ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 3: The New Chapter

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1,373 posts

Hello everyone. This is Spore again. I tried to revive a dead forum game called Create a Planet 2, about 2 months ago. This time I have a real reason why it failed EXACTLY one day after my revival post... The next day when I was walking to school, I slipped on the ice, fell down onto my back, I had my schoolbag on, so my spine has bent and I broke a vertebra, the TH12 to be exact. So, I was not allowed to sit for 2 moths, so I was thinking. I realized that I am no longer suitable to run this forum game series, so I shall now hand it over to someone else. This is MY last try to bring this series back to life. Anyone can sign up, and I will test you how well you can find stuff on the internet. The winner of this contest will be the new heir of this series.

And, I will start now, with the first test/challenge!
The first 5 people who sign up, will be in the contest. No one else. This should test the degree of activity on AG, and their interest in the game. Lets get started!


  • 396 Replies
372 posts

now that I've sufficiently made a fool of myself I thank the cold and move in.
On a similar note we send the order not to engage in combat with the cold unless with sufficient provocation or if the cold attacks.
Land mines are placed around the perimeter with manual triggers and guards are posted around. A single queen is to take the said place while the others remain underground until sufficient area is available.

1,255 posts

ill capture sparta completely ... than i orgenize more forces in the the serpentia area !!!... more and more and more ... ill do operation to !! named : hearth of enemy . ill select 20 of my best nano suit soldiers in the whole countery ill train them for 3 months with very very very hard trainings ...than ill gather them 20 nano suit v.2.2 these nano suits are highly dangoures (only 50 of these are available) the suit is completlely automatic !! the user will learn instantly some stuff when he or she wears it !!(if some 20 year old guy wears it without knowing any marshal arts and fighting skills he will learn instantly !!!!) the suit gives the ability to the soldiers who wear it to have the abilities that the normal nano suit has but !!! each ability is 10x more affective !!! and their IQ will raise to 195 !! but it will be like this till they are in the suit !! their muscles will grow 2 times bigger !!! and ... (many many more things)(the suits are prototypes so they can only wear it maximum time of 7 days each 3 month !!) when they are ready and they wear these suits ill get the two best helicopters that are available and than ill transport them to old serpentia ... their mission is to : 1-assassinate the king of old serpentia 2- destroy the enemy mother base 3-kill the enemy generals (best generals) than when they are finished they will come back to base and we will put them into a 1 week coma till they are good and better from the pressure that the suit made them ...

372 posts

I really should get a name for my species. Any suggestions?

1,373 posts

the queen is sentient. It's the only one with high intelligence all other members of the colony only obey its queen and have fanatic loyalty to it or if the queen died the queen that takes over, they have basic intelligence enough to recognize weakpoints and formulate it's own attack strategies but in terms of intelligence little more than a wolf in individual intel. The queen is relied on for all decision making and its incredibly intelligent. All members are connected on a basic telepathic level just enough to realize if they are under attack, the queen communicates with its colony using a series of underground vibrations that are amplified by special bio units living in the tunnels and the message is sent. This works both ways. If its okay (and if it doesn't imbalance this) each strike force has a leader that has the collective intelligence of the group and is capable of making small scale decisions such as choosing the importance of the mission and whether or not to retreat if faced with overwhelming force. It will however obey the queen despite its own thoughts.

Two things I forgot to mention each colony is large as queens have amazing ability to increase forces through eggs and queens are made once or twice a year by each queen so I'll leave the starting amount in your hands.

As for position its known for its high adaptability and capable of mutating to suit it's environment so it can pretty much live anywhere also since it was living underground until now it can either keep doing that (but that may require two maps which might be a bit too much) or it can pop up and take the places by surprise and take control of a place that way. The species does prefer humidity by the way but as I said it can live anywhere. So maybe south/southeast asia? or if not maybe africa?

one question though what happened to south america?

Thanks for the extra info on your species. I guess Africa would be a better alternative, because the Golems would not be so fond of you moving in. Although, do you want to take control of the surface, or just bstay underground, to prevent hostilities? Also, what do you want to call the species? And to answer your question, South America has been frozen, because the Transantarctic stream, the cold stream that keeps Antarctica frozen, has started flowing around South America mostly freezing it and turning it into tundra.

(Posting while I still can)
I continue the advance towards The Goop and The Brotherhood, I stop the ice bridge for awhile. I start trying to destroy the Hive, then if I destroyed it I withdraw my forces and let the new creatures live their,
but if they are evil like The Golems and The Goop, I quickly eliminate them.

Okay, you start your attack on Australia, and the Shadow advances aswell.

now that I've sufficiently made a fool of myself I thank the cold and move in.
On a similar note we send the order not to engage in combat with the cold unless with sufficient provocation or if the cold attacks.
Land mines are placed around the perimeter with manual triggers and guards are posted around. A single queen is to take the said place while the others remain underground until sufficient area is available.

