
491 146680
58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
5,552 posts

You don't fight bullying, you walk away and speak up to a freaken parent or teacher!

That's one way, and it doesn't always work. It can make things much worse actually.
1,826 posts

You don't fight bullying, you walk away and speak up to a freaken parent or teacher! i've said this a million times. Your way of bullying is f&$#@d up.

Kasic answered you better than me.
That's one way, and it doesn't always work. It can make things much worse actually.
1,773 posts

You so need to speak. that right, but not as a solution. But as help.
Parents can help you, if in support like driving you to school instead taking the buss and if by helping you with tips and if in Mental Help.

But the dirty job is by you.

You propebly wont be able to stop the bully. he will keep doing it until he will grow up. That how it mostly work. You cant try to stand up {risky}, talk to a teacher {risky}, do nothing {risky}. but what you mostly need to do is or ot buff up so you wont be a victim anymore {if by gettign stronger/more aggresive, by 'joining' a large group or finding a 'rivate' place to hang out in school time}, or by just live it. its not taking too long. and when you finish school, its only long lost memories, i can tell you.

Punisher is taking the aggresive way. show the bully you got guts. if you are able too, it might woek. it might end badly. you need to see your situation, and make a desicion. How "tough" this bully is? does he got a 'gang' or he is a single wolf? Does he have a word of honor or he his a "gangsta" who will stab you in the back/will he revenge? will you be able to "survive" more of this bulling or you cant handle it anymore? can you handle him alone {no friends}? will your friends support you? will your school support you?

ask yourself these questions, and then find out if you need to take some action or you propebly need to leave it. A punch on the neck is better then a pocket knife in the belly right?

5,552 posts

The problem with running to parents/teachers about a bully is two-fold.

1) If the bully learns that you have done so, escalation of bullying or violence may increase. Threats, new grounds to bully on and more intense times away from supervision are likely.

2) You can't always run to a parent/teacher/boss to fix your problems. Say a co-worker simply lightly makes fun of you. Are you going to look foolish and whine to your boss, "He makes fun of me in the bathroom." or simply learn to ignore it or deal with it yourself?

Talking to teachers/parents can be helpful in learning what to do and for having support, but there's only three ways that bullying ever stops. Either the bully gets bored, scared, or is no longer in contact with the victim.

116 posts

Where I live there isn't bullying..

The last I can think of anyone being bullied would probably have been when I was in grade 7... After that I think there were just groups. They didn't interact much let alone pick on each other. (although some people are part of a bunch of groups)...

So, yeah I don't much believe in it that much anymore

13 posts

I think that bullying is used to loosely now a days. Everything is bullying in the eyes of the teachers. I never saw someone take someones lunch money, or anything like that before. I think that, for the most part, we can handly ourselves.

9,808 posts

So, yeah I don't much believe in it that much anymore

Bullying isn't something you can choose to believe in or not...whether you like it or not bullying is out there all over the world

Also...where do you live that there is no bullying?!
116 posts

Also...where do you live that there is no bullying?!

Small town...

Bullying isn't something you can choose to believe in or not

It is, and I literally am saying I don't. Everything is considered bullying, people are becoming too sensitive.
5,552 posts

It is, and I literally am saying I don't.

You can choose not to believe in its existence, but you're a fool to do so.

Everything is considered bullying, people are becoming too sensitive.

While I agree that there's a degree of oversensitivity, it still exists. Just because the boy cried wolf doesn't change the fact he got eaten in the end, even if no one believed him.
1,773 posts

Oh belive me, there is bullies. The fact no one bullied you dosent mean that it dont happen.
Its like saying that a stab in the belly dosent hurt, because you didnt felt anything when a man got stabed,or they are jsut over sensative.

I dont want to go back to a time when i got bullied,i preaty much forgot it {or dont want to remmember it}. But peoples does get bullied. Sometimes hard.

Im just so curios, wher are you from, the place wher there are no bullies?
Im from a small town as well, but we got bullies here.

and back to our topic - Talking is always a good idea. it dosent need to be "X did Y to me!". but just asking for help and tips. people close to you, from parents and brothers/sisters to teachers and friends, it alwas good to share it. They know the situation better then we do, they mostly know the bully better. But the 'dirty work' is up to you.

