okay u guys say things and i say how much damege they do to the current planet or be a defender and heal the planet . planet:marsyear: 2012 as it is now no si-filife:none knownlets go
awesome you end up doing 100 damegemars hp:800/900
I take a giant melter and aim it at the poles, turning the ice into water.
`u try to melt it but u fail besides its 2012 like it is nowbut u can terraform itmars hp : 800/900
I fire a nuke at it.
u dont do anything becase mars has no atmospheremars : hp: 800/900
I keep dumping water at it until it is flooded.
u freeze marsmars300/900status:frozen ten damege per post
I pour more to cover it in thicker ice.
u destroy mars new planet year 4012planet:jupiter population 99999999999 fartersweakanes: h3o aka hevy waterresistences posin
i got 2 go to bed ill be back at 3:40 pm so dont post till then
im backbut i will be leaving soon at 7 somthing ill be back at 3:40
I teleport in enough heavy water to fill a sun.
there is still no teleporting
I fire a giant rocket at Jupiter. Once it gets there, it turns into a fan which blows apart the gases of the giant.
I send a shuttle squad to keep dumping it with heavy water.
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