I guess that answers my first question from your first post :P

ill capture sparta completely ... than i orgenize more forces in the the serpentia area !!!... more and more and more ... ill do operation to !! named : hearth of enemy . ill select 20 of my best nano suit soldiers in the whole countery ill train them for 3 months with very very very hard trainings ...than ill gather them 20 nano suit v.2.2 these nano suits are highly dangoures (only 50 of these are available) the suit is completlely automatic !! the user will learn instantly some stuff when he or she wears it !!(if some 20 year old guy wears it without knowing any marshal arts and fighting skills he will learn instantly !!!!) the suit gives the ability to the soldiers who wear it to have the abilities that the normal nano suit has but !!! each ability is 10x more affective !!! and their IQ will raise to 195 !! but it will be like this till they are in the suit !! their muscles will grow 2 times bigger !!! and ... (many many more things)(the suits are prototypes so they can only wear it maximum time of 7 days each 3 month !!) when they are ready and they wear these suits ill get the two best helicopters that are available and than ill transport them to old serpentia ... their mission is to : 1-assassinate the king of old serpentia 2- destroy the enemy mother base 3-kill the enemy generals (best generals) than when they are finished they will come back to base and we will put them into a 1 week coma till they are good and better from the pressure that the suit made them ...

The suits may be teeny, tiny, isty-bitsy little bit overpowered... But screw it, you are superior to them anyway. your special agents succeed assasinating the Serpent king and some generals, weakening their morale immensely. They dont have a "mother base", since they dont live in hives or something like that, they are a civilization.

I ignored the posts pretty much irrelevant for the game, but I read them all, dont worry

As usually, not much special stuff has happened.
372 posts

We try to push out with a quarter of our army from our position being careful to only attack the golem's territory, Queens come up as space becomes available and we try to expand in a circular method to keep the least amount of area in contact with hostile territory. Guards are increased. And as for the living space we use both underground and overground. The underground is mostly breeding grounds and sleeping chambers for its security while overground is where the forces are assembled and diplomatic or plain old discussion between queens take place.

1,023 posts

I have found a planet that contains mysterious minerals that we could possibly use as a weapon so we are sending 50 Shadows and 50 Cold People. Half of them are men and half are women. Anyway I send my forces with almost indestructible shields towards the ice bridge and The Shadows will also attack as flying animals, I continue the advance towards The Hive. The people leaving for the other planet will return in 50 years after we liberties this planet. Hehehe I have something special planned 25 years after this peace is settled Mwahahahahahahahaha. Anyway use your imagination or settle for lame ones like mine!

694 posts

i make a race
they are called charizards
they are orenge with blue wings
looks like a dragon
they can fly
they are a sapient race
they can breathe fire
they have a hive mind

1,373 posts

We try to push out with a quarter of our army from our position being careful to only attack the golem's territory, Queens come up as space becomes available and we try to expand in a circular method to keep the least amount of area in contact with hostile territory. Guards are increased. And as for the living space we use both underground and overground. The underground is mostly breeding grounds and sleeping chambers for its security while overground is where the forces are assembled and diplomatic or plain old discussion between queens take place.

You attack the Golem foothold in Asia, pushing them out and providing support for the Hollarazors! Once you secure the area, what is your next move?

I have found a planet that contains mysterious minerals that we could possibly use as a weapon so we are sending 50 Shadows and 50 Cold People. Half of them are men and half are women. Anyway I send my forces with almost indestructible shields towards the ice bridge and The Shadows will also attack as flying animals, I continue the advance towards The Hive. The people leaving for the other planet will return in 50 years after we liberties this planet. Hehehe I have something special planned 25 years after this peace is settled Mwahahahahahahahaha. Anyway use your imagination or settle for lame ones like mine

I am starting to have bad feelings about your intentions... Okay, go settle your planet, but it may be a future target for a DtP-like round, if necessary... Anyways, the Cold attacks the Citadel in full strength while the Shadows provide air support! The brotherhood diverts most of its troops to their base, losing some of their lands. The campaign against the Golems is going well too! Soon the hive will be destroyed!

i make a race
they are called charizards
they are orenge with blue wings
looks like a dragon
they can fly
they are a sapient race
they can breathe fire
they have a hive mind

Okay then... But Im afraid that there is not much space left for them to settle. And the hives are becoming a cliché again.... But okay, you can have a hive-minded species aswell.

It SEEMS like the battle is at last turning into the favour of the "good guys"!
1,023 posts

The Cold continues to attack The Citadel at full force, The Shadows also provide naval support. I also call on The Third Persian Empire for help, flanking The Brotherhood from all sides. I try to put some effort to The Hive but most of my armies are fighting in The Battle of The Citadel. Hey Spore, 25 years after The Fall of Hostilities can you make The Cold and The Shadowlands NPC if there is no player that wants to take them? Can you also make The Shadowlands and The Cold settle in their homelands not anymore in any part of the world. I can't wait for my special surprise! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You know we could make a book about this...

