our rules have changed a bit since the thread first started, but its first post shall be sufficient for those purposes. We are currently level 12 and are a Good party. The Alignment is not subject to question. If you are a new player interested in joining, the GM at this point in time is DBLACKSTAR (Dibs).
Can you re-roll for me Dragon? My current stats are killing me. Strength: 20 (18+2) Modifier: +5 Dexterity:11 (13-2) Constitution:18 (16+2) Modifier: +4 Intelligence:6 (8-2) Modifier: -2 Wisdom:12 Modifier: +1 Charisma:12 Modifier: +1
Dench, you're above-average in everything but wisdom, with an unusually high strength (I still feel like bonusses don't go over 18) and constitution, you're a tank class. You don't need the other stats that bad, unless you intend to multi-class down the line.