u do 500 damege carfel jupiter could turn into water jupiter gets heald by 200 because of changing forms jupiter hp:500/100 popuatin 500 jupitoreins stauts half liquid half gas
i launch a shuttle witch will attach to the planet and increase the magnetic pullarity to the sun thus pulling it closer to the sun and since the planet is mostly gas it will cumbust or at least incerate the planet
epicnees u cant rocket the planet into the sun thats overpowerd 0 damege tun u send it closer to the sun but its still frozen but it slams into saturn making satpiter 400 damege but because of the collision it has 1000 health conting your damage planet satpiter health 1000/4000 population 50 jupitorians 5000 satureans 100 satpiterions weaknes unkown for now resistensis heavy water ice
OK now i send a rocket loaded with heavy water and a special water born virus that makes you thirsty thus forcing the population of satpiter in port more heavy water
u only do 100 damege sapiter has a resistence to heavy water and ice seeing as all of it is made of ice stat time hp 900/4000 populatin 3 jupitorians 3 saterians 900 hybrids they call themselfs hollorazers i got that name from create a planet by sporemaniac777 weaknes earthquakes resistances ice heavy water water ps sorry for my dallays but i have 3 form games to run and a fanficton accont and i have to go to bed a 9:00 every night pluse i have 2 brothers
little problem there atmosphere has every gas in the universes so they dont die from this but u could put the toxicness into there food ps untill this game has defenders the planet heals itself planet satpiter hp 3000/4000 population 50,000 hollorazers 5000 slug vines 50 slug vine kings one of its moons is importnt moon galvin v hp 5000/5000 population 5000 aracnachimps 1000 dragineos