Oh come on, you can do better than that! If everybody keeps making micro word burps like that, this thread will get locked and nobody will win. (Not that that's earth-shattering, but this is a good way to raise spam awareness too.)
Seeing how im going to win , *cough cough , not likly* i agree with brickbeard and commanderpaladin. Saying 1 word *Cough not even a word but numbers, lol * is against the rules of the site and is considered as spam, also 133.......Skip a few 200 , i win jk .
This forum game has actually started up a debate about spamming, interesting to see how even little things turn big. Lets keep up the Conversation people! 134.
Finally! People who can express intelligent thought in abstract ways! Oh glorious day! *ahem* Well. Got a little carried away there. Back to normal now. This is part of what came up in Cenere's Tavern thread (Super cool and awesome bunnies! [trust me, it's not that, it's real discussion]) about internet/forum behavior. People, especially those who don't read the rules first, tend to not put any thought into forum posts and just dump a few random, disjointed words that they think convey a point but really just constipate everything and smother any real dialogue. In short, they spam. It is because of this grievous offense against the thinking people for whom the forums were created that the BanHammers were cast and the Moderators appointed to wield them. The result is that spam is kept to a minimum, and actual conversations like this one can occur. Now that dialogue has been initiated, keep up the good work!
Lets make it more interesting, the higher rank you are the more points you increase or decrease in so for example im a knight so I add 3 points, serf will add 1, squire 2, knight 3, so on. Any body want to give that a shot? Itll make everything quicker. 138.
You are a serf, so you still only add one point lol. Hey guys Im thinking of making a game like raze, does it take a lot of people to make something like that? I already have flash and know how to use it. 142.