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58 posts

What do You think about bulling? i get bullied myself and it's not fun Plz reply what you think about it because it cause suicide,people bring knives and guns to school, and it just hurts them. What do you think? Don't be scared to stand up, Speak Up!

  • 491 Replies
6,800 posts

"It all started when he hit me back."

Provocation mitigates any warrent of self-defense.

9,439 posts

How? would he have charged at me?

I meant in the context of the "word fight" you would've lost badly.

I don't thiink your justice system will be this blind that it will punish me for defending my self.

Yes it would.

What part of he charged me and nearly chocked me to death. After wards I remained wary of him, I knew he would repeat, and one day, he did, You don't understand?

Doesn't matter. Even if you fully reported it the first time, fighting back is not allowed. He might get in slightly more trouble, but you're still screwed.
1,826 posts

"It all started when he hit me back."

Provocation mitigates any warrent of self-defense.

Did I write the above sentence somewhere?
1,826 posts

Doesn't matter. Even if you fully reported it the first time, fighting back is not allowed. He might get in slightly more trouble, but you're still screwed.

So according to you head in its arse system, I was supposed to take the beating?
That really is a stupid system if you can not even defend yourself.
(Some generic bad words)
6,800 posts

Did I write the above sentence somewhere?

If you had, I would have c/p'd it and hit that blue "Quote" button.

So if I didn't do that...
2,520 posts

I meant in the context of the "word fight" you would've lost badly.

If he was really being a jerk, then I don't see why Punisher should have pulled any punches. One of the least popular people at my high school had a dead dad, and don't think people used that against him. It's harsh, yes, but someone should recognize their own weaknesses before attacking others.

Yes it would.

I don't see where. There are people who kill others and get off pretty scott free; John Grisham books aside. If someone where to attack me, and I defended myself, and there were people to testify for me, whether it be in a school or work or other public area, I am not at fault. If that weren't the case then George Zimmerman would be in prison right now.

fighting back is not allowed.

That's an odd statement. Are you referring to a certain situation or setting? Or just in general? You said it like you were saying, "What comes up must come down."
9,439 posts

So according to you head in its arse system, I was supposed to take the beating?

Leave, tell them to stop, yell for help, and if that all fails, then defend yourself by doing the least amount of damage to the aggressor as possible. Even then, there would likely still be consequences.

That really is a stupid system if you can not even defend yourself.


but someone should recognize their own weaknesses before attacking others.

I didn't mean that he'd lash out in anger or take offense to the statement, but that (assuming the "nasty thing" he said was sexual) punisher would've backed himself into the awkward corner of necrophilia with no way out.

If someone where to attack me, and I defended myself, and there were people to testify for me, whether it be in a school or work or other public area, I am not at fault.

Yes, the evidence would have to agree with you, and you'd most likely need some witnesses.

If that weren't the case then George Zimmerman would be in prison right now.

In that case, evidence showed that one party was badly beaten while the other seemed to have virtually no physical damage (other than the bullet wound), meaning the fighting part was almost completely one-sided. It's much more difficult, near impossible, to claim self-defense when you break the aggressor's tooth and make them bleed.

Are you referring to a certain situation or setting?

School, where bullying tends to happen. Being involved in a fight where you make the other guy bleed, even in defense, usually leads to your suspension, expulsion, and/or arrest unless there's cameras and/or adult witnesses to back you up. Otherwise both parties are usually considered equally guilty. "He attacked me first!" "Proof or you were looking for a fight."
2,520 posts

punisher would've backed himself into the awkward corner of necrophilia with no way out.

It becomes a sort of matter of opinion at this point but I doubt many people would take it like that. It's just a common figure of speech.

It's much more difficult, near impossible, to claim self-defense when you break the aggressor's tooth and make them bleed.

How is that any different? The concept of self-defense doesn't just change depending on the physical wounds inflicted. If I were to apply that, then George Zimmerman would be in some serious trouble, because a gunshot is a lot more heinous than a chipped tooth or blood.

