ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 3: The New Chapter

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1,373 posts

Hello everyone. This is Spore again. I tried to revive a dead forum game called Create a Planet 2, about 2 months ago. This time I have a real reason why it failed EXACTLY one day after my revival post... The next day when I was walking to school, I slipped on the ice, fell down onto my back, I had my schoolbag on, so my spine has bent and I broke a vertebra, the TH12 to be exact. So, I was not allowed to sit for 2 moths, so I was thinking. I realized that I am no longer suitable to run this forum game series, so I shall now hand it over to someone else. This is MY last try to bring this series back to life. Anyone can sign up, and I will test you how well you can find stuff on the internet. The winner of this contest will be the new heir of this series.

And, I will start now, with the first test/challenge!
The first 5 people who sign up, will be in the contest. No one else. This should test the degree of activity on AG, and their interest in the game. Lets get started!


  • 396 Replies
1,255 posts

come on !!! it is always this hard !! i rise than kaboom !! a astroid ! human warfare machines !! golem hives !!! i dunno world war 3!!!!they always hit me !!! i am so insane of this !! i gather all the nuclar bombs i got and attack the brotherhood !! ill hit them with all and all of my bombs than ill make a anti bombs air defence something similiar in the europe now ... so we wont get hit by bombs !!!! than i fall back with all of our forces in persia (in our own territorry) ill cancel the attacks and praper to defend my self !!!!!!

694 posts

do u want to be on my team

1,023 posts

I send some reinforcements to The Shadowlands and The Third Persian Empire. We also try to destroy any Brotherhood nuclear war plants in they way. We also target The Serpents that are rebelling, send some dragon riders to The Capital of The Third Persian Empire to guard it. I also send empty soldier carriers (the one mentioned as "stars" in my first story) to The Capital trying to cause some damage. I also attack with my new frozen hover crafts when I attacked The Brotherhood I also stole some stuff. I also send reinforcements to the bombed Shadow Military Base

372 posts

I agree to the truce but my species are a bit tense around the dragons. They have adopted the shoot only if attacked policy on charizards. I...need to look at the map a page before this to make sure I dont attack something else than the golems... Okay so I push towards the islands staying back from australia for now. Movement is mostly through underground tunnels but with more caution under the assumption that the golems might have started to try and find ways to defend themselves against a tunnel attack. Air forces are flying around for recon and trying to wreck havoc from a safe distance. They are under orders that the first priority is keeping themselves alive. If the assault on indonesia is successful. Start research on naval units and artillery units are placed on New Zealand. after that using High altitude flyers I drop explosive chemicals and biotoxins everywhere around the hive. Golem Hive mind extraction for study is a very high priority and if required units are ordered to retreat if they cannot attack without harming the brain.
Naval units are to encircle Australia and prevent incoming and outgoing ships.
Findings are shared with warriorcats and we attempt to replicate it but only this time it is meant mainly to store and retrieve intelligence so that the queens can share their intelligence easily. It should not be used until it is determined safe to all queens and that no remaining golem hive mind is in there. The golem hivemind is kept in cyrogenics and under heavy guard with triggers that are placed that read a chemical in the brain that is created when the unit is controlled by anything other than a queen. it is also triggered if the trigger is removed.

694 posts

i atack the brotherhood of noob

372 posts

oh and start research and production on emp fields and anti air defenses. I dont know a biological method of stopping a nuke but we start research on that too. Assuming that is successful I start production on it as well

694 posts

i have the charizards hive mind be put in me
i comand them to after atacking tbn
the brotherhood of noob
i have them ask lone if i can have some of lones species land for my race

372 posts

we agree to support the charizards using underground tunnels but refuse to the hive mind deeming it too likely that the golem hive mind might be able to take control of the charizards and unwilling to let a potential ally take the danger (this is all under the assumption that I managed to take the hive mind so if spore says otherwise...yea) at any case we will allow the charizards to take the hive mind but until we manage to finish testing on the prototype hive mind made to store information we try heavily to sway the charizards from its chosen idea of inducting the hive mind until proper precautions are in place.
More on the term of underground attack. Half of the army is diverted to that and two queens are sent to coordinate the attack and gain a foothold in brotherhood territory. Air units are transported through the use of cocoons and retrieved after an area is secure to help ground forces. We give the charizards an antitode for the biochemical weapons we plan on unleashing. The rest of the forces work on securing australia and other gained territory from the golems.

1,255 posts

hey guys thanks for all the support !!! thanks for sending me some defense ! after i deal with the revolts ill send some big forces to the brotherhood i hate them !!!

372 posts

take your time, I intend to take quite a chunk of them. My race is going to get much stronger if the hive mind becomes possible and I intend to have a few footholds around the world. plus I don't like nukes.

1,023 posts

Hey Spore! What's made of Darkfiridium, Martian Dust and AK Fluid? I made a mistake it was actually TWO surprises. Oh wait what if I found a precious and powerful energy source that destroyed the Milky Way and almost destroyed Andremona? Will that make a THIRD surprise? Ooh what if a ship from the ancient Kyorigans really landed on Earth, what of the runes it beholds? Does that count as a FOURTH surprise?! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

No, The Cold won't be the cause of all this not even The Shadows. This race or faction is not even on this Earth yet.

