ForumsWEPRSchool Uniforms

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I hate wearing these. My school enforced them this year and they are terrible. According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression. Whaddya think?

  • 124 Replies
6,400 posts

I have never been in a school with uniforms so I have never experienced what it would be like there. What could possibly be the point in forcing kids to wear certain clothing??

72 posts

Uniforms changed nothing at my school. People just made fun of you more because your pants are too long or too short. Uniforms are expensive too, and it's better just to enforce dress code than to have uniforms.

889 posts

Almost every school over here as a uniform, even most of the private schools.

I got to an all male school and the uniform is pretty strict:
You're not allowed to wear shoes other than black shoes, any jacket that isn't the school jacket, you must have your jumper on at all times; even though there is a school shirt.
Not allowed have any piercings, if you hair is long, you must tie it up.
And; you're not allowed to wear retainers.

173 posts

I am in a school that required uniforms... I do not know what you guys are complaining about, clothing is clothing all that you're arguing about is typically because you want to wear certain logos, big whoop there is no difference, but if you have not realised uniforms helps stop discrimination over how you look, how much your clothing is worth... It does not mean that I like it or not just something to look at and think about

889 posts

clothing is clothing

Different materials of clothing, though.
I personally find my school uniform itchy and uncomfortable.

uniforms helps stop discrimination over how you look, how much your clothing is worth.

This in my opinion; is the only plus of wearing uniforms.
26 posts

i dont go to a uniform in middle school 7th grade...but i can still say uniform is bland because i went to a uniform elementary school.

173 posts

Different materials of clothing, though.
I personally find my school uniform itchy and uncomfortable.

Well you are an unlucky one then, most uniforms are fine.

This in my opinion; is the only plus of wearing uniforms.

I agree with that.

i dont go to a uniform in middle school 7th grade...but i can still say uniform is bland because i went to a uniform elementary school.

A uniform elementary school!! WOW thats terrible lol, normally happens in High School,

So if there is no uniform in a school it can down 3 ways basically;
1. You do not get discriminated or no one cares
2. You do get discriminated (no fun at all)
3. Sometimes you do get discriminated and sometimes you do not (
you have to deal with that one
889 posts

Well you are an unlucky one then, most uniforms are fine.

Yay for personal discomfort.

A uniform elementary school!! WOW thats terrible lol, normally happens in High School,

All schools have uniforms over here, even some preschools.
173 posts

Yay for personal discomfort.

LoL if you care so much then the schools do not disallow you to wear a thin comfortable shirt underneath the uniform, there are ways around everything.
Also it is a mere 6 hours of sitting down unless your in hands on courses, Well consider this how would you like it if you wore a shirt and someone came up and judged you about that, I do not think that anyone would want that, so wearing a uniform would help to sop that discrimination.

I am here just stating some points of why it is good, I could name a thousand irrelevant or merely useless points that means nothing about why it is bad, but I will not because there are no really good points in my opinion unless you can show/prove myself otherwise.

So I honestly do not care about school uniforms just showing the ups
1,773 posts

School uniforms are a good thing. its not like without them you will start puting costums to "show your personality". That how it seems from your crying. "without school uniform, ill go to school with HALO armor so everyone will know what i feel". Cut that crap. most of you will just take the first shirt they grab.

There are 2 main reason fro school uniforms:

1) economic - its much cheaper to buy school uniform then regular cloths. So there is no barrier between richer and poorer kids, only there pesonality matter. Also, it help the parents.

2) Order - it might sound stuiped, but its much easier to see someone who is not belong when everyone else are with uniform. sure, he can get a discuise and wear the uniform to enter, but mostly it dosent happen. It give you some pride, even if you dont recognise it yet.

I know its very 'in' right now to be a hipster, wear whatever you want to "Show your feelings/personality/style", but its a Educational framework, not the mall. If you want peopel to see the wonderfull combination of your shirt and your pants, go to a club. The school is meant for other things.

173 posts

1) economic - its much cheaper to buy school uniform then regular cloths. So there is no barrier between richer and poorer kids, only there pesonality matter. Also, it help the parents.

Sorry but that does not work for every school, my school clothing costs a lot more than my normal everyday wear. So yes you are right in some areas but not all.

Here is another reason for uniforms, uniforms show your school pride

I know its very 'in' right now to be a hipster, wear whatever you want to "Show your feelings/personality/style", but its a Educational framework, not the mall. If you want peopel to see the wonderfull combination of your shirt and your pants, go to a club. The school is meant for other things

I love that whole paragraph
20 posts

Perfect excuse for an unscheduled break. Get everybody to not wear their uniforms, and I mean everybody. They can't suspend you all, and you will eventually force them to remove the rule. If anyone objects, ostracize them from society as a whole.

So EnterOrion hows your swag working out for you? Nah your probably on welfare at 19 (or however old you are) and will be for the rest of your life. And if your not yet old enough to work (if you would) you have to wear a uniform at McDonalds, and any other fast food joint that you may be able to work at. I am hard pressed to think of one company that allows you to wear what you want to. There are some that does but they have to fit into a "sit" look so in a way its still a uniform.

There are 2 main reason fro school uniforms:

1) economic - its much cheaper to buy school uniform then regular cloths. So there is no barrier between richer and poorer kids, only there pesonality matter. Also, it help the parents

Depends on what the uniform is. I didn't go to a uniformed school but the school the next town over did and **** $100+ for a uniform plus they said we had to have 4 diffidence ones. One for the beginning of school, one for mid November- January. One for February-March. And one for the end of school.

I see both sides really. One side i see once you start to work you will have to wear a uniform unless you have welfare swag. But the other i don't think you should in school have a strict policy.

But going by what some people wear these days. I think a uniform is a good way to go but it be cheap. I.e cost no more then $60 (still alot back in my childhood days we could barely afford 1 new pair of blue jeans) and have 2-3 varieties that could be wore.

[quote]I know its very 'in' right now to be a hipster, wear whatever you want to "Show your feelings/personality/style", but its a Educational framework, not the mall. If you want peopel to see the wonderfull combination of your shirt and your pants, go to a club. The school is meant for other things

This love it.
173 posts

1) economic - its much cheaper to buy school uniform then regular cloths. So there is no barrier between richer and poorer kids, only there pesonality matter. Also, it help the parents.

As I said earlier it depends which school as you stated but I love how you said that there is no barrier

What I realised a couple days ago a kid thought it would be 'cool' to wear uniform jeans but not the t-shirt. He was the only kid in school who did that... He was told to put on his uniform, didn't have it with him, so he was asked to walk home and get it so he did it. What a waste of time when he could have learned something. After that day he did not do that again LOL
889 posts

Our uniform prices:

Jumper - .â¬40
Shirt - â¬2.50
Pants - â¬10
Shoes - â¬30 upwards.
Varies on brand/what type of shoes you have. Mine cost â¬75.

173 posts

your uniform prices are like 6* less than me, shoes are not uniform doesn't matter

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