ForumsWEPRSchool Uniforms

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1,795 posts

I hate wearing these. My school enforced them this year and they are terrible. According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression. Whaddya think?

  • 124 Replies
5,552 posts

I hate wearing these.

That's nice.

My school enforced them this year and they are terrible.

Terrible that you have to wear them, or that they're designed terribly? Or both?

According to the 1st ammendment to the American Bill of Rights, this goes against our freedom of speech and expression.

*facepalm* No, they don't.

Whaddya think?

I can see both sides to the argument.

School uniforms ensure that the students will not be bullied based on clothing choice/lack of fashion or whatever, as well as eliminate inappropriate clothing choices and will allow students to (presumably) focus more on school than the socialization aspect.

However, it's nice to be able to choose your own look and feel, and to express yourself. If certain types of clothing are more preferable, you can wear them if you wish.
4,220 posts

You're a minor. You don't have rights.


As for uniforms, I wouldn't wear them even if they attempted to enforce it. I cannot stand them, and will never support them. It is my right as a human being to wear what I so please, and any attempt to change the status quo to such a disdainful and unamerican practice would be a violation of my moral standard.

In non-fancy wording, I'd tell them to go **** themselves. You should do the same.

1,795 posts

lol tried that, got me suspended

4,220 posts

lol tried that, got me suspended

Perfect excuse for an unscheduled break. Get everybody to not wear their uniforms, and I mean everybody. They can't suspend you all, and you will eventually force them to remove the rule. If anyone objects, ostracize them from society as a whole.
3,592 posts

Well personally it depends how your school's uniform looks like, and I love my schools uniform we have a white uniform and a black one.
But I wonder how school uniforms work in a public school due to the reason I attend a private school.
Well you can always ask for a day when students have the option to wear normal clothing or the uniform but most of it is due to preference.

207 posts

I have to wear polos at my school,there terrible.I play soccer and the sweat on the back of the collar feels like a sticky rag.

But on the first day of highschool (when I get there) I'm gonna get everyone to wear all blue or red.It'll be so funny because red and blue is not allowed there.

3,386 posts

I honestly don't mind uniforms. I've been wearing them all my life, I don't see a problem with them. Sure I'd rather go in my jeans and tee, but I don't mind wearing comfy khakis and a button down shirt. My school has relatively nice uniforms.

It's not inflicting your first amendment... *headdesk*

But since it's public education, they pretty much get to tell you whatever and you can't do anything about it.

1,826 posts

From 1 to 5 our uniform was khaki pants and white shirt w/ tie
then it changed to black pants and white shirt without tie

5,340 posts

meh i never cared for school uniforms. they werent teribble either (we just had a shirt with the symbol of our school). i did notice that pretty much those who were against it were just against it because its cool to be a rebel. after a few weeks no one cared and even noticed.

besides, what are you going to do when you have to work? many places expect you to wear uniforms. when you are a part of an organization/grou/whatever you have to wear a uniform weather you like it or not. i do think that people make a big deal out of clothes and pay to much attention to that.

personally, i dont like uniforms either. but thats just because i dont want people to see me as the uniform. i dont like military uniforms because i dont want to be just another soldier and things like that.

during work, i dont have uniforms but thats because of a mistake they did and im not complaining. i dont even wear my name tag as long as i know i wont see the boss. if i have to though its not that big of a deal anyway. our school uniforms werent horibble and people wouldnt just consider you as just one of those students because you pretty much wear it in school only and the only people there are wearing that too and those who dont see you as a student even if your not wearing those clothes so those didnt matter. actually i found myself wearing that shirt even when not in school because i didnt care.

3,085 posts

Eh, cheer up, I had to wear uniforms for all of my compulsory school life - it wasn't THAT bad and it's better than messing up your own clothes when you're messing around with friends or doing something that could stain your clothes in class.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

If you're in the army, you're not going to tell the sergeant you refuse to wear the uniform are you? You go to a pubic school, you comply by the rules. I've been doing it for more than a decade, and I don't care. I'm in school all day, not at a club to socialise when appearances really matter.

13,817 posts

I'm required to wear school uniform. Most schools in New Zealand are. I approve because my uniform is quite fine, and it saves me from the fuss of having to care about what clothes to choose. I go to school to learn, not to parade around like a moron.


Of course, people who really love their civil liberties will demonize school uniforms. Constitution, constitution, constitution.

As expressed by others in this thread, school uniforms have their pros and their cons. But really, why throw a huge fit over them? They're just uniforms. Are they worth the trouble?

(Say yes and I'll give you a cookie)

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Of course, people who really love their civil liberties will demonize school uniforms. Constitution, constitution, constitution.

If that's the case, anything can be construed as violating my freedom. I can't spray graffiti? Heck, that's infringing on my right to expression! Revolt!

But really, why throw a huge fit over them? They're just uniforms. Are they worth the trouble?

Some people are too vain.
13,817 posts

If that's the case, anything can be construed as violating my freedom.

Anarchy for the win. Kidding.

I agree with you, Nicho.

And for anyone with silly ideas: I actually have no problem with wearing casual to school, and I would love to if I had a better wardrobe. However the way this thread has been opened disappoints me. Playing the constitution card without elaborating. I don't mind you resort to your constitution but please, elaborate.

Oh, and spell "amendment" properly before you open a thread on the WEPR. I usually avoid this board for a reason.
226 posts

My school uniforms are nice I like them

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