I recomanned - survive. Dont 'lay down with the legs up and show the belly' like a scared dog to a alpha one. always stant proud. Dont be affraid. that what i learnt. When they 'call you', hear what they have to say. I once even hang out with them for entire break, talked and gave a tip to one dude who got in trouble. since then they 'changed' there attitued to me. I dont want to sound Arrogant, but do that as long as you can &quotlay cool". If you are nervues, goofy or dont have tact, dont try this. you might just becaome even larger goof. and stay away from the 'Idiots', the one who do it to impress there friends and that are truely evil, who enjoy bullieng.

I can spilt them to 2 groups -

The wolves - these just want to feel strong, alphas. This is just who they are, how they were rised. there cultur. In Israel, they are mostly the 'arses', and if ill be "racist", even that its true, they are mostly mizrahi's, from morroco and the rest of north africa, from Iraq adn persia and from yemmen. afcours they are not directly from there, but the son of a son of a immigrant, or even more "son of a son", but yet there is a base of eastern cultur. There are not mizrahi arses too, but they are 'ashkenazi's' {europe origins} who want to hang out with them and 'be cool' {they are even worst, as they come from "good families" and dont have the treat of 'honor' {well the arses version of honor, which is mostly malformed} and need to impress even more}.
these bullies do it to 'show there rank' to the other. and also because hey are not very willing to mature {as they are stick to there small group, not willing to listen to authurity or knowledge}. They do it 'as a joke', they dont understand that they hurt other peoples. for them, they socialise with you.
At the 10 grade, two of them had a fight. then they realise that its not like the 4th grade. one of them got realy injured, broke a leg and the nose. I think that then they realise that they are not kid anymore in that asspect. That a slap to the neck is no longer just a weak slap.

The other kind are the sadist peoples. They dont have to be in a group, but might be. They just like to turtor peoples, in some kind of god syndrome, see how they can make people missreble. They are the ones who will destroy things that belong to everyone, like bathrooms, just to feel that they can do something in there life. They will throw a egg on a teacher to feel the power.
and they are the one who will find victims. the ones who will rob other peoples. who will even **** or beat up in older ages. they just dont have limits.

In Israel, its mostly the russians, who got attracted to thet cultur of arses as well, but with more focus on the brutality asspect. they are the worst kind, as they are very violante, and, [racism again] drink. the russians arses come from Not functioning families mostly. But It not only them. its the kids who got from "bad families". somethims they get bitten at home, by parents or brothers. Or just poor families, and the seed of jealos is the basis.
Sometimes they are just 'dumb'. these kids who do what they want because they want it. They want to belive they are criminals, that they are dangeruse. they mostly dont hang up with other peoples, or go to the edges of the "wannabe gangmembers". They are the crazy ones, who will stab you for standing up. this contol is all waht they have, and they dont want to lose it.
from them you need to just go away. find a way to not interact with them, or interact as less as possible. asking to move to another class in some cases.

I didnt intened to be racist. All abouve are just examples of ill even say stereotipes of these "class". but waht can i do, its because cultural diffrunces and historical events that shape these culturs to be more "welcoming" to such acting. ill love to explane more to anyone who want to know, PM me.

So for you, just find wher your bully stand - does he do it "without knowledge"? does he think he just mess out with you, just &quotlay"? look how he act with his friends. he might not consider you as a friend, but he try to be social, as he find some interest in you. sometimes he even try to say "im protecting you" by taunting and do other little things. I saw it happen {im not proud of t} when i went to a camp of my youth organization back at the 9th grade. a dude from another region, a american who just came for the camp, was arrogant over me, i wont say bully but he always act nasty on me, with "who care about you" when i talked and stuff. so one day, when he got realy nasty on my, by a chanse these i tagged as 'bullies' from my hometown saw it, and asked me if he bother me. I regrate it up anteal today, but i said yes, and while from no wher 15 dudes just almost lynched him, he told me that tehy were looking for him befor the 'lynch', because "he stole of of the 'gang' seat in the kiosk, and when they ask him to move out he cursed them and told them to **** off". to my credit will said that i stoped them {after he got waht he deserved} and helped him to stand up and walk to the nurse tent.

If you read this, i forget your name, im sorry.

but anyway, that showed me that the first kind are not intend to be bullies. they just act like your a hommie. like you are a low rank at ther gang.
and after i got to know some of them more in diffrunte places, i "upgrated" my rank, so i didnt got bully, like some of my friends. That and the fact i got a cool nickname that everyone knew. teacher called me with that nickname. people dont knew my real name but the nickname goddammet.

