ForumsWEPRWhy does America rank first in school shootings?

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755 posts

I thought this was a very good question. I want to know what you all think the reasons for this are. Article here

  • 97 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Right right....definitely ''exploits'' glorious enough to feel illustrious about. If I'm allowed a brief lapse of stereotyping and fallacious reasoning, no wonder the USA have such high rates of school shootings, because the people there operate differently from us mentally.

58 posts

America has so many shootings because there is little justice to be had. This is especially true for bullied children who are locked in a building for a third of their waking hours, every day, with their tormentors and so-called "responsible" adults that turn a blind eye to the misbehaviors of favored individuals. Very nearly no one just wakes up and decides to shoot up a school. Instead, it is the result of pressure built up over time and a perceived lack of other options.

And here's a great example of my own: In my junior year of high school, one of my classes was on an upper floor with only one stairwell allowed to students. There were five seniors on the football team who had a class on that floor the period after mine. They decided it'd be a hoot to see if they could push me down the stairs. Three times a week, after I had class on the fourth floor, I would be assaulted on my way to my next class. I went to the administration over and over. I tried my guidance counselor, the dean of students, the principal of the school, and the president of the school. No one cared to take any action. I brought in a year book so I could point out the assailants to the adults. Their response was universally that since no adult had seen it, it either didn't happen or there was nothing that could be done about it. For two months, I tried to get the school to take official notice of the attempts to harm me. I even got detention for using the teachers' only stairwell several times. Finally, after one of these kids caught me off guard (he was separated from the others) and managed to push me down three steps at the bottom of the flight, I went to my guidance counselor one last time. I told her what had happened, and reminded here that this was neither the first nor even the twentieth time I had brought this to someone's attention. I begged her to at least pull the student from class to interview him. She refused to take any action at all, despite that at that moment, my right hand was bleeding and I was walking with a limp from the damage done to my knee. So I informed her that starting the following day, I would begin bringing knives into the school, and the next time I was assaulted and in fear for my life and well being I would react appropriately. Well, that sure got some action. She called my parents and told them that I was "dangerous". This, despite that I had tried sending the problem through the proper chains of command within the school's administration for -months-. Oddly enough, my five assailants had their class schedules changed that week, in the middle of the semester, something that was unheard of in my school. I faced no punishment from school officials for the threat I made against these other students, but by the same token they faced no punishment for their assaults against me.

The US has so many shootings because too many administrators and responsible adults are just biding their time until retirement, and are unwilling to deal with the issues that arise when favored children learn that they can do no wrong in the eyes of those in control. Shootings don't "just happen", they build over time.

Lest anyone think I was generally an outcast who is just railing against jocks, let me point out that a year and a half prior to this incident, I was one myself. I was nose guard of our football team, wrestled the 140 and 145 weight classes, and ran the 3200 meter event in track. That all took too much time away from my study of piano and my time in Boy Scouts (I had earned my Eagle and was spending a lot of time helping younger scouts with service projects.)

Just my long-winded fiftieth of a dollar.

534 posts

The US has so many shootings because too many administrators and responsible adults are just biding their time until retirement, and are unwilling to deal with the issues that arise when favored children learn that they can do no wrong in the eyes of those in control. Shootings don't "just happen", they build over time.

This is why those teachers should be fired. We need teachers that are devoted into teaching and keeping our public schools safe. So many teachers have taken the job just for money. They don't devote their lives to teach and discipline the students.
29 posts

Well, I did not talk about how explosives and knife would be the best asset to be leathal. I mentioned that here in my country no one gets any weapon for the posibility to take revenge on frustrating or hurting things! Thats what I mentioned!

3,085 posts

Sorry to reive a week-old thread but, in my efforts to do some research for the other 'gun' thread, I came across a timeline of school shootings in the USA.

I don't think it's a complete list, although it does have a saddeningly high number of shootings included, but it does back up the idea that America has a lot of school shootings.

2 posts

it's not just that United States has the most shootings, more specifically, there is a pretty shocking statistic that Alaska has the most school shootings. they originally had underground tunnels for schools with multiple buildings, however there was multiple murders in the tunnels and they never caught the murderer, so they closed the tunnels down completely.

474 posts

Guns don't kill people. PEOPLE kill people. With guns. I've never heard of a gun growing legs, walking around and shooting people. America does'nt have the highest number of school shootings because it is a free country and people are allowed to own guns. It's because people are so obsessed with media violence.

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