ForumsWEPRWhy does America rank first in school shootings?

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755 posts

I thought this was a very good question. I want to know what you all think the reasons for this are. Article here

  • 97 Replies
534 posts

These are all very interesting opinions. I personally think it may have something to do with how easily one can access a gun.

And I can just as easily grab a knife too. It's silent and easy to kill if you know where to kill a person. This really doesn't have anything to do with the guns. some people try to bomb their schools. I'm starting to hear more and more about kids trying to bomb their own schools. I wonder if schools will do the same kind of security that the airports are doing. Yeah having to scan kids every day from top to bottom.
3,085 posts

These are all very interesting opinions. I personally think it may have something to do with how easily one can access a gun.

That's definitely, at least in my opinion, one of the influencing factors. Of course, there are other countries where it's relatively easy to get a hold of firearms, countries with lower rates of school shootings - so we can't say that it's the only factor involved. Perhaps another contributing factor is the way in which America has, at points, glorified weaponry? I don't mean that like "Hell yeah! Look at this gun! Look at how you can shoot everyone with it - this is the solution to everything!" but there's certainly a subtle air of 'violence can solve your problems' that gets promoted (most likely unintentionally) through the media.
9,439 posts

Perhaps another contributing factor is the way in which America has, at points, glorified weaponry?

I agree. Due to popular demand, guns are everywhere in the media. People can learn to fire and reload one from TV or a game with no prior experience. A few years ago there was a shooting by a kid at a middle school who had never fired a gun before and shot people in the head from a distance.
88 posts

becuase isnt america like one of the biggest drug places inthe world and alll that gang crap people are loops..

389 posts

I don't know if America ranks top in school shootings, but school/public shootings have been occuring more frequently in the past decade than I've heard of anywhere else. I would like to place the blame on the raising of the parents and the media. But I definitely wouldn't place the blame on "guns R evrywhere we need to stop dem!" Because if someone has a strong though in killing someone, they will do it if they willingly strong enough. Restrict the guns all you want, they'll find a way to get one or kill someone to get the job done.

About the parent's raising; it all starts when you are young. They key years of learning is when you are ages 3-5. A child will be influenced on how the parents treat them or discipline them. If they are abusive, the kids will turn up bad. If they are never present in their child's life, the kid may turn up in a negative way.

The media. Oh gosh the United States Media. They attack the gun shootings like its a 64yd touchdown catch for the Super Bowl. They practically make it popular which could possibly influence the young minds of teenagers.

That's just some of my oppinions on the matter.

62 posts

Having more guns is not the problem. The problem is the people. You can kill with anything. Bare hands, a pen, a car, even a chair for crying out loud!
They are never allowed around guns as a young child, but yet when they get older and play video games, BOOM! Guns are the coolest thing ever where can i get one? Turns out your dad has one and you never knew it. Add in tension from school and home and next thing you know someone starts shooting. If kids are taught to respect guns and how to handle them from a young age the awe of the unknown goes away and is replaced by the respect that a gun is a weapon. It was designed to kill. If you pull a gun you should be willing to kill something with it. That's how i was taught and i now have a respect for what guns are used for, killing. Period. Whether its self defense, murder or hunting it still does the same thing.
Kids are out of touch with weapons and their purpose these days. They become a thing of wonder and mystery rather than an element of life.
The main problem is problem solving skills, not guns. Parents are part of problem as well. They have not taught these things to their kids and these are the results.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

389 posts

Exactly. America is losing its focus and Americans are always so quick to place blame on something or find a scapegoat instead of finding and curing the problem from it's source. I was raised properly, thank God I was blessed with a great set of parents, and I know how to handle many situations and can control guns. Heck, my father has random guns all around the house, some of them loaded, but I would never use them in a harmful manner unless provoked in defense of my family or myself. Side note: I also enjoy target shooting with my brothers or hunting so I am not some hillbilly with guns in my house.

3,085 posts

Here's a radical idea that could help to reduce the scope of the problem... forcefully take every gun from every citizen (reimburse them for the cost of the firearm and any ammunition) and stockpile them for governmental/army use only.

3,085 posts

Of course, I'm not really in favour of that, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate to keep the conversation interesting. I do, however, feel like the right to bear arms shouldn't be part of any constitution.

8,256 posts

Here's a radical idea that could help to reduce the scope of the problem... forcefully take every gun from every citizen (reimburse them for the cost of the firearm and any ammunition) and stockpile them for governmental/army use only.

Wouldn't that just mean that instead of having a whole arsenal at home, people only get to have the official army weapon(s) at home? I'm really not fond of all those people having that many guns at home, but the question is would this measure help against school shootings?

I think Maultex and Dubness2 may have a point, though it's just another parameter amongst many. But learning responsible attitude towards weapons is a safe measure in such a gun nut country like America..
9,439 posts

Other way around. Repurposing all currently public weapons for military use only. No guns at home at all. Fully restricted from general public.

62 posts

Two things. First most private weapons (mine included) are not build for military use. I mean come on the military doesn't use lever actions anymore.
Second, have you heard the statement "you can have me gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers?" Or how 'bout "if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns?"
Better yet the second amendment
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Or as Benjamin Franklin said: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Or as Thomas Jefferson said
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Keep in mind these people made out country what it is! When the constistion was written their was no army! We the people were the army!

62 posts

Not that i'm trying to turn this into a gun arguement. It just needs to be stated before someone blames gun solely.

534 posts

Not that i'm trying to turn this into a gun arguement. It just needs to be stated before someone blames gun solely.

Guns are solely blamed by some people, but it's not the real reason for the shootings. Usually after a school shooting, I hear on the news why they have started killing everyone each reason is different.
389 posts

Other way around. Repurposing all currently public weapons for military use only. No guns at home at all. Fully restricted from general public.

This will not solve a dang thing. If someone has the mindset to kill or harm a human being they will find a way to do it. They don't need a gun.
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