The OTHER kind, in another case, you need to avoid as i said. i just moved to anotehr math class, and tried to avoid him. after a while, he just didnt 'remmebered' me, he didnt saw me as a victim, as i wasnt there to be bullied. and about the crazy kids, well, they just walked to behind the gym to smoke, so it was easy avoiding them. You just dont need to get near them or make them angry.

This is my life exeprince. Im hope it will help to whoever need it.

116 posts

The fact no one bullied you dosent mean that it dont happen.

Not just me, nobody that I know in this town or surrounding areas.

I did read your long post, but some of it was kinda bunched together and hard to understand.
Anyways, I'm not saying people don't get "bullied", it's just I don't see it as everyone else does. Maybe because I haven't experienced it OR even seen it happen (other than in corny tv commercials or tv shows) but I still don't think its as common as everyone here is making it seem. The way it's talked about it's like every person out there is bullied constantly which is just ridiculous.

When someone says one thing to you, you aren't a victim of bullying, bullying is harassment and not just someone calling you a named every once and a while. Blown out of proportion.
5,552 posts

Not just me, nobody that I know in this town or surrounding areas.

Because you've spoken to everyone, and everyone is going to tell a random stranger all their problems.

but I still don't think its as common as everyone here is making it seem. The way it's talked about it's like every person out there is bullied constantly which is just ridiculous.

This is due to the media exposure it gets. We hear about dozens of cases of bullying...which seems like a lot. Except, there's 300 million people in the USA. While only the really serious ones that usually ended in a suicide or very bad situation get to that point, there are lesser forms that go on everyday at the majority of schools.
1,773 posts

Sure its not everyone. We just tip the one who does. My bully didnt jsut told me "I dont liek your shirt". It was a thing that keep happaning for 2 years, daily arresments. Personal taunting, cursing. this kind of stuff. And im a sensetive dude. That why he picked me in the first place.
I didnt wanted to go ther, but 582, you just made me...

So yea, maybe for you a curse is just normal. but for me it dosent. I get offended when someone keep cursing me, taunt on me, even doing a little pushes and little slaps on the neck.
Maybe you call it "Over sensetive", maybe "weakness". but it was bullieng. and if you dont see it its mostly because you are blind to it. SO your close group of friends are not the 'victims'. have you ever talked to the "nerds" or the "freaks"? to the lonely kid in the corner? I guese no. Did you ever considered what seems to seen as two kids guffing around as a bulling? when one of them seems less 'active'? I guese no.

So i grow up, got more friends, and then it happend less and less. So at my final years i didnt got bullied anymore. and you are right, it dosent look like there are bullies. you dont see peopels get bullied like in american cartoons. But i ca ntell you, when ever i see somene pick up on another kid, i stop it. I got twice for fights, adn many times to a little pushing with little bullies. mostly the victim dont even say thank you, because they just try to ignore it and forget it. So they dont talk. Mostly because this is who they are.

So dont go out with such statment please. Its like saying there is no rapes because you didnt saw any rapist or any victim. So did i. But there is ****, am i right? The only diffrunte is that a **** is more serius, while a bulling is something that, just like ****, noone want to talk about, but on bulling you dont go to jail. you dont even get banned from society. sometiems even the other way.

116 posts

Because you've spoken to everyone, and everyone is going to tell a random stranger all their problems.

Noone in this town is a "random stranger" and yes I have talked to everyone within 5 years of my own age.

SO your close group of friends are not the 'victims'. have you ever talked to the "nerds" or the "freaks"?

Referring to what I said before... And the closest classification of the "nerds" or "freaks" in my school I have spoken with many times.

but on bulling you dont go to jail.

Why would you? Even in cases of actual bullying it's not really a huge offense unless you are literally at the point of physically harming them or harassing them so bad that they can't live (and I don't mean to call someone names, I mean literally HARASS them). And yeah, you admit you are sensitive and I know it's hard to change that, but you even admit it went away at an older age. Young kids call each other names, it's what they do. They don't know how to do anything else, It is not bullying.
5,552 posts

Noone in this town is a "random stranger" and yes I have talked to everyone within 5 years of my own age.

Well, you live in a very small town then. Just know that your town is not the norm then.

Even in cases of actual bullying it's not really a huge offense unless you are literally at the point of physically harming them or harassing them so bad that they can't live (and I don't mean to call someone names, I mean literally HARASS them)

Actual bullying IS more than just name calling. Name calling is one, very small part of it that does not on its own mean bullying.
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