
491 146685
58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
5,340 posts

That's pretty much kids everywhere. When they're in groups with their friends, they don't really care about manners and stuff like that. They insult, yell, become violent. I never did understand why. I was always the same, in a group or not. Meh, I don't really know.

because being part of a group builds confidence and also provides more protection. you are naturally more safe (or at least feel that way) when with a group of people (you trust).

it works a different way too... if all of them yell and are violent you feel the preseare (ugh cant spell this one) to be the same unfortunately.
1,606 posts

I thought of say something but I knew all of them would jump on me and what are the odds of me taking on 5 people, i'm no Chuck Norris

You're actually lucky they didn't get annoyed that you didn't say something since that's what usually happens.
I never did understand why. I was always the same, in a group or not. Meh, I don't really know.

What I've always thought about it is it's mob mentality and that when one person has an idea and everyone else kindof thinks it's a good idea then the fact that the rest of the group thinks it's a good idea (even if they're a bit unsure) then it increases your thought that it's a good idea and you prolly end up doing it.
it works a different way too... if all of them yell and are violent you feel the preseare (ugh cant spell this one) to be the same unfortunately.

I'm lucky since I've never been able to feel peer pressure so when that happens I'm usually the one keeping my distance from them and looking for cops.
5,340 posts

I'm lucky since I've never been able to feel peer pressure so when that happens I'm usually the one keeping my distance from them and looking for cops.

im lucky too since i never really had friends that acted this way. i guess all of my friends are different/special/weird one way ot another.
888 posts

I was bullied when I was younger, and for me it helped to just let the bully pick on me, without reacting. But if he punches me, I hit him back. I promised my parents I wouldn't start a fight, but I sure will end it. Since I was bullied, I will not stand for it and if anyone picks on my younger sibs I make them regret it. No one messes with my family. Bullying is wrong and more needs to be done about it. Teachers tell the kids to report it, but it isn't. Mainly because the kids are scared, but it needs to be reported. Sometimes teachers don't do enough about it though and that sucks.

1,094 posts

Teachers tell the kids to report it, but it isn't. Mainly because the kids are scared, but it needs to be reported.

Reporting anything short of murder or serious vandalism to a teacher is idiotic. You're hardly helping yourself, more people will dislike you for telling on whatever. I remember growing up, there was a kid in class, weak little thing. Everyone liked him the first month of school, then he started telling on stupid little things. A teacher loses chalk, he just snaps in a millisecond and points a finger to the "thief". Same would be with complaining about bullying. Let's take a class of 30. In that class, there's 1 bully, and 1 being bullied. The 28 other students have been bullied, but pay hardly any attention to bullies, so they don't really care. The one that is affected by bullying more than everyone else tells on the bully. Everyone dislikes him because he told on something everyone else has been through already.
3,371 posts

Reporting anything short of murder or serious vandalism to a teacher is idiotic. You're hardly helping yourself, more people will dislike you for telling on whatever.

I have to say that I agree. At least where I come from, you need to be able to handle the situation you're in on your own. For some odd reason getting a teaching involved in problems between students only gets the students mad at you. THe reason kids are scared to report bullying is because they know they be rejected for it (unless they're young small girls, beacuse seriously, nobody ignores that).
888 posts

I have to say that I agree. At least where I come from, you need to be able to handle the situation you're in on your own. For some odd reason getting a teaching involved in problems between students only gets the students mad at you.

True. Thank you for that insight.
58 posts

Yesterday my friend got expelled for spitting in a bullies eye and now he keeps sending me messages and they sound like he's going to kill himself. What should me, the host of this forum, do?

38 posts

Bullying is unnecessary for those who can't stand up for themselves and fight like a man, rather they would just go and tell someone there feelings are hurt instead of sticking up for themselves and beating some arse. Violence is always an option

5,340 posts

Yesterday my friend got expelled for spitting in a bullies eye and now he keeps sending me messages and they sound like he's going to kill himself. What should me, the host of this forum, do?

tell him to do something usefull like play video games? why is he upset anyway? thats a pretty good reason for spitting in someones eye so im sure his parents arent angry either. i really cant understand what his problem is.
1,094 posts

Yesterday my friend got expelled for spitting in a bullies eye and now he keeps sending me messages and they sound like he's going to kill himself.

In which country do you go to school in? Because a spit in the eye is most certainly not a reason to be expelled. Everyone needs a little violence in their lives, otherwise it's pretty darn boring if you ask me. Tell him it's good he stood up for himself, but also tell him it's pathetic that he's sad for being expelled.
3,371 posts

Yesterday my friend got expelled for spitting in a bullies eye and now he keeps sending me messages and they sound like he's going to kill himself. What should me, the host of this forum, do?

I don't understand why he got expelled, but he is away from the bully. And there are plenty of schools out there. Theres no reason to be that upset.
58 posts

I don't understand why he got expelled, but he is away from the bully. And there are plenty of schools out there. Theres no reason to be that upset.

We go to one of the best middle schools in New York, yes it is good to get away from the bully but it's going to be hard to find another good school around where we live, but he does have a reason to be this upset, plus our principul sucks,.
Bullying is unnecessary for those who can't stand up for themselves and fight like a man, rather they would just go and tell someone there feelings are hurt instead of sticking up for themselves and beating some arse. Violence is always an option

No it's not, i don't know what's going through your head, but violence should never be an option, when i say Speak Up, i mean to an adult to try and stop bulling, not speak up to a bully and yourself punched in the face, so no violence.
100 posts

The kid probably gets abused at home or any number of things and bullies people so he can " feel like he has some control ". Don't just jump to conclusions when you haven't taken what could be going on at this persons house.

28 posts

I hear that some bullies get abused at home and end up taking out their anger on other kids.

Showing 211-225 of 491