Being involved in a fight where you make the other guy bleed, even in defense, usually leads to your suspension, expulsion, and/or arrest

Seems like a pretty broad statement to me. On one hand, I'm not sure how often something like this would happen at a school with no witnesses, and on the other there's really no telling how one administration or another would react to a situation like this. Like you said, there'd be an investigation, and the bully's background, as well as previous accounts could work in your favor. Not to mention that this isn't very pertinent considering Punisher's example happened in broad daylight.
1,826 posts

School, where bullying tends to happen. Being involved in a fight where you make the other guy bleed, even in defense, usually leads to your suspension, expulsion, and/or arrest unless there's cameras and/or adult witnesses to back you up. Otherwise both parties are usually considered equally guilty. "He attacked me first!" "Proof or you were looking for a fight."

That is not the case here I know from personal experience.
I once tossed a guy in a wall and kicked him a few times after repeatedly telling him to back off and that I don't want a fight.
All my life, I only fought a few offensive fights, rest has always been defensive, inflicting enough pain to make other party quit, some oppenents are presistent than others, some would just not quit, al though usually crowd will contain the situation(even as kids we had enough sense that fights are bad unless in some certain matters)
as a last resort I would go all out (as I went in the 2nd story, he only gaveup when he knew resistance is futile, imagine an enraged 130 kg beast and you'll have the idea)
I didn't mean that he'd lash out in anger or take offense to the statement, but that (assuming the "nasty thing" he said was sexual) punisher would've backed himself into the awkward corner of necrophilia with no way out.

That is a weird way of thinking, firrst of all he would not have said anything about his mother's death and even if he would have, I would have apologised for that insult and still I would have came out as a better man.
In that case, evidence showed that one party was badly beaten while the other seemed to have virtually no physical damage (other than the bullet wound), meaning the fighting part was almost completely one-sided. It's much more difficult, near impossible, to claim self-defense when you break the aggressor's tooth and make them bleed.

No offense but with all the stories I have heared of your schools, I think your system is stupid in principle and practice.(although my country no one follows the principles).
5,552 posts

Punisher, you have to resort to violence because you beget it by resorting to it. It's a cycle, which more than one person can contribute to.

1,826 posts

Punisher, you have to resort to violence because you beget it by resorting to it. It's a cycle, which more than one person can contribute to.

Simpler words would be nice
5,552 posts

Simpler words would be nice

Fighting doesn't solve anything. All you do is perpetuate a culture of violence by advocating beating up anyone who so much as offends you. While I will never say you do not have the right to defend yourself, I'm certain from your attitude that more effort on your part could have gone into avoiding conflict.
1,826 posts

Fighting doesn't solve anything. All you do is perpetuate a culture of violence by advocating beating up anyone who so much as offends you. While I will never say you do not have the right to defend yourself, I'm certain from your attitude that more effort on your part could have gone into avoiding conflict.

You adovcate peace at any cost.
While I do try to avoid violence and to some extent I fear it as I may do something in the heat of the moment which I might regret later but I do have some boundaries which I never let anyone cross biggest of them is if you get physical with me.
My reaction will never be for vengeance, but rather for containment, a mere punishment so those acts of aggression shall never be commited again.
If I am certain that an agressor will not repeat his actions, i will not retaliate but if you punch and then be proud of it and brag to do it again, I'll smash you in a wall aand trample over you whenyou eil come next time.
Luckily such situations seldom arise, most of the times even most serious conflicts are solved by dialogue.
9,439 posts

a mere punishment

It's not yours to give over here.

but if you punch and then be proud of it and brag to do it again, I'll smash you in a wall

Pretty sure that's vengeance. You're taking it a step beyond your immediate defense and using additional blows to make a point.
1,826 posts

Pretty sure that's vengeance. You're taking it a step beyond your immediate defense and using additional blows to make a point.

I am putting an end to it. Remember I still am defending myself.
It's not yours to give over here.

That was a bloody expression read the sentence again
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