694 posts

my race is called charizards
i have them
atack the golems
if posible i have them put the golem hive ruler thing in my mother brain

372 posts

I dig tunnels under golem territory and detonate biochemical weapons in the tunnel leading to a tunnel collapse and the spreading of the chemical to the surface. The said substance is made to destroy life and disable machines using small bacteria. I make sure my species are resistant to the weapon and send them in. I send heavy air support as well and try to connect my three regions. I call up 2 queens from the underground to coordinate the three regions. I start work on attempting to make an explosive attack for ground artillery. We ask for a truce with the Hollarazor Union and possibly an alliance.

372 posts

oh and sorry bout this warriorcats but in an attempt to make it realistic my race is inherently hostile to charizards due to their higher physical threat(they're dragons that makes it hard to forget that their powerful physically)

1,255 posts

its time !!! to capture the old serpentia completely !!! than its time to attack hollarazors !! yes !! they were great friends and great allies they helped us to revolve but ... they became selfish leaders and thirsty of our blood !! they attacked lots of us in the dark times !! in the walls ... its time defeat them too ... after that i am gonna attack some little places than send some of my men to planet parsona !!(something new i found LOL) just want to sattle some men there so if something attacked us in this planet so we get ready to send all our resources and ... there !! you know ! second plan is always needed !!

694 posts

i have the charizards go to lones race and ask them for a truce

1,373 posts

The Brotherhood... They have launched ICBMs, they nuked major strategic locations in the world! Their targets were: Perseopolis, the Persian capital; Makkah, the Hollarazor capital; a vulnerable spot in the Ice bridge; Muskww, the Rassun capital; and lst, but not least, a major militiary camp in the North American shadowlands. This has caused chaos, making countries declare independence and rebels to rise up! Those countries are Andia and Chenan. Serpent rebels took back a lot of their lost lands aswell!

The Cold continues to attack The Citadel at full force, The Shadows also provide naval support. I also call on The Third Persian Empire for help, flanking The Brotherhood from all sides. I try to put some effort to The Hive but most of my armies are fighting in The Battle of The Citadel. Hey Spore, 25 years after The Fall of Hostilities can you make The Cold and The Shadowlands NPC if there is no player that wants to take them? Can you also make The Shadowlands and The Cold settle in their homelands not anymore in any part of the world. I can't wait for my special surprise! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You know we could make a book about this...

Sadly, that is not possible, because the bridge got destroyed... But the Shadows attack them from the sea, meeting some success. I dont thing amorboy has noticed your request at all so... Yeah. Yes, sure, if you want to abandon them for something else, I will control them myself. Im no AI Or do you want them to leave the planet entirely?

my race is called charizards
i have them
atack the golems
if posible i have them put the golem hive ruler thing in my mother brain

Okay, they attack them. But the Golems have the mother brain in their main hive, not you.

I dig tunnels under golem territory and detonate biochemical weapons in the tunnel leading to a tunnel collapse and the spreading of the chemical to the surface. The said substance is made to destroy life and disable machines using small bacteria. I make sure my species are resistant to the weapon and send them in. I send heavy air support as well and try to connect my three regions. I call up 2 queens from the underground to coordinate the three regions. I start work on attempting to make an explosive attack for ground artillery. We ask for a truce with the Hollarazor Union and possibly an alliance.

oh and sorry bout this warriorcats but in an attempt to make it realistic my race is inherently hostile to charizards due to their higher physical threat(they're dragons that makes it hard to forget that their powerful physically)

You advance through the golem lands, securing continental Asia and capturing Sumatra with your new weapons. (Just FYI, the Golems are living things, not machines, they are felsh golems ) You start developing biological artillery individuals from your species. The Hollarazors have withdrawn from the region, but Chenan accepts the alliance. Island battles? In Indonesia and Malaysia? Yaay! Reminds me of WW2 tho...

its time !!! to capture the old serpentia completely !!! than its time to attack hollarazors !! yes !! they were great friends and great allies they helped us to revolve but ... they became selfish leaders and thirsty of our blood !! they attacked lots of us in the dark times !! in the walls ... its time defeat them too ... after that i am gonna attack some little places than send some of my men to planet parsona !!(something new i found LOL) just want to sattle some men there so if something attacked us in this planet so we get ready to send all our resources and ... there !! you know ! second plan is always needed !!

Sadly, the serpents revolted and your empire is suffering instability, due to the nuking of your capital. The Hollarazors lost their eastern territories, they are suffering aswell. You colonize that planet of yours... I dont think you are in the shape for another war right now though.

i have the charizards go to lones race and ask them for a truce

If he doesnt accept, there is nothing I can do abut it.
Showing 46-60 of 396