Are you all ready for the surprises?!

1,373 posts

come on !!! it is always this hard !! i rise than kaboom !! a astroid ! human warfare machines !! golem hives !!! i dunno world war 3!!!!they always hit me !!! i am so insane of this !! i gather all the nuclar bombs i got and attack the brotherhood !! ill hit them with all and all of my bombs than ill make a anti bombs air defence something similiar in the europe now ... so we wont get hit by bombs !!!! than i fall back with all of our forces in persia (in our own territorry) ill cancel the attacks and praper to defend my self !!!!!!

Well, sorry bro, but it cant be all straight fprward You got all that suppert from the others, so its not that bad. On the longrun, that gained them only some time, their end is inevitable. Or is it?... JAYKAYJAYKAY

do u want to be on my team

warriorcats, I am sorry but I will have to BAN you from my games. Why? You necroed TWO of my old games, DtP4 and CaP2 to be exact. Seems like you are not familiar with the rules of AG. You DONT post on old threads, and I have no idea why you even did that, when you mknew that I was not hosting those anyway.... Im sorry, your species has been terminated from the game and your posts will from now on be ignored.

I send some reinforcements to The Shadowlands and The Third Persian Empire. We also try to destroy any Brotherhood nuclear war plants in they way. We also target The Serpents that are rebelling, send some dragon riders to The Capital of The Third Persian Empire to guard it. I also send empty soldier carriers (the one mentioned as "stars" in my first story) to The Capital trying to cause some damage. I also attack with my new frozen hover crafts when I attacked The Brotherhood I also stole some stuff. I also send reinforcements to the bombed Shadow Military Base

Nice from you to support the others. Why would you destroy them if you could possibly use them yourself?

I agree to the truce but my species are a bit tense around the dragons. They have adopted the shoot only if attacked policy on charizards. I...need to look at the map a page before this to make sure I dont attack something else than the golems... Okay so I push towards the islands staying back from australia for now. Movement is mostly through underground tunnels but with more caution under the assumption that the golems might have started to try and find ways to defend themselves against a tunnel attack. Air forces are flying around for recon and trying to wreck havoc from a safe distance. They are under orders that the first priority is keeping themselves alive. If the assault on indonesia is successful. Start research on naval units and artillery units are placed on New Zealand. after that using High altitude flyers I drop explosive chemicals and biotoxins everywhere around the hive. Golem Hive mind extraction for study is a very high priority and if required units are ordered to retreat if they cannot attack without harming the brain.
Naval units are to encircle Australia and prevent incoming and outgoing ships.
Findings are shared with warriorcats and we attempt to replicate it but only this time it is meant mainly to store and retrieve intelligence so that the queens can share their intelligence easily. It should not be used until it is determined safe to all queens and that no remaining golem hive mind is in there. The golem hivemind is kept in cyrogenics and under heavy guard with triggers that are placed that read a chemical in the brain that is created when the unit is controlled by anything other than a queen. it is also triggered if the trigger is removed.

You push into Indonesia, capturing Java and western Borneo. You do realize that artillery cant shoot into the distance of like 500km, from NZ to Australia, right? Ypu dont have to do a research on the golems, it is no secret that all golems are just fleshy puppets with their strings being pulled by the mother brain, in the main hive. The golems have no brain to contain.

Hey Spore! What's made of Darkfiridium, Martian Dust and AK Fluid? I made a mistake it was actually TWO surprises. Oh wait what if I found a precious and powerful energy source that destroyed the Milky Way and almost destroyed Andremona? Will that make a THIRD surprise? Ooh what if a ship from the ancient Kyorigans really landed on Earth, what of the runes it beholds? Does that count as a FOURTH surprise?! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

No, The Cold won't be the cause of all this not even The Shadows. This race or faction is not even on this Earth yet.

Are you all ready for the surprises?!

You fool. YOU FOOL. Wait, so you read the binary coded guide on how to create you know what? And by that energy source, you mean the last boss round thing? You should know what I mean... And the Kalgyrian ship is on the other Earth, the destroyed one, not on this one... Ph screw it, I lost track of it already. Okay so lets say it is on thsi "version" of Earth... I warn you. The cycles were meant to be stopped. Or were they? Maybe its your destiny to start them again... Who knows.

The brotherhood is advancing on some fronts, falling back on others, etc. Nothing special basically.
694 posts

hey im sorry ok i didint see that rule

1,023 posts

The Shadows attack The Brotherhood in USA, The Cold will flank them from the back. I also try to capture the nuclear war plants and ready the missiles. I also send some more Shadow and The Cold reinforcements to Persia.

-The Cold Space Station-
/The Cold Scientist/
We are now seeing a large meteorite that might hit Earth, though this asteroid has a large needle like nose, we will report back when we see more.

372 posts

yea I'm attempting to take control of the mother brain and study it. I failed to take Australia I pull back all forces and attempt a jumpstart on static defenses. Attempting creation of satellites for recon. We start research on a super strain unit for us. It's slow but really strong also it isn't as numerous in number as the rest of our species. Underground tunnels are dug to connect all our positions together. We continue pushing towards Australia. Air units are using hit and run manuevers behind enemy lines

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